
Group presentation outline
Chapter 11 Health
Thuy Tien Le
Kyung ah Yoh
Sarah Bruto
Igor Lutay
Chandni Sookdeo
PSY 555
Laila Andreucci
November 27, 2014
Chapter 11. Health
According to World Health Organization (WHO) health is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Alcohol, tobacco, and drugs: The truth
(I will explain about alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.)
The truth: Getting high can be fun and also mean having good time.
Using drug to change their feelings.
A drug-using society
Drug become solution for any problem.
Instant comfort via chemicals is approved.
Payoff in using alcohol, tobacco, drug
Can be direct: relaxation, self-confidence.
Not obvious: avoid rejection, mask emotional pain.
Depend on drug when face 2 perennial problems:
1 . How to cope with unpleasant moods
2 . How to deal with difficult circumstances.
They are cost.
Substance abuse leads to addiction.
Cost of substance addiction: overdose, infection,…
Lectures about why avoid alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse are pointless.
Choosing to avoid these by yourself.
Seeing the full scope of addiction
Is addiction a barrier for you right now?
Lost control
Pattern of relapse
If you do, acting on several of the following suggestion.
Admit the problem
Pay attention
Look at the costs
Take responsibility (avoid blame, shame, guilt)
Get help
Get help from a friend or family member.
(Kyung will explain about keeping sexual health.)
Sexual health
Anyone who has sex is at risk of getting a Sexually Transmitted Infection(STI)
Use condoms every time but don’t trust them.
See a doctor and check.
Tell your partner.
Get vaccinated.
Recognized the symptoms.
Avoid injecting drugs.
Protect against unwanted pregnancy
Hormonal Methods
Barrier Methods
Calendar Method
Emergency contraceptives
Where to get birth control
Warning : Withdrawer does not work.
Quiz : Name 2 common STIs in North America.
Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital warts, genital herpes, trichomoniasis, HIV/AIDS
(Next, Sarah will explain about mental health.)
Mental Health
Mental health includes many factors
The person’s skill at managing stress, their ability to build loving relationships, their capacity
to meet the demands of school and work, and their belief about their ability to succeed.
People with mental illness have thoughts, emotions, or behaviors that consistently interfere
with these areas of life.
Some things that you can do to prevent mental illness or cope with mental illness if they
happen are:
Take care of your body
Solve problems
Stay active
Share what you’re thinking/feeling
Focus on one task at a time
Manage stress
Find resources on or off campus
Emotional Pain is not a Sickness
Emotional pain has gotten a bad name, which is greatly undeserved.
Feeling bad can be good for you, and some situations call for feeling a certain way
Be open to your own feelings, it’s what makes us human
Feeling bad for too long can be a problem, otherwise it is a good idea to be open to them
Connect with people
Reassure others
Remember that pain will eventually pass
Suicide is no Solution!
Recognize the danger signs of suicide.
This can help you help you keep people you know safe. Look out for colleges or friends that:
Talk about suicide
Plan for suicide
Have a history of repeated attempts
Are dwelling on problems
Feeling depressed
If you have reason to believe that someone you know is thinking of suicide, you must take
immediate action to do whatever it takes to ensure the persons safety.
Take it seriously
Speak powerfully
Get professional help
Remove access to guns, drugs, and razors
Handle an emergency
(Next, Igor will explain about food.)
Choose your fuel.
You are what you eat. The food that you intake throughout the day will affect everything:
your mood, your health, your sleep, your weight, amount of energy you will have. The food is
the base of our everyday life and is the most important part of health.
Start with widely accepted guidelines. “Canada’s Food Guide.”
Avoid fad diets.
Limit fast foods.
Eating well with Canada’s Food guide.
Emphasize Vegetables and Fruits in your diet.
Choose grain products.
Drink lower-fat milk.
Have meat alternatives.
Drink water regularly and enjoy variety of foods.
Maintain a healthy body weight and exercise regularly.
