Unit 8: Psychological Disorders and Therapy

School District: Bremen School District 228
Department: Social Studies
Course: Honors Psychology
Unit 8: Psychological
Disorders & Therapy
Grade Level: 11/12
Topic Area: Psychological
Disorders & Therapy
Time Frame: 2 weeks
Date Created: 2006
Date Modified: 2010-11
Unit Designers: Eric Mollin, Jodie Hausken, Jim Curtin, Robert Reiser, Steve Kushner
Stage 1 – Desired Results: Begin with the end in mind by identifying what students should
know and be able to do.
Content Standard(s):
18.B Understand the roles and interactions of individuals and groups in society
Summary of the Unit:
This unit will cover various psychological disorders and the therapies used in treatment.
Enduring Understanding(s) / goal(s)
Psychological disorders exist and need to be
classified, explained, and tested.
Various psychotherapies exist around a
common core of therapeutic principles and
many therapies complement each other.
Students will understand:
how psychological disorders damage the quality
of life, varying degrees, for many people
the benefits of psychotherapy
having psychologically unhealthy behavior is
maladaptive, and it involves a loss of adequate
control over thoughts, feelings, and actions
psychological disorders have multiple causes
suicide is a relatively common cause of death,
Essential Questions:
1. Explanation: What are common
misconceptions about individuals
suffering from psychological
2. Interpretation: Why do individuals
suffering from psychological disorders
often refuse to seek out professional
3. Application: How can psychotherapy
help individuals overcome maladaptive
4. Empathy: What would it be like to
suffer from a severe psychological
disorder, such as schizophrenia?
5. Perspective: How does nature/nurture
affect the onset of psychological
6. Self-knowledge: How are my views
but it many cases it can be prevented
on psychotherapy shaped by the media
and social stigmas?
Key Words:
DSM-IV, schizophrenia, mood disorder, somatoform disorder, anxiety disorder, personality
disorder, dissociative disorder, cognitive disorder, eating disorder, substance related disorder,
sexual gender identity disorder, insanity, psychosis, delusion, hallucination, psychotherapy,
psychoanalysis, humanistic therapy, behavior therapy, operant therapy, cognitive therapy, group
therapy, electro compulsive therapy
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
Differentiate between normal and abnormal behavior
Differentiate between various psychological disorders.
Differentiate between the different types of therapies.
Students will know:
The purpose and use of the DSM-IV in psychological disorders.
The different categories of psychological disorders.
The various types of therapies used and when to use them in treating psychological disorders.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence: Establish evidence of student understanding through
Performance Tasks and other assessments.
Performance Task (GRASP):
Other Evidence:
Psychological Disorder Brochure
Reading case studies: identifying
psychological disorders
Andrea Yates debate/analysis on the insanity
defense plea
Stage 3 – Learning Plan: Create learning experiences and instruction that promote student
understanding through the WHERETO process.
Learning Activities:
What sequence of teaching and learning experiences will equip students to develop and
demonstrate the desired understandings?
W = How will you ensure that all students know where they are headed in the unit, why they are
headed there, and how they will be evaluated?
Lesson plan objectives provided.
Rubrics will be used as an assessment tool
UbD Stage 1 “Identifying Desired Results” provided for students.
UbD Stage 1 “Identifying Desired Results” will be assessed as a unit test.
H = How will you hook students at the beginning of the unit? (Unit Specific)
Put an arrow on the board with “normal” written on one side and “abnormal” written on
the other side. Students will discuss what it means to be labeled “abnormal” and how society and
the individual suffering identities maladaptive behavior
E = What events will help students experience and explore the big idea and questions in the unit?
How will you equip them with the needed skills and knowledge? (Unit Specific)
Teachers will have students read case studies of individuals suffering from psychological
Teachers will have students watch documentaries/video clips of individuals suffering
from PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders...etc.
Teachers will give students excerpts from the DSM-IV
R = How will you cause students to reflect and rethink? How will you guide them in rehearsing,
revising, and refining their work?
Students will participate in journal entries
Students will be exposed to modern therapy techniques
E = How will you help students to exhibit and self-evaluate their growing skills, knowledge, and
understanding throughout the unit? (Unit Specific)
Students will create and participate in hands on activities to reinforce concepts learned
about psychological disorders and psychotherapy.
T = How will you tailor and otherwise personalize the learning plan to optimize the engagement
and effectiveness of ALL students, without compromising the goals of the unit?
Multiple intelligence research will be utilized in creating assessments.
EPAS reading scores will assist teachers in tailoring instruction and assessment.
Students will be given a variety of assessment choices.
O = How will you organize and sequence the learning activities to optimize the engagement and
achievement of ALL students? (Unit Specific)
Students will first understand abnormal behavior
Students will then learn the causes of psychological disorders
Students will then learn psychotherapy techniques to overcome disorders