Geometry Reflection

Mateo Pelaez
Tony Kulla
End Of Course
My topic that I have learned from geometry class the most is Triangles and their
properties. A triangle has 3 sides to start off. The three angles always add up to 180 degrees.
On an equilateral triangle there are three equal angles that are always 60 degrees. Isosceles
triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles. Scalene has no sides equal
A right angle has one 90 degree angle, Obtuse angle has one more than 90 degrees and acute
triangles have all angles less than 90 degrees. You can classify triangles two different ways by
sides and by interior angles.
This has also helped me when I tried to find the hypotenuse on a right triangle with the
pythagorean theorem. In addition I also picked quadrilateral and their properties. I learned that
quad means four and lateral means sides quadrilateral is a 2 dimensional closed shape. There
is 6 different types of quads parallelogram rectangle,square,rhombus,trapezoid and kite. The
sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360°.
The properties for a parallelogram is opposite sides are equal and parallel. Also opposite
angles are equal . For a rectangle opposite sides are equal and parallel . all angles are (90)
degrees. Square has is a rectangle but all sides are equal. All angles are right angles. Rhombus
has opposite sides are equal and all sides are equal, opposite angles are equal and diagonals
bisect each other at right angle (90) degrees. Trapezoids have one pair of opposite sides is
parallel. A kite has two pairs of adjacent sides that are equal. One pair of opposite sides that are
equal. One pair of opposite sides are equal. one diagonal bisects each the other. Diagonals
intersect at right angle (90) degrees.
I feel like i could've had a more successful year but I didn't try to my fullest potential, I
goofed off but stayed on track so my grade switched off from a low grade to a high grade. Later
on I realized that I had to focus more so I could pass the class with an high grade and I finally
passed. I feel prepared but I can always use more practice so my mental math skills can be
good for future exams that might come up like the SAT.