A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay on
Tuesday 7th July, 2015 at 7.00 p.m.
Present: Councillors: M. Jenkins (Chairman), D. Butler, C. Campbell, W. Hanks,
M. Howell, Mrs. H. Knight, Mrs. C. Myerson, S. Noys
Clerk: Mrs. L. Martin
Firstly 8 then 12 members of the public
Cllr. G. Duffield (District Councillor), Mr. Wren Wooster design engineer.
Also in attendance Mr. Daniel Hayman (Meeting Place Communications), Mr.
Stuart Wright (Technical Director Pye Homes), Mr. David Owens (Technical manager,
Redrow Homes)
Prior to the commencement of formal business, Mr. Daniel Hayman who had
previously worked on the public consultation exercise for the Pye Housing
development in Milton Road, provided an update on the required increase in foul water
capacity in Sutton Courtenay in order to accommodate the new developments. Since
the original planning applications for the Redrow and Pye sites, where the proposal by
Thames Water was for new parallel pipe, there had been a third planning application by
Linden Homes. Rather than put forward a separate scheme for Linden Homes a joint
approach had been agreed. Thames Water was suggesting box culverts to collect foul
water and then transfer to the pumping station. Redrow had undertaken a CCTV drain
survey and had found certain leakages and poorly maintained areas. A solution to
improve the existing network would be preferred by the developers. Once fixed,
increased capacity would, in the opinion of the developers, accommodate the additional
developments. Thames Water had identified incapacity issues within the system at the
planning application stage. The developers, however, had not been granted access to the
sewer impact study and modelling work undertaken by Thames Water. An application
to OFWAT to release this had been made. After 9 months of negotiations on trying to
find a solution acceptable to all parties no agreement had been reached. Funding for
the solution was not a problem as a buffer was held, and £50,000 had been spent to date
on research. Mr. Hayman put forward a suggestion for the Parish Council to join in
round table discussions as the local people had historical knowledge about sewerage
difficulties in Sutton Courtenay which would be useful.
Members put questions and points to Mr. Hayman, Mr. Owens and Mr. Wright.
Church Street pumping station at over capacity level and water taken away by
Inconsistency of Thames Water in denial that there was a problem (leakages,
collapsed areas) with the current system, yet the company wished to build box
culverts in order to solve the problem
Need to ensure Thames Water invest in the system
Drayton Road pumping station working every hour, 24 hours a day and
If ground water was in the sewerage system where did that leave the occupancy
of the houses if matters had not been resolved
A Planning condition, on both applications required the approved drainage
scheme to be fully implemented prior to the occupation of any new building.
Redrow who were selling properties and allowing occupation would be in
breach of the planning condition.
Redrow and Pye both confirmed that no application for a variation of the
condition had been lodged. They both admitted that by allowing occupation
prior to the implementation of a drainage scheme they were in breach of
Time lines for solutions - If no agreement could be reached on the foul water
drainage solution, then OFWAT, Ministers and the House Builders Federation
would be involved.
Concerns were raised that the proposed warehouse in Sutton Courtenay Lane,
was going to be added to the drainage system.
Thames Water’s side of things had not been heard
Members discussed the merits of round table discussions regarding drainage
capacity within Sutton Courtenay, and the connections of new housing
developments. It was agreed that the Council would send 2 representatives to a
meeting to discuss drainage within the parish, new connections to the system
and provide historical knowledge provided all parties were represented at the
meeting i.e. developers, Parish Council, Thames Water and District Council.
Mr. Wright, Mr. Hayman and Mr. Owens left the meeting.
4 members of the public joined the meeting.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting continued with formal
Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. R. Atkinson,
Ms. T. Field, D. Hignell, and also from Cllr. R Webber (County
Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest. The Chairman advised that
declarations should be made prior to debate of the agenda item should it
be later discovered that a declaration was required.
Minutes of the meeting held on 9th June, 2015
The minutes of the meeting held on 9th June were agreed and signed as a
true record of the proceedings.
Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 9th June, 2015
There had been no response from the Community Heartbeat Trust
regarding attending a meeting to present the Trust’s information. In
addition the Milton Road housing developers had requested to attend the
meeting. Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson had asked for a decision to be made
regarding the purchase of a defibrillator, but the request had been
received after the agenda had been sent out. There was no report from
the working party. This could be an item for a future agenda.
Drayton Road – build out
Council noted the breakdown in costings for the build out. This would
be discussed under County Councillor’s report.
Sutton Bridge – Cycling, Cross Trees – traffic movements
Council noted that the County Council’s principal traffic technician had
agreed to a site meeting. Cllrs. Jenkins, Hanks and Campbell offered to
represent the Council at this meeting.
