
Trustee Code of Conduct
I agree that as a UCLU trustee I will uphold the democratic principles, political policies and
organisational values of UCLU.
I will ensure that everything I do in my role of trustee will stand the test of scrutiny by our Members,
UCL, the public, the media, charity regulators, stakeholders, funders, Parliament and the courts.
Integrity and Honesty
I will behave with integrity and honesty at all times.
UCLU strives to maintain transparency in all that it does. I agree to participate in this culture so that
the confidence of the Members, UCL, the public, stakeholders, staff, charity regulators and
Parliament is maintained.
Equal Opportunities
UCLU is an equal opportunities employer. I will commit to not discriminate against any person on the
grounds of colour, race, ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, marital
status, caring or parental responsibilities, or beliefs on matters such as religion and politics. As a
UCLU trustee I have a personal responsibility for helping UCLU to ensure that equal opportunity
principles are applied.
Additionally, I agree to the following points:
Law, mission, policies
I will not break the law, go against charity regulations or act in disregard of UCLU political or
operational policies in any respect of my role of trustee.
I will ensure that UCLU ‘Supports, Serves and Empowers’ UCL Students.
Conflicts of Interest
I will adhere to the UCLU Statement on Conflicts of Interest.
I will strive to establish respectful and constructive relationships with everyone I meet within
my role as trustee.
I will not speak as a trustee of UCLU to the media or in a public forum without the prior
knowledge and approval of the appropriate UCLU full time officer.
When I am speaking as a trustee of UCLU, my comments will reflect current UCLU policy
even when these do not agree with my personal views.
When speaking as a private citizen I will strive to uphold the reputation of the organisation
and those who work in it.
I will respect organisational, board and individual confidentiality.
I will take an active interest in UCLU’s public image and the portrayal of UCLU and its
interests in the media.
Personal Gain
I will not personally gain materially or financially from my role as trustee, except where
permitted by the UCLU Constitution, or will I permit others to do so as a result of my actions
or negligence.
I will document expenses and seek reimbursement according to procedure.
I will not accept gifts or hospitality without prior consent of the UCLU Trustee Board.
I will use UCLU resources responsibly, when authorised, in accordance with procedure.
In Board Meeting
I will attend and fully engage with UCLU Trustee Board meetings wherever possible and
appropriately prepare for such meetings. I will scrutinise board papers, question effectively
and provide advice and guidance on new initiatives and/or any other issues in which I have
special expertise.
I will honour the authority of the Chair and respect his or her role as meeting leader.
I will maintain confidentiality about what goes on in the boardroom unless authorised by the
Chair or board to speak of it.
Enhancing governance
I will participate in induction, training and development activities for trustees.
I will continually seek ways to improve board governance practice.
I will support my fellow trustees in their efforts to improve his/her leadership skills.
I will support the General Manager in his/her executive role and, with my fellow board
members, seek development opportunities for him/her.
Leaving the Board
I understand that substantial breach of any part of this code may result in my removal from
the Trustee Board.
Should I resign from the Trustee Board I will inform the Chair in advance in writing, stating
my reasons for resigning. Additionally, I will participate in an exit interview.