Possible development environments, with reasoning for

Possible development environments, with reasoning for preferred
Development is aimed primarily at the Google android phone so we would be developing the game
using java as it is a versatile language that can easily be adapted for other if the market presents itself
i.e. other touch screens such as iPhone. The primary reason for development on the Android as it is
significantly cheaper than any other environment. If the team had access to an apple computer of
some description and access to a apple dev kit then we would consider development for the iPhone
instead as it has a larger market but at the current moment we are unable to consider development
due to the huge cost.
Task breakdown, assuming a one-year development project to hit the
streets for early November 2010
Sean McFarlane: In game images and work on navigation and scenes for the game.
Garry Flynn: Sound editor responsible for gathering sounds and making sure each scene has
appropriate background noise and music.
Oliver Kaarits: Story development. Responsible for creating story progression and the creation of
Daniel Devine: responsible Character sketches and concept art for items in the game.
Grant Scott: responsible for main body of programming throughout the game.
Personnel requirements for creative components, administration,
roll-out, etc of the game
Skill we have access to:
We are all familiar with the basics of programming.
We have knowledge of animation software and are able to use audio and image manipulation
We are capable of planning the progression of the game (I.e. storyboarding) and creating scenarios
for its advancement.
Team members have access to cameras in order to take pictures for planning environments.
Skills we need:
In order for the game environments to be developed we would defiantly need an artist as no
member of the team is able to do any more than very rough sketches.
For example the best our teams artist could come up with for concept sketches was this.
These sketches made the team realise that an artist would be essential.
Target hardware, with reasoning detailing target demographics
The Target Hardware is touch screen phones, specifically the Google android phone. The reason for
this choice was because our target demographic is commuters. This means they need something
portable and multipurpose. Since touch screen phones are becoming popular it made sense to
develop for them as “apps stores” make availability a non issue and saves on cost for disks etc.
Development cost of the game, pricing options, with models for pay-back and profit within a 2 year
period from roll-out
These are estimated costs based on figures from online gathered on the 01 of December 2009
We chose to narrow the search for which touch to develop based on most popular or most user
friendly apps store. We considered other environments but these three were the most likely
Dev Kit (Cost £)
Coding language
Estimated Cost
Google android (£120)
Android SDK (Free)
Linux Kernel
i Phone £ 342
I Phone SDK(£99)
Java script
OS X I phone
Mac mini £499
N900 £499
Ovi SDK (Unknown)
Linux Maemo
Our Price plan was to aim at selling the game as chapters. Releasing a new chapter each month. We
would sell through an app store setting the price of each chapter at £4. We would sell the first
chapter at £2 to generate interest but would make it shorter than other chapters so people playing
would feel like they are getting good value for money. If we developed for the android and we had
to buy the phone to test then even if only 60 people bought the first chapter of our game and none
of the follow ups we would break even. A conservative estimate of 400 people buying the first
chapter of our game and none of the follow ups puts us at a profit of £680. If only 300 of the people
who tried the first chapter decide to buy the second then we make £1200 of pure profit as we
already have the technology for development after the first chapter.
each member's role clearly outlined in the creation of the document
The Creation of this document was a team effort with the group coming together as a whole and
contributing a significant amount of ideas to each section and then helping sift through the good and
bad till we had the refined detail under each heading.