Recreation Ground – unsuccessful grant application
Members had been provided with the link to District Council officers
reports and minutes of the Abingdon Area Committee which had
resolved that no grant for the recreation ground repairs be awarded to the
Parish Council.
Abingdon Road – new access of highway close to no. 6 Abingdon Road
Council noted that from research and information gathered, it appeared
that no planning consent had been granted for the new vehicular access
off Abingdon Road close to the bridge. The clerk was asked to report
this to the District Council enforcement team.
Recording of minutes
Cllr. Howell suggested that there should be in the minutes. a way of
recording an action, so that the person on whom it fell could be
identified, and it would be subsequently easier to see that an action had
been dealt with.
Members acknowledged that the clerk, as officer, undertook resolutions
from the Council. The Chairman asked for a show of hands for those
who supported not including reference to actions in the minutes
not including
The clerk advised that in the previous 2 items, no formal resolution
could be made under matter arising.
Public Participation
Milton Road
A member of the public stated that it was now on record that the housing
developers in Milton Road were in breach of the planning condition as
they had admitted to letting new properties be occupied prior to
resolving the foul water drainage from the new houses. Questions were
asked as to what the Parish Council was intending to do about the
matter. The Chairman advised that this would be debated later.
Milton Road traffic calming entry feature had not been installed.
Wantage Neighbourhood Plan
Ms. Julie Mabberley, Chairman of the Wantage Neighbourhood Plan
Steering Group gave an overview of the Wantage Neighbourhood Plan.
It had taken 18 months to date, the intention to undertake a plan had
been publicised around the town, and residents invited to submit ideas.
These had been put into groups. Those eventually voting on the draft
plan would be in the civil parish of Wantage itself, although the Plan
area covered areas outside of the town. A consultant was working with
the Neighbourhood Plan group. There was a budget of £50,000. Ms.
Mabberley offered to attend future meetings to discuss neighbourhood
planning if required.
Hobbyhorse Lane – water
It was reported that this water was receding, and the water level reduced,
although a slight spring was still coming up.
Damascus Youth Project
A representative from Damascus referred to the application to use the
recreation ground on 30th August for a family fun day. A fun day had
also been arranged for 12th July between 12- 4.00 p.m. at The Plough.
Reference was also made to a grant application to Sutton Courtenay
(National Power) Trust.
Traffic – Hanson lorries
A resident reported that she had monitored Hanson lorries for 2 -3 weeks
using the B4016 and going through Brook Street. She had contacted
Hanson’s head traffic manager who had advised that aggregate lorries
should not go through the village, but over the bridge or out of the
southern end of the site. The Chairman advised that he was aware of
certain routing agreements for some Hanson contracts.
X1 Bus Service
This service had been axed owing to lack of funding and County
Council subsidy. The Council was asked to make the public aware of
County Councillor’s report – Cllr. R. Webber
Cllr. Webber had submitted a written report which had been emailed to
members. This referred, inter alia, to the costings for the Drayton Road
traffic calming scheme. The costings seemed excessive at £46500
(£10,000 design, £13,000 build out, lighting £7500 and resurfacing
£16000). A member suggested that other contractors would be
considerably cheaper. Council considered whether using the existing
accumulated funding on items such as vehicle activated signs was
preferable. It was generally thought that these signs were less effective
as drivers became used to them, and noted that the Harwell Road build
out was successful. It was suggested that information as to the cost of
the build out in Milton Road to be constructed by Pye Homes should be
obtained. It was agreed that the Council should wait for additional
funding to ensure that the full build out/pinch points could be
constructed, and that the costs continue to be challenged.
District Councillor’s Report – Cllr. G. Duffield
Grants – Cllr. Duffield advised that grants relating to flooding were
available from the District Council, and that few applicants had come
forward. He suggested that something perhaps could be considered to
alleviate the depth of flooding at Sutton bridge.
Environment Agency – Oxford Flood Relief Scheme
Cllr. Duffield had drafted a motion to the District Council to request an
independent examination into the proposed Oxford/Abingdon remedial
flood scheme especially relating to possible flood risks downstream of
The Chairman invited Mr. Wooster, who had accompanied Cllr.
Duffield to the meeting, to speak.
Mr. Wooster outlined his concerns regarding the Oxford flood relief
scheme which would flow through the western floodplain of Oxford in
two sections between Botley Road and Redbridge and between
Kennington and Sandford on Thames. There was nothing within the
Environment Agency’s plans for Sutton Courtenay and areas
downstream. There was already water breaching the river banks at
Sutton Courtenay, and Swift ditch would rapidly discharge water
downstream. He suggested measure such as steel piling to build up
embankments would be necessary. Mr. Wooster answered questions
regarding the timeline of events and next steps.
