What is Science? Notes - Utah Education Network

What is Science?
Science Definitions on chart paper- (10 minutes)
Materials: Chart paper, markers
Objective: All those involved with science teaching and learning should have a
common, accurate view of the nature of science. Science is characterized by the
systematic gathering of information through various forms of direct and indirect
observations and the testing of this information by methods including, but not limited
to, experimentation.
Pose the question: “What is science?” to the class. Have them collaborate in groups
to construct a definition of what science is. Have groups share with the whole class.
Definition as defined by the Utah State Board of Education: Science: A way of
knowing. Science is a distinctive way of understanding the natural world.
Science seeks to increase our understanding through empirical evidence. As a
way of knowing, science assumes that anything that can be observed or
measured is amenable to scientific investigation. By the very nature of scientific
inquiry, there are infinite possibilities for further refinement of current knowledge and
Understanding may be derived from sources and perspectives other than science such
as historical and logical analyses, art, religion and philosophy. These sources rely
upon other ways of knowing, such as emotion and faith. While these ways of
understanding and creating meaning are important to individuals and society, they
are not amenable to scientific investigation and thus not appropriate for inclusion in
the science curriculum. Science relies nearly exclusively on observation and empirical
evidence. Since progress in the modern world is tied so closely to this way of knowing,
scientific literacy is essential for a society to be competitively engaged in a global
Science Is- Is Not Self-Assessment (5-10 minutes)
Materials: Copies of Assessment (one per person)
Objective: Reflect upon our own understanding of what science is. Justify statements.
Give out assessments. Let them fill them out. Go over answers and discuss some
key answers or answers of interest from the group.
“The Nature of Science” activity- (5-10 minutes)
Materials: Puzzle pattern printed on cardstock, laminated, cut out and placed in
ziplock bags. The square with the X on it should be kept out of the bags. There should
be enough for each person to work individually or possibly in partners.
Objective: Participants will think about the nature of science and understand the
importance of being an active participant in the learning process. Participants will
also understand that scientific knowledge is tentative and reliable all at the same time.
Hand out the bags with the puzzle pieces. Be sure the square marked X is not
included in the baggies. Each piece represents current scientific data. Once the
participants are given the pieces, no further instruction is given unless needed.
Most participants will begin to arrange the pieces on their own. In a short amount
of time, the participants will put the pieces together to make a square as seen below:
Once all of the participants have arranged the pieces to produce figure 2, hand out
the small square with X marked on it to each participant and explain that a new
scientific discovery has been made. Participants must somehow incorporate this
new information to their puzzle.
Encourage participants to work individually at first, and then, to work in groups if
the frustration level rises. There may be some degree of “cheating” and peeking at
other student’s progress. If one participant gets the correct arrangement, have that
participant cover up their answer. Hints may be given if needed.
Once most or all participants have arranged the pieces correctly, ask them to
brainstorm and share how this activity is similar to “doing” science. Some
similarities include, but are not limited to: 1) Assume that the pieces fit togethernature is a puzzle that we have not yet solved. 2) Trial and error is an essential
ingredient to science. 3) New information may require the old theory to be
modified or discarded. 4) Our current information may be incomplete and
therefore, our theories incorrect. 5) Sometimes, we get lucky and find the right
answer. 6) Collaboration may be helpful. 7) Once we arrive at the answer, it makes
perfect, elegant sense.
Also discuss that this activity would have been quite dull if I drew the pieces on the
board and they had to figure it out in their heads. The beauty of science is that ideas
and concepts that may be abstract can be tested in hands on labs and investigations.
Mystery Cube Activity- (5-10 min)
Materials: Mystery cubes (can either do one large cube and do the activity as a whole
group, or can copy small cubes and have participants do in small groups, then would
need 1 cube per group).
Place the mystery cube, covered in a cloth, in the center of the room. Have
participants stand in a circle around the cube. Ask the participants to spread out
from people who they worked with to form their definitions earlier.
Ask the group: How do scientists go about their work? How do they investigate
things? Possible answers: scientists make observations, conduct experiments, they
might follow a method, and analyze data, etc…
Tell the group we are going to conduct an investigation of our own. Tell them, in a
moment you will uncover an object that is under the cloth. They will be given one
minute to make some observations. Tell them they cannot touch this object. They
must make observations about only what they can see.
After the minute, tell them they are going to return to their definitions group. They
need to have one person record their group’s questions, observations and
What are you wondering about the cube? What questions do you have?
