Argument Writing 3

Junior English: Argument Writing
DUE: This assignment is due to by 12am on Sunday night (March 2nd)
I can write a claim.
I can support my claim with specific evidence.
I can explain how evidence connects to the claim.
I can identify counterargument
1) You will choose to argue about something to your parents (it could be about curfew,
where you want to go to college, how you want a dog…anything)
2) Find a scholarly article from the internet to use as evidence for your case. (try using a
news site like the New York Times or some other reputable site. Make sure to choose an
article that defends your side of the story.
3) Write one paragraph taking a stance on this topic. Use the outline attached to this packet.
Create an argument using a minimum of two examples from the text to support your
a. ORDER OF PARAGRAPH: Claim, Evidence, Analysis Warrant, Evidence,
Analysis, Warrant, Counterclaim, Refutation, Warrant
b. Copy and paste your article at the end of your paper so I can see the original
4) Make sure you don’t forget to address your parents’ concerns (which is the
counterargument) and say why they are wrong (refutation)
5) Do not use personal pronouns (I, You , we) or contractions.
6) Use MLA format.
DIRECTIONS: Write your response to the prompt below.
Claim: Do not use personal pronouns, unless instructed otherwise.
Evidence #1: (Direct quote via quote weave, paraphrase, or summary) + Citation in MLA from a
text with context or necessary background for evidence.
Explanation of Evidence/Infer/Analysis #1: Analyze this example. What are the KEY words
from the evidence, if you provided a direct quote? What do these KEY words reveal? What else
needs to be explained about this evidence?
Warrant #1: How does evidence #1 support your claim? How does this evidence prove the
position you have taken? (Do not use the words “my claim” in the warrant).
Transition between evidence #1 and evidence #2: Refer to transition word list for more ideas.
Evidence #2: Original piece of evidence from your background knowledge (news, movies, TV,
personal anecdotes, etc.)
Explanation of Evidence/Infer/Analysis #2: Analyze this example. What are the KEY words
from the evidence, if you provided a direct quote? What do these KEY words reveal? What else
needs to be explained about this evidence?
*Counterclaim/Refutation may be placed after analysis #1and/or after analysis #2, depending
on the counterclaim*
*Counterclaim: The opposition to your claim. What is this opposition going to argue against
your claim and the evidence you have provided thus far?
*Refutation: Your response to the counterclaim. This response should be based on the evidence
and analysis you already provided in this body paragraph or new evidence and analysis. The
refutation should parallel your warrant.
Warrant #2: How does evidence #2 support your claim? How does this evidence prove the
position you have taken? (Do not use the words “my claim” in the warrant).
Concluding Sentence: Restate your claim and compare your two major pieces of evidence using
fresh language.