Council agreed to write to the Environment Agency asking to be kept
informed and expressing concern regarding the impact on Sutton
Courtenay as a result of increased water flows. A request to be made to
include Sutton Courtenay in the studies and to view modelling data
particularly around Swift ditch.
Matters raised by members for information
Footpath no. 1 – Church Street to Weirs
It was reported that there was a large crater still in the footpath.
Thames Travel – X1 diversion to Appleford Road
Cllr. Mrs. Knight, as parish transport representative had contacted
Thames Travel regarding routing some buses via Appleford Road. The
commercial manager was prepared to meet later in the year to discuss
the issue.
Harwell Road am/pm traffic congestion
It was reported that there was significant traffic congestion in Harwell
Road at peak times. This would become worse should the development
at the rear of Harwell Road go ahead. It was suggested that the County
Council be asked to provide an analysis of the traffic.
Bus Service into Abingdon
Comments were made regarding the bus service into Abingdon which
missed the connecting buses. The service ran approximately 20 minutes
late. It was suggested that the timetable be revisited.
New Housing Developments – signage
It was reported that finger pointer signs indicating the way to
housing developments had been put up. These mimicked official
housing development signs had been put up, but were derogatory in
Recreation Ground - gate
It was reported that the gate at the South western corner had been
War Memorial - restoration
The War Memorial Trust had given authority for the next stage of the
work to progress. The work would recommence soon.
Police Matters
There were no matters raised.
Planning Applications
a) Decisions on previous applications
P15/V0789/LB and P15/V0788/HH Demolition of side extension
and garage Erection of new side extension and garage
Abbey Cottages
18th June, 2015
P15/V0752/A Proposed new signage
Sutton Courtenay Environmental Educational Centre
12th June, 2015
P15/V0713/HH Erection of single storey front and rear
93 Milton Road
14th May, 2015
b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting
No applications had been received
c) Planning Applications considered at the meeting
P15/S1880/O Mixed use development comprising up to 400
dwellings, 110,000 sq.m. class B2/B8 units (general
25,000 sq.m. class B1 units (offices, research laboratories, light
industry) 13,000 sq.m. class A1 (retail) 150 bed class C1
500 sq.m. class A3/A4 (pub/restaurant)
Including link road, related open space, landscaping, and
drainage infrastructure. Reservation of land for link
Land at Didcot A Power Station
For: Clowes Developments (UK) Ltd
Council discussed housing, transport implications, the lack of
traffic studies for vehicles likely to go through Sutton
Courtenay and also the fact that the warehouse in Sutton
Courtenay Lane and the consequent traffic implications, had not
been taken into account. The science bridge was an aspiration
and was dependent on other developments. Pedestrian access
required improvements, as pelican crossing impeded traffic
movements, yet crossing roundabouts without controls was
dangerous for pedestrians. A footbridge or underpass was
required, particularly for children walking to school.
Employment should be in line with Science Vale plans and any
industry should complement this. Council was supportive of
low cost housing for sale, with housing taking precedence over
industrial units or a hotel.
The Chairman called for a show of hands for those who wished
to object to the application as submitted
In favour of objecting
that the council objects to the application
as submitted for the reasons set out above.
Environmental Impact Assessment – scoping opinion regarding
segment factory and concrete batching – Hanson site
Council discussed issues relating to the scoping opinion.
that the following be requested to be
included in the scoping opinion:
traffic study, and vehicle movements, with
regard to the likely number of vehicles at
shift changeover times
assessment of noise and light
pollution particularly with regard to 24
hour operating and the loading of lorries.
fumes and other nuisances such as dust
general impact on the road system
Milton Road Housing Developments – drainage
Council discussed the presentation by Milton Road housing
developers, and the possible meeting with them, Thames Water
and the District Council. It was recognised that the developers
were in breach of their planning conditions regarding
implementing drainage strategy before any new housing was
occupied. Reference was made to timelines and delaying
occupancy of housing until the question of sewage connection
was resolved.
that the breach of planning
condition be notified to the Vale of
White Horse District Council
that the Council be represented at
a meeting with the developers,
Thames Water and Vale of White
Horse District Council to discuss
drainage / sewage issues.
Cllr. Campbell left the meeting.
Vale of White Horse District Council – Planning design guide
Council noted receipt of this document.
