The MTSS-Team Process

The MTSS-Team Process
Core Instruction
(Tier I)
Supplemental Intervention
(Tier II)
Intensive Intervention
(Tier III)
Problem Identification
☐The student’s teacher submits the MTSS Student Referral form to the MTSS Chair. Advise the chair if the parent has
requested the referral and evaluation. If applicable, a copy of the parent’s letter (with date it was received) must be
provided to the EC Chair.
☐The MTSS Chair provides the teacher with a list of classroom accommodations, modifications, and strategies which can
be used in the classroom prior to implementing formal interventions. The MTSS Chair schedules a meeting.
Prior to the 1st MTSS meeting, the following must be documented:
☐Documentation of other strategies implemented in the classroom to address the area(s) of concern, i.e. fully
implemented PEP, modifications, accommodations
☐Two teacher conferences with parent regarding the area(s) of concern
☐First conference: ____________________ ☐Second conference: ____________________
The referring teacher should bring the following to the 1 st MTSS meeting:
☐Work samples and data collected in the area(s) of concern
☐The student’s cumulative file (including any information regarding attendance, grades, retentions, previous
assessments, ESL status, PEP, 504 Plan, etc.)
☐Documentation of any strategies, accommodations, or modifications previously used and data regarding their
☐Any available medical information
Problem Analysis & Plan Development
At the 1st MTSS meeting, the committee members will:
☐Review all pertinent data and information from a variety of sources (RIOT) and domains (ICEL) to consider
multiple hypotheses for the cause of the identified problem
☐Decide which area(s) should be targeted for interventions
☐Determine which, if any, support staff should be in attendance at the 2 nd meeting, i.e., Nurse, Social Worker,
Guidance Counselor, School Resource Officer, etc.
☐Provide the referring teacher with the packet of MTSS forms
☐Define and quantify initial problem in observable and measurable terms
☐Two interventions will be developed for each area(s) of concern, and will be documented. Each intervention
selected must meet the federal definition of scientifically research-based intervention and directly address the
identified problem and the hypothesis for the cause of the problem
☐A method of progress monitoring will be determined for each intervention and includes who will collect data,
data collection methods, conditions for data collections, and schedule
☐If attention and/or hyperactivity are concerns; the referring teacher will receive appropriate rating scales
☐Complete the MTSS Student Information Summary Form
☐Schedule a date for the next MTSS meeting
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The MTSS-Team Process
Plan Implementation
After receiving the MTSS packet, the referring teacher will:
☐Send the MTSS Parent Notification Letter to the student’s parent
☐Contact the observing teacher(s) to schedule observation(s) in the area(s) of concern. Observations by Reg. ed. and EC
teacher required. Observations should occur across settings in order to assess academic, functional and behavioral skills.
(Observation form)
☐Arrange for any additional assessment or data collection needed
☐Send the Medical/Developmental/Social information to the Parent
☐Arrange for vision and hearing screenings
☐Collect information and complete ALL sections of the MTSS Tier I Paperwork
☐Attach student work samples in the area(s) of concern to the MTSS Student Information Summary form
Plan Implementation Review
The referring teacher should bring the following to the 2 nd MTSS meeting:
☐Completed forms: MTSS Tier I Paperwork
☐Relevant work samples
☐Signed MTSS Parent Notification Letter (Tier I)
☐Results of vision and hearing screenings
At the 2nd MTSS meeting:
☐Team reviews the progress monitoring data and any additional information provided through assessments and/or
☐Team determines and documents whether the pre-intervention performance gap decreased, increased, or stayed the same
during the plan’s implementation phase
☐A method of progress monitoring for Tier II will be determined for each intervention and results recorded on the MTSS
Student Information Summary form
☐Team decides to continue the plan unmodified, modify the plan, move to Tier III or discontinue the plan. Team documents
this decision on the MTSS Student Information Summary form.
☐If the team determines that Tier III interventions are needed, a follow up meeting will be scheduled to review the
effectiveness of interventions.
Plan Implementation
After the 2nd MTSS meeting, the referring teacher will:
☐Send the MTSS Parent Notification Letter to the student’s parent (Tier II)
☐Arrange for any additional assessment or data collection needed
☐Collect information and complete ALL sections of the MTSS Tier II Paperwork
☐Attach updated student work samples in the area(s) of concern to the MTSS Student Information Summary form
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The MTSS-Team Process
Plan Evaluation
The referring teacher should bring the following to the 3rd MTSS meeting:
☐Completed Tier II forms
☐MTSS Parent Notification Letter
☐Completed Social Developmental History
☐Relevant work samples and progress monitoring data
☐Results of any additional assessments and/or observations
At the 3rd MTSS meeting:
☐Team reviews the progress monitoring data and any additional information provided through assessments and/or
☐Team determines and documents whether the pre-intervention performance gap decreased, increased, or stayed the same
during the plan’s implementation phase
☐A method of progress monitoring for Tier III will be determined for each intervention and results recorded on the MTSS
Student Information Summary form
☐Team decides to continue the plan unmodified, modify the plan, discontinue the plan or refer for special education
evaluation. Team documents this decision on the MTSS Student Information Summary form
☐For students who have not made adequate progress according to their Tiered paperwork, the problem-solving
team may consider referring the student and all acquired data to the IEP team for an evaluation for special
education services. After at least 20 days of intervention implementation and if data suggests that the
interventions have not effected any significant change, referral to the IEP team will be documented on the MTSS
Determination form. The data collected in the MTSS process shall be considered by the IEP team.
*Additional MTSS meetings should be scheduled for follow-up and intervention evaluation and
change as needed.
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