heredity reading guide

Genetics: The Science of Heredity
Page 110
1. Who was Gregor Mendel?
2. What did Mendel study?
3. What did Mendel’s studies lead to?
Pg 111
4. In a flower what does the pistil produce?
5. In a flower what does the stamen produce?
6. What is pollination?
7. Pollination must occur before____________________________________.
8. What is self pollination?
9. What is cross-pollination?
10. Purebred organism---
Pg. 112
11. What do scientists call parent plants?
12. What are offspring of the parental generation called?
13. Explain the origin (where it comes from) of the word filial.
14. What were the offspring of the first filial generation called?
15. What did Mendel observe about the F2 plants?
16. What are the factors called that control inheritance of traits?
Pg. 113 17.
What do scientists call the factors that control a trait?
18. Different forms of a gene are called?
19. One allele comes from the ___________________ and one from the
20. Complete this sentence. An organism’s traits are controlled by
21. Dominant allele---
22. Recessive allele---
Pg. 114
23. When will a recessive allele show?
24. In Mendel’s crosses all purebred tall plants in the P generation had
__________ alleles for _____________________.
25. The F1 plants each inherited and allele for _______________
and allele for _________________________ from the ____________________________
26. Hybrid---
27. Geneticists use ___________________ to represent alleles
28. How is a dominant allele represented?
29. How would you write two dominant alleles for tall stems?
30. tt would represent
31. Tt would represent
Pg. 115
32. Before Mendel’s discoveries what did people think about inherited traits?
33. What was unfortunate about Mendel’s discoveries?
34. Mendel is known as
Probability and Heredity
Page 118
35. What is probability?
36. Each time you toss a coin, what 2 ways can it land?
37. How do you write this in mathematical terms?
38. Does probability predict what will definitely occur?
39. What do we mean by “Independence of Events?
Page 120
40. What is a Punnett square?
41. Draw a Punnett square.
42. Why do geneticists use Punnett squares?