Jpn 3 course syllabus 12-13

Course Syllabus
Room KA
Instructor: Yumi Kasukawa
The content for Intermediate Japanese 3 revolves around the major areas of
student interest: school life, going on an outing, , Part-time job, hopes for the
future, family and personal profile communication through memos and letters.
Furthermore, the students make preparation for dealing closely with Japanese
people through learning to cope with such social situations as asking and
providing information, expressing opinions, sharing experiences, and talking
casually with friends.
Culture is introduced routinely in order to minimize misunderstandings and to
increase awareness of traditional and modern Japanese values. About 100 Kanji
are introduced.
Course Essential Questions
 What are the keys to successful intercultural exchange?
 What kind of school rules do you have? What are the differences in Japan and KS?
 What must you know about Japanese language/ culture in order
to understand written self- and family members’ information, and be able to
write a letter?
to express and ask “future hope” in speaking and writing?
to order food at a restaurant?
to do shopping at a store
 How should you conjugate verbs and adjectives?
 How should you read and type Japanese scripts-Kanji(Chinese character)?
 What are the differences in sentence structure between English and Japanese?
 What fascinates you in the culture of Japan? How is it similar and/or different to your
own culture?
Review grammar rules and vocabulary.
Initiate, sustain, and close conversation in limited yet varied situations.
Exchange detailed information and opinion orally and in written form.
Learn the patterns of verb and adjective conjugations.
Investigate and report on cultural practices of Japan.
Demonstrate comprehension of both authentic and non-authentic written and
spoken language.
Recognize words and characters, including stroke order and stroke count using
Kanji and type about 100 Kanji (Chinese letter).
Content Outline
School rules
Gepraphy of Japan
Going on an outing
Sharing about each other
Part-time job
Christmas and New Year’s Day
Japanese Folk Tale
Verb conjugation
Informal Speech
Special Activity
 Annual cultural exchange with Toyama High School students
 Presenting Hawaiian cultural topics to the students
 Cooking and reading/writing a recipe
 Mochi pounding –learning about Mochi culture in Japan
 Field trip to experience Tea Ceremony at Liliokalani garden
 Pre, Mid and Post-writing and reading assessment
 Quizzes and tests on vocabulary, grammar, speaking, and writing
 Midterm exam, Semester 1 exam
 Shuuji (Japanese traditional brush calligraphy)
 Cooking and reading/writing recipe
 Portfolio
A= 100~86%, B= 85~71%, C= 70~56%, D= 55~41%, F= 40~0%
Test & Quiz
Missing/Late Assignment Policy
See “Assignment Policy” in Student & Parent Handbook
***Please feel free to communicate via E-mail should you have any
questions, comments or concerns.