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Garcia Pedroza 1
Lucero Garcia Pedroza
Writing 01
Ms. Ayik
November 25, 2013
Ownership in a Language
Human beings have the ability to communicate with language. Language has become a
powerful tool to express what each person feels or thinks. When individuals learned a new
language is hard for them to take full ownership on a language that is not their first language.
Sometimes they do not want to let go of their first language and it makes it harder for them to
learn another language. Learning a new language and taking ownership in it will benefit them.
People should have ownership in a language because communication with others will let them
achieve their own freedom and be successful in their own
Language is often used to cultural identification. Robert D. Kings states the “in much of
because it would helped them succeed and express themselves instead of letting pother defined
the world, ethnic unity and cultural identification are routinely defined by language” (17). The
language the person speaks could identify many facts of his or her culture but it does not
completely identify. Identifying by the language a person speaks could be stereotyping, because
a person who speaks English is not an American all the time. English is a common language
throughout the world and many countries speak it. The United States is a country that is rich on
the diversity of cultures. Cultures all around the world immigrate to the United States, and
Americans are not the only ones living in this country there are many different ethnicity groups
living in the United States, which means that more languages are spoken in the country too. The
assertion of King has some truth in general in the United States. A person that speaks English in
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the United States would be considered an American. In many cases this statement would be truth
but what if that person is from England or Canada. Spanish is another common language spoken
in the United States, not all people who speak Spanish are Mexicans, since there are other
ethnicity groups that have Spanish their first language, countries like Guatemala, Argentina,
Peru, El Salvador and many Latin American countries. If many countries in Latin American
speak Spanish then many would assume that people who speak Spanish are Hispanics. In the
United States this assertion would be most likely true. Most people who live in the United States
that speak Spanish are Hispanic but not all Spanish speakers are Hispanic. Countries in Europe
that speak Spanish, like Spain, are not Hispanic but still speak Spanish. King’s assertion is true
to an extent.
The United States national language is English, even though there are many other
languages spoken in the country. The diversity of languages in the US is due to the constant
immigration from different countries into the US. Immigrants come to the US in seek of better
lives. Their lives change in completely when they arrive to the United States. It is not only a
different environment but also a different language they need to learn in order to become
successful. Taking ownership in English for immigrants is hard because they have entered a new
world and adapting to the new setting is hard. Most immigrants want to continue with the life
style they had in the native countries. They would keep speaking their native language, and there
is nothing wrong with that. They are free to keep their culture alive but now immigrant needs to
make some changes in their lives. Adapting to the life of the United States would be the main
challenge they need to overcome so they could take ownership in English. Immigrants do not
want to lose their culture and refuse to change. They need the change in their lives since now
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they are living in another country. Change would make it easier for them to take ownership on
Every person has ownership in a language. The language they use to express themselves
freely. The language they speak person has ownership in a language. The language they use to
express themselves freely. The language they speak more fluently. Taking ownership in a
language means that people speak the language in which they feel themselves and they feel free.
The language that makes them express how they feel and feel no shame in speaking it. Taking
ownership in a language means that a person can talk in the language. Being able to understand
others and communicate with others. People can take ownership in more than just one language
but there would always be one language that would make them feel more comfortable when
speaking it. Language has the power to make someone feel free. When they express themselves
talking they are taking ownership in the language and making themselves out loud.
In the United States the language most common is English but it is not the only one since
there are many ethnicity groups that speak different languages. Taking ownership in English will
not always bring success to people, although it will give them the power to be. The ownership in
English will let them be free to express themselves and no having someone, such as a translator,
to talk for them. But if a person speaks English and does nothing to become success then having
the ownership does not make them successful. Becoming a successful person depends on the
potential and the desire that person has. A person can be successful in the United States and not
speak English, there are many other languages that minorities speak and if a person takes
advantages of the opportunities he or she has to succeed, he or she will make it. The language
counts in order to succeed but what really matter is the desire people have to overcome all
challenges in their lives. Ownership in a language will give them the power to do it. \
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The United States has many ethnicity groups living together and many of them speak the
same language but it does not mean that they all share the same cultural background. People that
come from different countries sometimes speak the same language. immigrant that come to the
United States bring with them their roots and make the country a country rich in diversity of
cultures. Having all these cultures in a country is good but immigrants should also try to acquire
the language and culture of the country the United States and take ownership of it. They could
become more successful if they know the language that moves the country. All they need is the
desire to want to succeed and express themselves and not letting others do it for them.