Unit 5 Study Guide

Unit Five Study Guide
Check whether the resource is renewable or nonrenewable.
2. What is the difference between a renewable and a nonrenewable resource?
3. If water is not used wisely, it can become what type of resource?
4. Human activity may damage the land to the point that the land can no longer support the local ecosystems.
This describes the process of _____________________________.
5. Soil erosion can increase when humans remove trees and other vegetation from an area. This describes the
process of ______________________________.
6. When the population on a city keeps rising, a possible explanation for this could be the process of
7. Name 2 human activities that contribute to soil erosion.
8. Most people in Tommy’s neighborhood take public transportation. There is little open space and a lot of
buildings and roads. What kind or area does Tommy live in? _____________________
9. Describe 2 ways that humans affect land.
10. In some places on Earth, _______________ water is being used up faster than it can be replaced.
11. Pollutants can enter a body of water at a specific, identifiable location. What term describes this type of
pollution? ______________________________________
12. What is eutrophication?
13. What type of water pollution takes place when fertilizers and pesticides make their way into the water
14. What type of water pollution takes place when humans dump the remains of dead organisms into bodies of
15. What type of water pollution takes place when a power plant discharges warm water into a lake?
16. Define potable:
17. Why is it important to maintain water quality?
18. Describe 2 ways that humans affect water.
19. Define air pollution and give an example.
20. Which type of pollutant can form when car exhaust reacts with oxygen and other gases in the air in the
presence of sunlight? ___________________
21. What is acid rain and what is mostly responsible for acid rain?
22. What is air quality?
23. One way to determine air quality is to measure the tiny pieces of solids or liquids in the air. What is the
term for these pieces? _____________________________
24. Burning ________________________ is a major contributor to air pollution.
25. What is the difference between a natural pollutant and a human-made pollutant?
26. Describe 2 ways that humans affect air.
Protecting Earth
27. Define conservation and give an example.
28. Define environmental stewardship and give an example.
29. Write one way you can prevent each:
Water pollution
Land degradation
Air pollution