P. Questions and Answers

LGPIF – RFP IN150578
October 13, 2014
If another company is awarded the Policy Administration part, will the cost of Data Transfer be covered by
the Fund or OCI?
Answer: The Contract will be awarded to one vendor. As per 4.1.2, the claims and policy services cannot
be assigned to, or delegated to a subcontractor. Since the services cannot be divided, there will be no cost
associated with a Data Transfer.
Is there any type of IT process utilized for Policy Administration outside of the Loss Fund Management
Answer: See Technical Requirement 1. The Fund utilizes the state’s WisMart system to process
Will the CBIZ evaluation data and computer models be made available to other appraisal companies?
Answer: No
If CBIZ recently completed inspection of all Fund properties valued at $750,000 and above, when would
they require the properties to be reappraised?
Answer: It is the Fund’s intention to have the properties reappraised every five (5) years.
Does the Local Government Property Insurance Fund have a property schedule or statement of value
available as an excel document listing the properties valued at $750,000 and above?
Answer: Yes, and it will be provided upon request. The request must be submitted to Pat Conley at
Does the Local Government Property Insurance Fund have a property or statement of value available as an
excel document listing the properties valued at below $750,000?
Answer: See answer for Question #5
Are content valuations required on every building appraised?
Answer: No they are not.
For content valuations, equipment, collections and fine arts, what is the asset cut off amount for developing
replacement cost valuations?
Answer: There is no asset cut off amount for developing replacement cost valuations.
For contractor’s equipment and vehicles, do they require replacement cost new or used?
Answer: The require replacement cost new.
10. Other than the 10 examples of types of property covered, what additional types are there?
Answer: Please go to the LGPIF website for this information. This website link is located in Section 1.2.4
of the RFP document. http://oci.wi.gov/lgpif.htm
11. How many locations are in the program?
Answer: There are approximately 26,000 locations/buildings in the program.
12. Claim counts have dropped significantly between 2011 and 2014—any particular reason why?
Answer: The Fund has not analyzed this trend.
13. Section 2.8. As an element of the RFP response process are bidders permitted to submit potential revisions
to the Standard Terms and Conditions?
Answer: Proposers are permitted to submit potential revisions however the State reserves the right to
reject them.
14. Section 2.8. “The state reserves the right to negotiate contractual terms and conditions other than those in
the State of Wisconsin Contract when it is in the best interest of the State to do so.” Please elaborate on the
legal implications of this clause.
Answer: Terms and conditions can be negotiated during contract negotiations.
15. Section 4.5. It is our preference not to identify our current municipal clients in our response to the extent
that this trade information is discoverable through a FOIA request.
Answer: Attached to the RFP is a form DOA 3027, Designation of Proprietary and Confidential
Information. This form can be used to identify information a proposer wants to keep confidential. Please
note that references are being requested under Section 4.5 and failure to provide references may have an
impact on the final evaluation.
16. Section 5.1. Will the Fund allow the third party administrator to manage a loss fund account on their behalf
or will the state be issuing claim payments using its WisMart system?
Answer: See Section 5.1 in which it states that check/voucher payments must be accomplished
through the use of WisMart.
17. Section 5.4. Participation in Leadership training—based on historical experience please approximate the
annual number of hours this will entail.
Answer: The Fund has not had this requirement in the past. However, the leadership training is being
considered by the Fund at this time will be a 16 hour course.
18. Please identify the current staffing model by position (supervisor, adjuster, etc.).
Answer: The Fund has one full-time employee, the Fund Manager. All other functions are subcontracted
to vendors who independently determine their staffing models.
19. How many files are currently open?
Answer: The Fund has 424 open files
20. What is the average length of time that a claim file is open?
Answer: The Fund does not track this information.
21. Section 6.3. Fixed Based Price. Historically, has the current claims administrator received annual price
Answer: No, they have not.
22. Section 7.1. Payment Requirements. Please explain what is meant by the statement: “the method of
payment for services will be subject to contract negotiations.”
Answer: This section refers to the frequency of payments to the vendor, to be negotiated at a later date.
23. Section 7.6. Termination of Contract. The state retains the right to terminate for convenience, but there’s
no reciprocity for the vendor to do the same. Please comment on the state’s willingness to give the
provider the same privilege.
Answer: See Amendment #1attached to VendorNet for Section 7.6.
24. Section 8.0. Standard Terms and Conditions. Please confirm that the state is open to our providing a redlined copy of the Standard Terms and Conditions (DOA-3054) and the Supplemental Terms and Conditions
for Procurement for Services.
Answer: Proposers can submit a red lined copy of the Standard Terms and Conditions and Supplemental
Terms and Conditions. All terms and conditions will be part of the negotiations with the awarded proposer.