What are hallucinogenic drugs?
Hallucinogenic Drugs are drugs that make you hallucinate and distort the person’s perception of reality
Hallucinogenic drugs are known to be “hard drugs”
People say the walls start to breathe which really just the walls is moving in wave formation
What drugs are not hallucinogenic?
There are different types of drugs like anti-depressants, amphetamine and hallucinogenic drugs. Some
drugs that are not hallucinogenic are marijuana it is known as a psychoactive drug also meth is not it is a
stimulant drug. Heroin is a Opioid drug.
LSD is a psychoactive drug that distorts reality and it causes hallucinations. Also known as “acid”.
LSD is a non-addictive drug
It is one of the most common hallucinogenic drugs
LSD comes in a couple different forms, one form is a pill that u swallow of course, also comes in liquid
from and probably the most common form is a LSD tab which is a little piece of paper that you put on
your tongue and it dissolves in your mouth
Side Effects
When you take LSD some of these things could happen to you
dilated pupils
high body temperature
increased blood pressure
heart rate
loss of appetite
LSD Flash Back
An LSD flash back could happen to anybody that has ever taken LSD in their life. A flash back is when you
take LSD and a little amount gets stored in your spine. This left over amount of LSD could be released at
any time days, weeks and sometimes years. You will randomly just start tripping and you don’t know
why. This is because the LSD that was released goes into your blood stream and then affects your
serotonin receptors.
Magic Mushrooms
Mushrooms are commonly referred to as either mushrooms, Magic Mushrooms or Shrooms.
Mushrooms contain a substance called psilocybin. When psilocybin is ingested, it is broken down to
produce psilocin, which is responsible for the psychedelic effects. Psilocybin and psilocin create shortterm increases in tolerance of users, thus making it difficult to abuse them because the more often they
are taken within a short period of time, the weaker the resultant effects are. Psilocybin mushrooms
have not been known to cause physical or psychological dependence meaning not addictive.
Mushroom effects
Some affects you will feel while taking mushrooms or after taking mushrooms are
Dilated pupils (causes blurred vision)
Nausea and vomiting
Dry mouth
Numbness, particularly facial numbness
Exaggerated reflexes
Sweating and increased bod y temperature followed by chills and shivering
“Molly” is the street name for MDMA or Ecstasy a recreational psychoactive “Party Drug”
You ingest the drug, people take it for the feeling it gives you
Molly can be addictive
It comes in pill form
Side Effects
Sleep Disturbances
Lack of appetite
How hallucinogenic drugs affect your brain
Serotonin is a chemical created by the human body that works as a neurotransmitter. It is regarded by
some researchers as a chemical that is responsible for maintaining mood balance, and that a deficit of
serotonin leads to depression.
Molly increases the activity of at least 3 Neurotransmitters Serotonin, dopamine norepinephrine