Supernatural Final Draft

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Shelby Skelton
Yvonne De La Cruz
Writing 10-Essay 2
Fighting for the Preservation of Humanity
Before these grave events transpired, life’s greatest decision revolved around the choice
between good and evil. This choice still exists today with vampirism becoming the evil that now
pollutes Merced. The long term consequences of our actions now come into play more than ever
before. The literal fate of humanity rests on the shoulders of those who have yet to become
vampires. The few remaining humans are faced with an everyday fight to not abandon their
power to the coven. Those faced with this decision may not understand that choosing to make the
transformation into a vampire has much larger implications than simply surviving until the next
daybreak. We must remain human. Continuing the possibility of mortal existence is the
responsibility of the survivors, and this great gift should not be easily relinquished.
Abdicating your humanity should not come into consideration, unless no other options
exist. Becoming a vampire would mean voluntarily subjecting oneself to disease and further
uncertainty instead of taking a more natural response of fight or flight. Before this infestation, a
person would not voluntarily subject themselves to a terminal disease or experimental pathogen.
By this reason alone, becoming a vampire doesn’t guarantee a greater chance of long term
survival than remaining human. Because of this equal chance, one must take quality of life into
consideration. As a vampire, the only possibility for the future is fulfilling an insatiable and
eternal blood lust. However, as a human, personal decisions can be made, fulfilling basic desires
without being at the will of the coven. Making the decision to join the evil ranks of the coven
would entail eternal damnation at the hands of your blood lust.
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Purely on a physical level, becoming a vampire entails the same struggle as for survival
as being human, without the possibility of vampirism to fall back on. Due to the infestation, a
food shortage for both groups is inevitable. As the number of vampires increases, the number of
humans by default decreases, and the food source will dwindle. Edward Dalton addresses this
problem, where as a vampire he recognizes this potential extinction and as a scientist, seeks an
artificial blood source for the vampires so the human race can survive (Daybreakers). Dalton
even reaches a point where he asks his friend, “Do you ever think the world would be better off
if we weren’t around? (Daybreakers)”. Although this problem is plaguing Merced, no one has
addressed the issue of finding a cure. Senator Turner further expands on Dalton’s sentiment by
stating, “It’s a disgrace that we have reduced human beings to mere vessels for blood supply. We
should be focusing on finding a blood substitute (Daybreakers)”. Everyone turning vampire will
eventually result in a plethora of long-term problems, such as the cannibalistic behavior that may
ensue amongst the vampires should the human race be eradicated. The predator-prey model of
Merced has shifted to humanity becoming the prey. Prey must exist to create a balance in nature.
A new balance is being created in a world that now has vampires. Humanity does not have to
remain the prey in this equation. The better decision is to remain human for as long as possible in
order to exploit your value to the coven in order to gain the upper hand.
Although our families have been ravaged by hardship and this difficult decision, we must
remain strong and united against the coven. Every person must have some inspiration or greater
cause for remaining human. One can draw inspiration from Johnathan Hawker, whose devotion
to Mina allowed him to survive his imprisonment in Dracula’s castle and the temptation by
Dracula and the other vampires (Stoker). However, if you are considering giving in, you will be
faced with the possibility of being hunted by those who refuse to make the switch. As a vampire,
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you will also, “go out into the dark where may be the blackest things that the world or the nether
world holds! (Stoker)". Someone will eventually rise up, becoming a modern day Van Helsing,
and protect those too weak to do so themselves (Stoker). Humans do not have to be the prey. The
afore referenced balance will never be set in stone so long as there are those courageous enough
to fight the coven’s evil grasps. Survivors must band together instead of dwindling further like
the coven wants. A united front only helps support other parties of vampire resistance which
may still exist in other parts of California and the world.
No one has suffered greater losses to the coven than I, effectively abandoning my love
and family in order to fight for the further survival of the human race. The infestation needs to be
analyzed as a war between good and evil. If everyone looked at this decision in this context,
perhaps many would no longer be so eager to abandon their accepted way of life for an unsure
future. By choosing to disease oneself, many people would be giving up a great deal of life’s
great joys. The possibilities of having a child and seeing that child thrive and grow would no
longer exist. I guarantee many vampires regret this. Rosalie is one such example, who is
perpetually jealous of Bella’s humanity and did not initially wish to be a vampire (Meyer).
Rosalie states, “It's just that... this is not the life I would have chosen for myself. I wish there had
been someone there to vote no for me (Meyer)". The time to experience the joys of humanity is
relatively limited when the possibility of eternity as a vampire may lie ahead. One should
experience as normal of a human life as possible, recognizing the value in who you already are.
The beautiful imperfections of being human need to stop being taken for granted. Stepping
outside into a beautiful summer day, the grass between your toes, and feeling the sun’s rays upon
your face are undeniably a human experience. Unfortunately, because these experiences are so
underappreciated many would ignore them completely. By the time their importance was
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recognized the process could not be reversed. It is comparable to losing one’s sight in the prime
of their and no longer being able to see and interact with the world as they once had.
At this point, the decision to stay human seems very clear. Everyone must make their
own personal decision, which side to join in the war with the coven. Joining the coven
voluntarily would be a fate worse than death. Joining would mean giving up everything you once
knew and loved in order to simply exist. Existing entails giving up everything you once
considered right and just in this world. By resisting their temptation, a possibility for a cure still
exists, and as a survivor we should fight to keep that possibility alive. By staying human, we can
take back Merced from this infestation. Our choice has the potential to save other regions of the
world by stop the epidemic from spreading further.
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Works Cited
Daybreakers. Dir. Michael Spierig and Peter Spierig. Perf. Ethan Hawk, Willem Dafoe, and Sam
Neill. Lionsgate, 2010. DVD
Meyer, Stephenie. Breaking Dawn. New York: Little, Brown, 2008. Print.
Meyer, Stephenie. New Moon. New York: Little, Brown and, 2006. Print.
Stoker, Bram. Dracula. Garden City: USA, 1897. 1995. Web. 15 Oct. 2013.