MUSI 1262 - Hill College

Hill College
112 Lamar Drive
Hillsboro, TX 76645
Course Prefix and Number
Course Title
MUSI 1262
Hill College is committed to the principal of equal opportunity in education and
employment. The college does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of
age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or veteran status in the
administration of its educational programs, activities, or employment policies.
Catalog Description:
MUSI 1262
A review of the pronunciation of the English language from the singer’s standpoint
and a study of the phonetic sounds of the French language. The second semester is
a study of phonetic sounds and pronunciations of Italian and German lyric diction.
Lecture Hours__2__Lab. Hours__0__Semester Credit Hours__2__
Pre-requisites: none
Introduction and Purpose
Designed to study and acquaint the students with various diction problems in
singing and to assist them in singing in foreign language songs.
Instructional Materials
Textbook: A Handbook of Diction for Singers: Italian, German, French David Adams
Communicating and Singing in English: A Singer's Guide to English Diction
- Kathryn LaBoeff
Supplies and additional materials: Solos utilizing vocal diction problems from
practice, binder, and pencil.
Objectives: At the completion of this course the student should be able to:
1. Sing solo and choral literature using adequate diction.
2. Know IPA(international phonetic alphabet) symbols on paper and voiced.
3. Perform at the end of the semester solo songs using pure diction.
Methods of Instruction
Lecture - spoken presentation of material with handouts to facilitate learning
Discussion - time at the end for questions and clarification of subject material or
Hands on Participation - speaking words aloud, exercises on the board as a class
Practical Application - IPA transcriptions of songs, recitations, song performances
Methods of Evaluation
60% of the grade will be determined by tests and quizzes including a
comprehensive final exam in each language. Other written and listening
assignments will constitute 20%, while class participation will count for 10%, and
performances and recitations are 10%.
Letter grades for the course will be based on the following percentages:
90-100% A
Below 60% F
Class policies:
Student honesty and attendance policies as stated in the catalog and student
handbook are followed.
In accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
and the regulations published by the United States Department of Justice 28 C.F.R.
35.107(a), Hill College’s designated ADA coordinator, Melanie Betz, Director of
Academic Advising & Student Success, shall be responsible for coordinating the
College’s efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under ADA.
Students with disabilities requiring physical, classroom, or testing accommodations
should contact the Director of Academic Advising & Student Success, Melanie
Betz, at (254) 659-7651.
Course Outline
English - English Vocalic Triangle, English IPA sounds, syllabification, word and
line stress, open and closed vowels, mixed vowels, r-colored vowels, diphthongs,
triphthongs, glides, consonants.
French - French Vocalic Triangle, Word Stress, Syllabification, elision and liaison,
mixed vowels, glides, nasal vowels, mute 'e', pure vowels, enya, consonants,
vowels, exceptions.
A Handbook of Diction for Singers: Italian, German, French - David Adams
Communicating and Singing in English: A Singer's Guide to English Diction
- Kathryn LaBoeff