AASBO Legislative Analysis

AASBO Legislative Analysis
A. Base Level increase of 1.8% with base level at $3,326.54 without teacher comp and $3,368.12
with teacher comp.
B. Transportation route mile amount increased by 1.8% with FY 2014 increasing from $2.42 to
$2.46 or from $1.97 to $2.01 depending on district classification.,
C. Soft capital formula eliminated and CORL formula changed to District Additional Assistance.
D. Formula mounts for District Additional Assistance for FY2104:
 For districts with less than 100 students $544.58 for K-8 and $601.24 for grades 9-12
 For districts with 100 or more but less than 600 students $389.25 times weighted
student count for K-8 and $405.59 times weighted student count for grades 9-12.
 For districts with 600 or more students $450.76 for K-8 and $492.94 for grades 9-12.
 For preschool disabled students $450.76 per student count
 The additional amount for textbooks is $69.68 for grades 9-12
 The formula amount for FY2014 will be reduced by $238,985, 500 with only a $5 million
cut for districts with fewer than 1100 students. This is the same reduction formula that
was used in FY2013.
E. Additional assistance formula for charters will be increased by 1.8% to $1,684.19 for K-8 and
$1,962.90 for grades 9-12 with a statewide reduction of $15,656,000 (reduction is the same
amount that was used in FY2013).
F. With elimination of Soft Capital any cash or budget capacity shall be transferred to the
Maintenance and Operation or unrestricted capital outlay fund.
G. The 91% JTED funding adjustment that has been in place for a number of years will no longer
apply to JTED's with less than 2,000 students.
H. Building renewal formula repealed and school Facilities Board (SFB} required to inventory and
inspect all school buildings with the SFB to be the administrator of a Building Renewal Grant
Fund{$14 million for FY2014}. Accommodation schools not eligible for Building Renewal Grants
or new school funding.
I. With a floor amendment makes a permanent change in law to increase bonding capacity to
20% for unified districts and 10% for other districts. The increase in bonding capacity applies to
both elections held before the increase and after the increase.
J. DOES NOT include a moratorium on districts chartering their schools.
K. For the 2014-15 school year sets up a Performance Incentive Fund for "achievement and
improvement on assigned achievement profile" with details to be established
L. $3.6 million for school safety with 25% to be used for security hardware
M. Eliminates the rollover for districts with less than 600 students and requires all rollover
payments to be paid to districts by July 12th of the next fiscal year.
N. By November 30th requires ADE to provide a report listing amount budgeted for overrides by
individual districts.