Each team should have one or two questions. They may include: What is on the
bottom of the cube? What is inside of the cube?
Tell them, today we are going to focus on developing an explanation of what’s on the
bottom of the cube. They need to be sure their explanations are based on evidence.
Ask the teams, “What do we mean by evidence?”
Students often think that evidence is information acquired through personal
experience or from people they know. Clarify for students that evidence refers to
observations or the results of experiments.
Ask the teams, “How do you think an explanation based on evidence is different
from other explanations?”
Students may respond that an evidence-based explanation also supplies a reason for
the explanation. Guide the discussion to bring out the idea that such a reason
(evidence) is objective and does not merely reflect a personal preference. Another
important point is that evidence provided by one source can be verified by another
source. Since this will probably not be obvious to students at this time, consider
making this point again later on.
Instruct the teams to make and share observations about the cube and develop an
answer to the question, What is on the bottom of the cube?
Student observations likely will include the following:
The cube has six sides.
The cube has five exposed sides.
The exposed sides have numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
The numbers on opposite sides add up to 7.
The even-numbered sides are shaded.
The odd-numbered sides are not shaded.
The numbers are black.
This activity allows you to assess students’ scientific reasoning skills.
Ask several student teams to share their answers to the question and to explain
their reasoning.
Use this discussion as an opportunity to make the point that an explanation is
strengthened by being supported by more than one type of observation or line of
reasoning. For example, students may reason that the number 2 is on the bottom of
the cube because that number is missing from the sequence 1, _, 3, 4, 5, 6. The
observation that the numbers on opposite sides of the cube add up to seven (1 + 6, 3
+ 4, and _ + 5 = 7) also supports the explanation that 2 is on the bottom of the cube.
Additionally, students may suggest that the bottom of the cube is shaded, since 2 is
an even number and the other even numbers, 4 and 6, are on shaded faces.
Ask students whether they are convinced that their answer is correct and to explain
why or why not. Emphasize that their answer should be consistent with all the
evidence. You could also extend the discussion by asking whether they can think of
any evidence that would contradict their answer.
Ask the teams how their investigation of the cube is similar to a scientific
Student answers will vary. Some may suggest that their investigation was scientific
because it involved making observations and reaching explanations based on
evidence. Others may point out that their investigation was not scientific because
they were not able to conduct an experiment to see what was on the bottom of the
Explain that different scientific investigations may require different approaches.
Some use laboratory experimentation, while others do not.
In some investigations, performing experiments may not be an option because it is
not possible to manipulate the phenomenon being studied. In such cases,
investigators may proceed by making observations and measurements that can
address the question. Examples of such studies are found in behavioral sciences,
where, for instance, investigators may study the influence of various factors on
behavioral choices, such as nutrition and physical activity. Other examples are found
in ecological and population studies, or in the study of disease patterns.
Conclude the activity by picking up the cubes without letting the students see the
bottom face.
If students complain that they want to see the bottom of the cube, explain that the
process of scientific inquiry often fails to provide a definite answer to a question.
The results of the investigation provide a possible explanation that is consistent
with the available evidence. The investigation may suggest additional questions
that, when answered, may lead to a better explanation.
Video Clip: Feynman’s Analogy of Science and Chess (2:50)
The Shape of Things (10-20 minutes)
Materials: Pie pans with hidden shapes under it (1 per group), a marble for each
group, a plastic ramp for each group.
It is your team’s mission to discover the shape under the pie pan, but you cannot:
Peek under the pie pan
Feel under the pie pan
Tilt the pie pan
Use the plastic ramp to roll the marble under the pie pan.
Watch what the marble does. Does it hit something and bounce back out? Does it
not hit anything? You can use these clues to discover what is hidden under the pie
Keep track of what the marble does by drawing its path on top of the pie pan.
Remember, you can’t actually see what the marble is doing, so you will have to
estimate what path it took.
If the marble looks like it hit something under the pie pan, draw what it could have
bounced off of on top of the pie pan.
Roll the marble under the pie pan many different times from many different
Form a hypothesis as to what shape is hidden under the pie pan based on the data
Prove your hypothesis by predicting the outcome of additional marble rolling
Video Clip: What We Think We Know (12:31)
Concluding Activity: Checks (5-10 min)
Materials: Envelope of copies of checks (1 envelope per group)
Give each group an envelope. Have them pull out 5 different check copies. Have
them record all of their observations from viewing the checks.
Have them pull out several more checks and add to their evidence.
****Need to finish this activity description.
Video Clip: Science and Play (15:25)