ENG 10R- Words of the Week Please study the following words

ENG 10R- Words of the Week
Please study the following words below in preparation for your year-end vocabulary quiz.
1. Discern- verb- to see clearly, to recognize
2. Correlation- noun- a relationship or connection between two or more things.
Remember, words ending in the letters “TION” are usually nouns.
3. Mundane- adjective- dull, ordinary, lacking excitement
4. Euphemism- noun- indirect or mild expression used to replace words and phrases that are considered
harsh or unpleasant
5. Sovereign- adjective- possessing supreme or ultimate power
Also – noun- a supreme ruler or monarch
6. Delineate- verb- to describe, develop, or portray something clearly
Also- to indicate the exact position of a border or boundary
7. Satire- noun- the use of irony, sarcasm, or exaggeration to make a pointed statement about life or
Also- any literary work or film that makes use of such irony, sarcasm,
or exaggeration
8. Digress- verb- to stray from the main subject temporarily in speech or in writing
9. Exemplify- verb- to show or illustrate by example; to serve as an example of
10. Ambiguous- adjective- having more than one possible meaning; not expressed clearly
11. Allegory- noun- a literary or visual work that uses symbolic figures, actions, or objects to make a
larger point about life
12. Camaraderie- noun- a feeling of friendship, trust, or goodwill among members of a group
13. Pragmatic- adjective- concentrating on practical results, logic, and facts rather than opinion and
14. Vitality- noun- the state of being physically and mentally strong; the power giving life or energy to
15. Principled- adjective- honorable; acting in accordance with morality and sound recognition of right
and wrong
16. Yuletide- noun- the Christmas season; Christmastime
adjective- of or relating to Christmas
17. Epiphany- noun- a moment of sudden and profound understanding
It also refers to the celebration of the Three Kings visiting the Baby Jesus. January 6 is known as the
Feast of the Epiphany.
18. Indifferent- adjective- having no particular interest or sympathy, unconcerned
19. Progressive- adjective- happening or developing in stages
It can also mean: favoring social reform or new ideas
20. Facetious- adjective- humorous or funny, not meant to be taken seriously
It can also mean ‘tending to joke at inappropriate times.’
21. Quandary- noun- a difficult situation or dilemma; a state of doubt or confusion
22. Iconic- adjective- widely known and recognized, especially for excellence or importance
23. Resonate- verb- to produce a loud, clear sound for an extended time
Also- to affect someone is a highly personal or emotional manner
24. Diffident- adj- modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence
25. Audacity- noun-a willingness to take bold risks
It can also mean rude or disrespectful behavior
26. Complacent- adjective- satisfied and not wishing to make a change; feeling pleased, often without a
full awareness of any potential dangers
27. Nuance- noun- a small difference in color, tone, taste, or meaning
28. Exemplar- noun- a person or thing that serves as an excellent example or model to be copied.
Some synonyms are epitome and paragon.
29. Indignant- adjective- feeling or showing anger because of something considered unjust
30. Refute- verb- to prove wrong by argument or evidence; to discredit
Debunk and Invalidate are synonyms of refute.
31. Discretion- noun- the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or
revealing private information
It can also mean the freedom to decide what to do in a particular situation
32. Parody- noun- an imitation of something, particularly literature or a film, that is designed to make
fun of it
33. Empirical- adjective- based on observation or experience rather than only theory or pure logic
34. Debacle- noun-a sudden and disastrous defeat or downfall; a fiasco
35. Compelling- adjective- overwhelming; evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully
irresistible way