Local Plan – Examination
Council noted that the Secretary of State had appointed Mr. Malcolm
Rivett as the Inspector to conduct an examination into the soundness and
legal compliance of the Local Plan. The programme officer was Mr. Ian
Kemp. The initial hearings would be held between 22nd September and
1st October at The Beacon, Wantage. The initial hearings would deal
with strategic matters and would not examine individual settlements.
Council discussed that it wished to be involved in the housing site
allocation and queried the housing statistics identified in the Strategic
Market Housing Assessment.
that the Council attend the hearing and
address the Examination regarding
housing statistics if permitted by the
Recreation Ground
Cllr. Hignell had sent a report on the inspections of the play equipment.
The repair works to the rotating disc matting, and toddler slide unit and
safety surface were outstanding.
Council considered a request from the Damascus Youth Project to hold a
family fun day on the Recreation Ground.
that the contractor instructed to undertake the
repairs to the recreation ground equipment
be reminded again that the works were
that should the contractor not respond, then the
clerk in consultation with Cllr. Hanks progress the
matter of play area repairs and instruct another
(iii) that Cllr. Noys or Butler in consultation with Cllr.
Hignell undertake the play equipment inspections
on a weekly basis until the September meeting of
the Council.
that consent be granted to Damascus to hold a fun
day event on the recreation ground on 30th August
provided they consult with the Football Club and
Cricket Club that the clubs did not have events
Parish Forum 2nd July, 2015
Cllr. Noys gave a report on the Parish Forum hosted by the Vale of
White Horse District Council. The key issues included: (i) the
introduction of clothing collections as part of kerbside recycling, (ii)
housing developers would be responsible for sustainable urban drainage,
but householders could find themselves having future responsibility, as
attenuation ponds could silt up. Businesses to service attenuation ponds
were likely to develop. (iii) Abbey grounds in Abingdon would stay
open (iv) An online toolkit was being developed for neighbourhood
planning (v) Oxford had an unmet housing need, and the Vale of White
Horse area may be required to provide the additional housing
Footpaths – clearance
Council noted quotations that had been received for footpath clearance.
Cllr. Hanks would arrange a further footpath walk to check the state and
condition of the footpaths.
(i) that the clerk in consultation with the
Chairman and Cllr. Mrs Myerson select the
contractor once all quotations were available.
a) Age UK – Community Information
Online research tool to find out about opportunities for elderly and
carers. Accessed via
b) Dragonfly magazine (Wilts and Berks Canal Trust publication)
c) Vale of White Horse District Council – Community Infrastructure
Levy charging schedule – modifications
Council noted that the draft charging schedule had been submitted for
examination on 17th April 2015 accompanied by a statement of
modification. Should Council wished to be heard by the Inspector in
regard to the modification then it was required to notify the District
d) Vale of White Horse District Council – Homeless Strategy
Council noted that Homeless Strategy document was out for
consultation until 14th July.
that no comment be submitted
e) Oxfordshire County Council – Have your say on Dial a Ride and
subsidised buses.
Council noted that consultation survey was available at
Public meetings too were
being held. Cllr. Mrs. Knight was monitoring public transport issues.
f) Oxfordshire County Council – Salt Bags/Salt Bins for Winter
Council noted that salt bags and bins were available.
that these not be acquired from the County
Council noted the cheques to be signed and authorised payments
totalling £ 2705.79 in respect of administration costs, grass cutting and
bin emptying.
Items for inclusion in Sutton Courtenay News
Council suggested the following items be included: a) Attendance by
Milton Road housing developers at Council meeting to provide
information regarding drainage connection for the new dwellings.
Council aware that a breach of planning condition existed and meeting
to take place with all parties present including Thames Water and Vale
of White Horse District Council to discuss solution to effective sewer
system for the village. b) Advice that grants from the District Council
were available, including funding for flood remediation work. c) Loss of
buses during the evening and on Sundays owing to lack of County
Council subsidy d) outline plans for Didcot “A” power station site e)
Environmental Impact Assessment scoping request from Hanson
regarding concrete batching
Date of Next Meeting
It was suggested that the time meetings commenced be reviewed, and
also the structure of meetings, in view of the total length of time
meetings took. Discussion took place on facilitation for a meeting on
neighbourhood planning. A possible date was 4th August.
that the structure and timings of council
meetings be reviewed
that the meeting scheduled for September
2015 commence at 7.00 p.m.
that £500 be earmarked for facilitation
costs in regards to a meeting on
neighbourhood planning
Council agreed that the next ordinary meeting of the Council would take
place on Tuesday 1st September, 2015 at 7.00 p.m. in the village hall.
The meeting closed at 10.10 p.m.
Date …………………………