Preamble: For new program or pre-major development, a team is established to address
enrollment management issues. This team should include stakeholders with expertise in the
program or pre-major area such as faculty, deans, assistant vice presidents, and other staff
identified by the provosts, vice presidents, and others. For new programs or pre-majors use
the following process to analyze all facets of adoption. Please answer each question.
A.A. PreMajor
A.S./A.A.S Program Technical Certificate Vocational Certificate
Name of Program:___Health Information Technology______________________
Is this a state approved program:
¨ ×Yes ¨ No
Is there external accreditation that is applicable to this program:
Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management
Education; contact has been made regarding accreditation timelines with this agency
and after first graduation we will apply for initial accreditation.
Team to Review:____Diane Reed and Mary Ann Magalee_________________________
Identify the lead dean and program director__Dean-Penny Conners; no program director
hired yet
What is the academic rationale for adding program/premajor: state realignment of medical
coder biller program to the Health Information Technology cluster
What contributions to the community will this program/premajor make:
Provide a trained and stable workforce for the area employers
What are the prerequisite courses for the program/premajor?
+HSC 1531
Medical Terminology
+*BSC 2093C
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
+*BSC 2094C
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
+CGS 1060
Introduction to Computers OR
+CGS 2100
Computer Fundamentals and Applications
+HSC 1149
General Pharmacology for Health Professionals
+*ENC 1101
English Composition I
Business and Industry Employment Projections (For A.S./A.A.S/ Certificates only)
· currently there are 1200 jobs in the Region 12 with an estimated 23% growth by 2019
Is the demand for occupations related to this program stronger than the supply may be of
workers needed in the five county region:
Describe current year and future employment projections 23% growth by 2019
Wage Earnings of Occupations Related to the Program (For A.S./A.A.S/ Certificates only)
This program is on the targeted occupational list with an average earning of app.
· Are the occupations included on the Targeted Occupations List:
Yes No
If yes, is at least one occupation related to this program classified as high skill/high wage:
¨ ×Yes ¨ No
Business and Industry Input (For A.S./A.A.S/ Certificates only)
· Will this program be relevant to the current needs of business and industry:
¨ ×Yes ¨ No Please explain.
What other institutions were researched in preparing this program/premajor?
All current A.S. Health Information Technology Programs in the state; in particular,
Indian State River College
Assess existing needs versus current availability of resources
1. Educational Materials/Equipment:
1.1 What educational materials and equipment are currently available? All required
software and equipment are currently available in our Allied Health Division
1.2 Identify educational materials and equipment needs and cost. Include source(s) of
funds and budget number. proposed budget in progress
2. Faculty/Staff:
2.1 Describe the current availability of fulltime and part-time faculty/staff. No current
full-time are qualified to teach in the program. full-time faculty member will be
recruited for late April. Part-time credentialed faculty are currently available in
our other Allied Health Programs.
2.2 Identify specific faculty/staff needs and costs. Include source(s) of funds and
budget number. proposed budget in progress.
3. Facilities
3.1 Identify specific campuses where program/premajor will be offered?
West Campus at this time.
3.2 Identify where selected courses will be offered? West Campus
3.3 Is existing classroom/lab space available? Yes
4. Enrollment Projections
4.1 Identify plans for enrollment projections for the next academic year? Cohort of 25
4.2 Project enrollments. Indicate how projected enrollments will generate funding
needed for resources and staffing. None
4.3 What is the anticipated percentage of courses that could be offered as online
delivery in this program? 20% during first year
Who will take the lead to develop online courses? The program chair
Time frame for development? To be determined
5. Marketing
5.1 What target areas should be reached with marketing? Current medical coder
billers employed and other related health care professionals
5.2 What are some ideas that you have regarding marketing efforts that would be
beneficial to the Marketing and Media Relations Office? Valencia Website and social
media; newspaper; flyers; new program brochures
5.3 What marketing efforts could be provided through the department? Career
Program Advisors and Health Science Information Sessions
6 Articulation
6.1 Identify private, four-year institutions available for articulation? none
6.2 Which state institutions offer a four year articulation for this degree?
Florida A&M University
School of Allied Health Sciences
324 Lewis-Beck Allied Health Building
Tallahassee, FL 32307
Degree Awarded: Accredited Baccalaureate HIM Program
Contact Name
Marjorie H. McNeill, PhD, RHIA, CCS, FAHIMA
(850) 561-2021
University of Central Florida
University of Central Florida
College of Health and Public Affairs
Health Management & Informatics, Rm 210D
Orlando, FL 32816-2205
Degree Awarded: Accredited Baccalaureate HIM Program
Contact Name
Alice Noblin, PhD, RHIA, CCS (407) 823-2359
6.3 Is this a specific program that can be articulated to technical centers? Possibly if
they offer medical coder biller programs
Date of Completion:__________________________
Lead Dean or Program Director
Please keep in mind the appropriate meeting dates of the IAC and the College Curriculum
Committee, and the deadlines for inclusion on an agenda.
When will the Credit Program Addition Program be distributed to the College Curriculum
Committee? February 13, 2013
Distribution to:
¨ IAC ¨ Provosts ¨CLO