The Theory of Plate Tectonics – Practice


Name: _________________________________________________ Class Period: _________

The Theory of Plate Tectonics – Practice

Label each diagram by writing the type of plate boundary it shows.

1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________

4. Describe what happens when two plates carrying oceanic crust collide and what features are formed.

5. Describe what happens when two plates carrying continental crust collide and what features are formed.

6. Describe what happens when a plate carrying oceanic crust collides with a plate carrying continental crust and what features are formed.

7. Suppose a magnetic reversal occurred today. How would new rocks at mid-ocean ridges differ from rocks that formed last year?

8. How does the theory of plate tectonics help geologists today?

9. Describe what happens at a transform boundary.

10. Continents split apart at divergent boundaries. A sequence of events is responsible for this split. Each of the events below describes one part of the sequence leading to a split between continents. Number each event to place the events in their correct order.

__________ A rift valley forms

__________ The plate’s crust splits

__________ Heat from the mantle rises

__________ Volcanoes form

__________ Magma rises

11. In the sketch below, two plates are converging. Draw mountains at the place where you would expect mountains to be formed by the plate motions. Draw an X where you think a volcano might form.

12. Only one of the plates in the sketch above is an oceanic plate. Which plate is it? How do you know?

Tectonic Plate Boundaries –

At a plate boundary, two plates are either moving apart (divergent boundary), pushing together (convergent boundary), or sliding past each other (transform boundary). Certain features, such as mountain ranges, volcanoes, deep-ocean trenches, and earthquakes, develop at each kind of boundary.

The map shows two kinds of Earth’s major plate boundaries. For each numbered location, list the features you would expect to find there. Then explain what causes these features. Include the type of plate boundary in your explanation.

1. Type of Boundary: _________________







2. Type of Boundary: _________________






