Junior High Parent Letter

Marshall Junior High School Chorus
August 2015
Dear Junior High Choir Parents:
My name is Megan Wilson and I am the Junior High choir teacher. I had such a fantastic time
last year teaching and learning with your students! I have so many fun new songs planned for
this year!
Chorus at the junior high is different than the chorus your students may remember from North
Elementary. The junior high chorus is a graded class (A,B,C,D, or F). It is taught five days a week
and is for the whole school year. This allows the students to learn and perform more
challenging music.
Our main performances for the school year will be the Christmas Choir Concert on Tuesday,
December 8th and the Spring Choir Concert on Monday, April 18th. ATTENDENCE at the concerts
are a large portion of the student’s grade. So, please make every effort to have your child there.
The Junior High chorus also takes part in Illinois Music Education Association District Festival.
This is an auditioned festival. Each student who wishes to take part will audition in Effingham, IL
on Monday, October 12, 2015. The festival will take place at Eastern Illinois University Saturday,
November 21, 2014.
I love to have fun and create beautiful music. But, I also take my job very seriously. I only ask
that the students put forth the same effort to have a successful chorus.
Chorus Rules:
Be on time (class begins at 12:50)
Be prepared (pencil and chorus folder)
Respect yourself and others
Take care of equipment (music, piano, etc.)
Know when to listen and when to sing!
Please sign the note below saying that you and your child have read the above information. The
slip below is due back by September 4th, 2015.
** All chorus parents are invited to come and participated with the Marshall Music Boosters.
The meetings are held on the first Monday of every month at 5:30 PM. The Music Boosters will
be hosting an informational meeting on August 31st from 6:00-7:00 PM. The meetings will be
held in the high school band room. Music Boosters is a parent group which supports band, choir
and general music students in many worthwhile endeavors. If possible, please come and
support the Music Boosters. We will be discussing topics which directly affect your child.
Thanks, in advance for your help!
Mrs. Megan Wilson
Choral Music
If you would like to be reminded of calendar events via text messaging or email, then please see
the attached information sheet.
(Please return this portion by September 4, 2015 to Mrs. Wilson)
Name of Student: ____________________________________
I have read the above information and I give my student permission to be in choir
for the 2015-2016 school year.
Parent/guardian signature, date, and phone number
I have read the above information and agree to participate positively in all
rehearsals and to follow the classroom rules.
Student Signature
Please check which activities you might be interested in:
____ Music booster meetings
____ Chaperone field trips
____ Sorry, I can’t help this time