2012 Islamic Fundamentalism Comparison Essay Grade Sheet Due

2012 Islamic Fundamentalism Comparison Essay Grade Sheet
Due on:
1.________It was turned in on the day of the unit test. IT CANNOT BE TURNED IN LATE FOR ANY POINTS!
2.________FCA One: The student followed the format and structure for an introduction and conclusion. Worth
20 Percent.
Introduction---between four to five well-developed sentences and no more than eight welldeveloped sentences, appropriate hook, provided overview of Islamic Fundamentalism, and
comparative thesis statement
Conclusion---Must be at least four to five well-developed sentences, but no more than eight
well-developed sentences, reviewed the main points, restated the comparative thesis
statement, and closed with a reference to the hook used in the introduction
3.________FCA Two: The student followed the format and structure for a body paragraph and wrote at nine
body paragraphs. Each paragraph was written in the PROOF SANDWICH format. Worth 60 Percent.
Body Paragraphs---total of NINE paragraphs
 First Similarity
 First body paragraph begins with an introduction and explanation of first similarity
and then explores how this is true of Iraq
 Second body paragraph has a transition from the similarity in Iraq to exploring the
first similarity in Iran
 Third body paragraph has a transition from the similarity in Iran to exploring the first
similarity in Afghanistan
 Second Similarity
 Fourth body paragraph begins with an introduction and explanation of the second
similarity and then explores how this is true of Iraq
 Fifth body paragraph has a transition from the second similarity in Iraq to exploring
the second similarity in Iran
 Sixth body paragraph has a transition from the second similarity in Iran to exploring
the second similarity in Afghanistan
 Third Similarity
 Seventh body paragraphs begins with an introduction and explanation of the third
similarity and then explores how this is true of Iraq
 Eighth body paragraph has a transition from the third similarity in Iraq to exploring
the third similarity in Iran
 Ninth body paragraph has a transition from the fourth similarity in Iran to exploring
the third similarity in Afghanistan
4.________FCA Three: The student’s thesis statement was appropriate and fully supported with three clear
similarities and historical evidence for each from Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. Worth 10 Percent.
5.________No Excuses: There was a SELF-EDITED ROUGH DRAFT with content and grammar comments. The
final draft was typed, spell-checked, grammar-checked, and edited for capitalization errors. Worth 10 Percent.