(Finally, Chandni will explain about physical health.)
What is exercise?
It is to indicate weight loss and prevent many diseases such as heart attacks and diabetes.
7 different forms of exercises
Stay active throughout the day
Adapt to your campus environment
Do what you enjoy
Vary your routine
Get active daily
Exercise with others
Look for results
Choose to rest
The human body needs certain amount of resting periods, not enough can cause illness and
lack of focus.
Different ways of promoting sound sleep.
Exercise daily
Avoid long naps during day
Sleep in same place every night
Do tomorrow list before bed
Keep room cool
What is self-efficacy?
It is your belief in your own ability to determine the outcome out any event.
Strong self-efficacy- gives you confidence and ability to set long term goals and difficulties
as challenges.
7 ways of handling self-efficacy
Situations in which you win- small step for projects
Set goals with care-long term goals
Adapt a role model-succeeded in situation similar to yours
Change conversation about yourself- know what you say & think about yourself
Interpret stress in a new way-physical-knot in stomach and Sensation- dry mouth
Compare yourself to yourself- write discovery statements
Soak in acknowledgements of other- take compliments (say thank you)
Dave, E., Doug T., & Debra D.(2012). Becoming a master student (5th ed.)., Ne : Nelson.
World Health Organization. (1948). Official Records of the World Health Organization.
Retrieved November 23, 2014, from http://www.who.int/about/definition/en/print.html
The Raw Food Diet. Adapted from “Super Fat Weight Loss,” by Admin , 4 January 2013,
Weight Loss Diets that Work Fast. Retrieved November 12, 2014, from
http://superfastweightloss.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/healthy-raw-foods.jpg. Copyright
2014 by SuperFastWeightLoss.
Exercising. Adapted from “Fitness Sutra: Your Wellness Mantra,” by P. Chew July 15th,
2014 , Common myths on fitness and exercising ,
Retrieved November 12, 2014 , from
Copyright 2014 by Fitness Sutra.
Sleep. Adapted from “Brickell Mattress,” by Jennifer, September 3rd, 2014, Why is a Good
Night’s Sleep so Important? . Retrieved November 12, 2014, from
http://www.brickellmattress.com/mattress-blog/good-nights-sleep-important/. Copyright
2014-2015 by BrickellMattress.com.
Safety Tips. Adapted from “Safety Tips For Women,” by M. Clare, July 12th, 2012, Healthy
and Beloved. Retrieved November 12, 2014, from http://healthyandbeloved.com/?p=5026.
Copyright 2014 healthyandbeloved.
Sexual Health. Adapted from “Teen Vogue,” by J.S. Park, November 16, 2009, Health Alert:
Unsafe Sex Among Teens is on The Rise. Retrieved November 12, 2014, from
http://www.teenvogue.com/blog/teen-vogue-daily/2009/11/health-alert-dangerousliaisons.html. Copyright 2014 by Teen Vogue Condé Nast Digital.
8 Protect against unwanted pregnancy
Adapted from “Launch Your Genius,” by Harish, April 1st, 2014, Self-Efficacy, The Excuses
Connection? Retrieved November 12, 2014, from
http://launchyourgenius.com/2014/04/01/self-efficacy-excuses-connection/. Copyright 2014
by Launchyourgenius.
Suicide. Adapted from “Kentucky Suicide Prevention,” by KSPG, June 20th, 2012, Help Us
Stop Suicide. Retrieved November 12, 2014, from
http://kentuckysuicideprevention.org/feature/volunteer-2/. Copyright 2011-2013 by KSPG.
Buy Our Product. Adapted from “Wishpond,” by Wishpond, January 31, 2013, Tag Archives:
Bad Advertising vs. Good Advertising. Retrieved November 12, 2014, from
http://corp.wishpond.com/blog/tag/bad-advertising-vs-good-advertising/. Copyright 2014 by
Wishpond Technologies Ltd.