Syllabus English IV ECR 2014-2015- Maria Koche

English IV: ECR
Grade 12
Mrs. Maria Koche
Phone: 407-905-3000 Ext: 6112-561
Room 561
Course Details
This course incorporates reading and writing study through writing a variety of informative texts using grade-level writing craft
and through the in-depth reading and analysis of informational selections in order to develop critical reading and writing skills
necessary for success in college courses. This course prepares students for successful completion of Florida college English
courses. The benchmarks reflect the Florida Postsecondary Readiness Competencies necessary for entry-level college
courses and are also related to the College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards, the exit standards of Florida's K
-12 Common Core Standards.
The content should include, but not be limited to, the following:
 Demonstrating successful reading of argument, including recognizing bias and supporting details;
Demonstrating successful reading of fact and opinion, including recognizing inferences and main ideas;
 Demonstrating knowledge of a variety of organizational patterns and their relationships in the
comprehension of text, including recognizing purpose and tone of informational reading;
 Demonstrating successful understanding of vocabulary in context and through writing effective
sentence structures;
 Effectively implementing patterns of paragraph development;
 Recognizing and solving common sentence development problems;
 Reading and modeling mentor essays;
 Understanding and using language, grammar, and mechanics effectively.
Textbook: Florida Collections (Grade 12); Digital Textbook; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co.
Each student will be assigned a digital textbook. An introduction to the text will be given to the students upon
digital textbook assignment.
Materials: It is recommended that the student has personal earphones.
Technology: Google Apps, and Progress Book
MacBook Air issued by OCPS: Students are responsible for charging their learning devices at home nightly and
for bringing them to school fully charged on a daily basis.
Students will be expected to set up Google and Edmodo accounts, which are free and secure social learning
networks for teachers and students. Assignments, quizzes, polls, rubrics, handouts, power points, and a class
calendar will be available to students when they join the class group. Students may also download the free
Edmodo app from the App Store or the Android Market to get up-to-the minute alerts, updates, and follow
classroom conversations while they are on the go!
In addition to Edmodo, students and parents may access all grades, attendance records, assignments, rubrics
and handouts on Progress Book.
Students will use Google Apps to create their word documents, webpages, spreadsheets, slide presentations,
email and research. Students will be expected to download and copy homework/assignments to their Goggle
Docs account. Students will organize their files for this class by class name and period. For example, a first
period student would want to create and label an English folder as: ENG4ECR-1. As the course progresses, files
will be organized in this folder using these categories: bell work, grammar, research, writing, reading,
All essays will be submitted to Essays will be checked for authenticity, and graded using the
Common Core State Standards rubrics created on this site. Students must use previously created accounts and
sign in using the group ID.
Student email/login information
MacBook Air laptop (provided by Ocoee High School)
All assignments will be submitted using students’ assigned OCPS digital textbook/Google/Edmodo and accounts.
Computer login:
student number
birth date (yyyymmdd)
Google login:
birth date (yyyymmdd)
Edmodo login:
first and last name
birth date (yyyymmdd)
Edmodo Group Codes: (Case sensitive)
5th Period:
yvz6w7 All essays and research papers will be submitted to
Group Codes (You will only use this to enroll in your class period. Login will be your email
address and the password you create. It is your responsibility to remember these!)
Password: honesty
 If you do not have access to internet at home, please keep in mind that the Orange County Public
Library offers the use of computers and free internet to all library card holders. The school library is
also available for use during lunch and before and after school. (Remember, you will need your
student ID to enter the media center!)
Grading Scale (state mandated)
A = 90 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = 00 – 59
Grades will be based on an accumulation of points earned for tests, quizzes, exercises, written work, oral work,
projects and presentations.
Grading Categories:
20% Formative Assessment (homework, class work)
20% Weekly Quizzes
60% Summative Assessment (tests, projects, essays)
Makeup Work
When absent, students may check their Edmodo page or Progress Book to get copies of the missed
assignments, handouts, and journal topics. Students are given 1 day per excused absence to complete the
makeup work. If a student is absent due to in-school or out-of-school suspension, they may also get copies of
assignments and missed work on or Progress Book.
Students who accumulate 20 unexcused or more absences in a school year must pass the final exam to receive
credit for the course!
Late Work Policy
Students will be given ample time to complete assignments and projects. Directions and rubrics for
assignments and projects will be posted on Progress Report/ when assignments are given to
students. Please check the Edmodo calendar and Progress Book regularly to get copies of missed assignments!
Get your work in on time!
A percentage deduction is applied to all Late Work:
● 1 period late: 10% grade point deduction
● Greater than 1 period late: 50% grade point deduction
● Late work defaults to a zero if not turned in before the attendant summative assessment Long term projects
(10 days prior notice) shall be turned in on the assigned due date
Classroom Expectations: CHAMPS!
All students have been informed of and are expected to adhere to the following rules and expectations:
Come to class everyday prepared to work and learn.
Respect everyone verbally, physically, and philosophically. That includes yourself.
Focus on the assigned task first. Social time in class is earned only after completing all required
Leave the room as you found.
ELA Department Guidelines
Take Responsibility for your work
o You are responsible for the condition and caliber of the work you submit as well as submitting it
in a timely matter. Own your choices.
Be Prepared
o Students should come to class on-time and with all materials required for that class.
o Bring a positive attitude.
Be Neat
o Work must be legible. Illegible work will not be graded and will be returned to the student with
the assumption that the student will legibly rewrite the work.
o Hand written assignments may be completed in either pen or pencil. Final writing
assignments must be typed.
o Pick up after yourself when leaving the classroom. Do not write on desks, in books, etc.
Be Respectful
o Show respect for your teachers, classmates, and yourself at all times.
o When the teacher speaks, you listen: when you speak, the teacher class will listen. (Same goes
for announcements.)
o Laptop screens are to be closed during whole group instruction unless directed otherwise.
Final thoughts
I have high expectations for my students. I will do my best to teach you what you need to know as well as share
the little bit of the wisdom I have in the hopes that it will benefit you in the years to come. In return, I expect you
to work hard, show your best effort, and respect both your right to learn as well as that of others. I want you to
succeed and I will do whatever I am able to help you reach your full potential. You have been given an
incredible thing called a mind. Realize its possibilities and use it! You have my full support in all that you try to
achieve. I cannot, however, give you a grade; you must earn it.
Classroom Expectations: CHAMPS!
 Enter the classroom prepared with your laptop, a writing utensil, assignments and supplies, if
 Remain appropriately engaged and actively focused on learning while in the classroom.
 Do not interrupt the teacher or others when they are talking. If you have a question, hold it until
the teacher asks if there are questions.
 Work towards success in this class, in high school, and for your future.
 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. RESPECT! Bullying and trash talking WILL
NOT be tolerated!
 In all you do, do it to the best of your ability.
 Take control of and responsibility for your own actions.
 Use Cornell note-taking methods and Thinking Maps.
 All cell phones and headphones, games, cards, etc. should be turned off and put out of sight
BEFORE class begins.
 Head covers are to be removed when entering the classroom.
 If you do not have access to a computer or internet at home, please keep in mind that the
Orange County Public Library offers the use of computers and free internet to all library card
holders. The school library is also available for use during lunch and before and after school.
(Remember, you will need your student ID to enter the media center!)