Lecture Notes The First Humans: Pre-history

Lecture Notes
The First Humans: Pre-history- 3500 B.C.
Early Civilizations were stepping stones for:
1. _____________________system
2. ______________________form of government
3. many of the world’s major ________________
4. important inventions such as the ______________________.
 Archeology- the study of past _________________through analysis of what people ___________ behind.
Anthropology Anthropology- the study of ________________and _______________
Fossils –
 Fossils – _____________________ remains of biological organisms.
Early Development of Humans and their Art
Name/Picture to
Homo Habilis
Homo Erectus
Dates Lived
Known For/Accomplishments
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Paleolithic Way of Life
Characteristics of Paleolithic Age:
1. _____________________ B.C. to 10,000 B.C.
2. Humans used simple _____________ tools
3. Often called “_____________________________”
Hunting and Gathering:
 Relied on hunting and gathering
 Close _______________________ with _______________________
 Berries, plants, fruits, nuts, grains
 Hunted horses, bison, buffalo, fish and shellfish
Way of Life:
1. Made stone tools from _______________
o _______________________were most common
o ________________________ made them easier to use
 _______________ were later used
 Later, invented:
o Bow and arrow
o Spear
o Fish hooks
o Bone needles
2. Had to follow animal migrations and vegetable cycles
 ___________________- people who move from __________ to place to survive.
 Lived in small groups of 20-30.
 Hunting depended on careful observation and group cooperation
Why was the nomad way of life important?
Roles of the Family
Women Women: bear and ______________ children; __________________ closer to camp
 Acquired berries, nuts, grains.
 _______________ children what was edible.
 Trapped small animals, kept camp safe
Men and women:
 Main job of people: finding _________________ to eat
 Parents: passed on ______________ to children to survive
 Men: Hunt herds of animals
 Traveled far distances
 ____________________
Adapting to Survive:
 Shelter in ___________________caves
 New types of shelter:
 Wood with ___________________hides
 Large bones of ________________________
Use of Fire:
 ____________________________ was the first
 Piles of ________________in caves
 As long as 500,000 years ago
Provided Provided:
 ___________________
 ____________________from animals
 Light
 ____________________ food
 Occurred differently at different places and times
Ice Ages:
 100,000 B.C.
 __________________was important for survival
 Thick sheets of ice moved down Europe, America and Asia
 Serious threat to human life
 Had to adapt
Neolithic Revolution
Standard of Living
Quality of Life
Time period of Neolithic Revolution:
 ________________ B.C.- _____________________ B.C.
 Shift from hunting and gathering to __________________ agriculture
 Began planting ________________
 ______________________ animals
 Can live in settled communities
 What kind of influence does farming have in our lives?
Growing of Crops
1. Southwest Asia- ______________, barley, pigs, cows, ____________, sheep.
2. Spread to South-eastern Europe
 4000 B.C.- farming established in Europe and Mediterranean Sea.
 6000 B.C.- wheat and barley in Egypt and Africa
1. Yams, bananas
2. Moved to India
 5000 B.C. –Meso-Americans
1. Bean, squash, _____________
Settling in small towns and villages
Storing surplus products
Artisans more skilled
Men more active in herding and farming;
women cared for children, clothes and home
People mastered farming
The End of the Neolithic Revolution
 4000-3000 B.C.
 Discovered heating _______________ could turn into ____________
 Liquid metal could be made into _______________with molds
 Use of metal=new _______________ of ___________________ of environment.
 1st- ________________
 2nd- Bronze
 Bronze Age- _______________ B.C. to 1200 B.C.
 Iron Age- _____________B.C.