Consideration of personal identification method on large scale

Consideration of personal identification method on large scale earthquake disaster
-Application of cone beam computed tomography-
Hirokazu Ito (1), Kaoru Kobayashi (1), Chinami Igarashi (1), Satsuki Wakae-Morita (1),
Shinji Shimoda (2)
(1) Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and Diagnosis, Tsurumi University
School of Dental Medicine, 2-1-3 Tsurumi, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-City, Japan,
(2) Department of Oral Anatomy, Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine, 2-1-3
Tsurumi, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-City, Japan
Introduction and Objective
Many dentists dealt with personal identification on the occasion of the East Japan
great earthquake disaster occurrence (March, 11, 2011). There were several reports
that dental examinations for postmortem identification inspection were difficult
because of postmortal rigidity.
So we planed a new method using reconstruction images of cone beam computed
tomography (CBCT) for identity of person and started basic examination.
Subjects were patients who had a dental examination for treatments at our hospital,
subjects received panoramic radiography.
We selected cases who had been performed CBCT subsequently as inclusion criteria,
reasons of CBCT inspection were a midline impacted tooth and decision making for
implant operation. And finally we chose 20 cases for the study. Field of view (FOV)
was middle size (φ102 mm × 102 mm), and reconstruction images were built like a
panoramic radiography by using ray-summation technique, without refer to panoramic
radiography. We examined reproducibility (kappa statistic) between 20 reconstruction
images and 20 panoramic radiographies by macroscopically, without any other
information about patients. Evaluators of five dentists, each of the diagnostic imaging
engaged in history are 35 years, 30years, 21 years, 7 years and 2 years.
Results and Discussions
Reproducibility between reconstruction image and panoramic radiography was 100%
on each evaluator (kappa statistics = 1.0).
Personal identification using CBCT could be useful for large scale earthquake