Meeting Minutes- 30 August 2013

Board Meeting Minutes
30 August 2013
Location: Greensfelder
Order of Business
1. Call to Order: 11:45 PM
a. Present:
i. Tracy Beckette, Rick Seiler, Frank Tucker, Peter Mason, Emily
Brennan, Dan Schoenekase, Bill Hammerschmidt,, Keith Guller,
Jon Bopp, Doug Stuart, Stephanie Bass., Rick Katz, Mollie Guller
and Gennalle Redmond.
b. Excused:
i. Molly Barrett, Jim Barrett, Joe Thompson, Jaime Torres, Brett
Cox, Ken Liescheidt, Megan Richter, Kathleen Jolivette, Matt
Crandon, Kent Schien, Dan Arakelian, Gus Winkler, Scott Ross,
Miesha Wallace and Alper Oztok.
2. Welcome and Introductions: Doug thanked everyone for attending the
meeting, and welcomed our guest, Mrs. Gennalle Redmond. Gennalle is an
manager at Sam’s Club in Maplewood, and she is also a strong supporter of
3. June Minutes Report: Doug asked attendees to review the July Meeting
Minutes, which were reviewed and approved.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Tracy explained that our chapter currently has
$25,320 in treasury. Of this amount, $4,500 has been allocated for the
Military Appreciation Day. He also mentioned that no bills have been left
unpaid, and he confirmed that AUSA has secured a donation from Anheuser
Busch. The Treasurer’s Report was approved.
5. Membership Report: Doug explained that the AUSA national membership
goal has decreased from approximately 100,000 members to roughly 82,000
members. He informed everyone that National has established increased
membership goals for all chapters. Our local chapter goal has increased from
485 members to 510 members. Currently, our chapter has 502 members.
Doug noted that our chapter must recruit at least eight new members by
December 2013 (in order to qualify as a Star Chapter.) He set a goal for our
chapter to have 20-30 new members by the end of the year. He encouraged
all to work together to reach our membership goals by contacting individuals
and companies. He also reminded everyone to speak to at least 3 companies
about becoming a corporate member. Doug asked Emily to distribute our
corporate contact list to everyone before the next meeting; this list appoints
individuals to contact specific companies.
6. PA Report: Frank explained that he recently received a new marketing
approach from the Vessey Chapter in Wisconsin. He suggested that our
chapter needs to be more professional in how we approach our PR and
Marketing initiatives, and he expressed interest in forming a Public Affairs
and Marketing Committee. The Pubic Affairs and Marking Committee will
engage in marketing, branding and communicating our chapter’s activities
through the website, newsletter, email, Facebook and other social media
outlets. Frank also wants to accurately capture information pertaining to the
Chapter Activity Reports (CARs.) Frank is in the process of compiling a form
that will make it easier for him to track CARs. Frank will bring this form to
future meetings, and he asked all individuals who have engaged in CAR
related activities to complete the form. Frank will submit all completed forms
to National’s website. He explained that he will be sending out a newsletter
in October, which will highlight our chapter’s involvement in Military
Appreciation Day and The AUSA Golf Tournament, and he mentioned that he
will represent AUSA at the Veteran’s Day Planning Committee.
7. Golf Tournament: Mollie noted that 22-25 golf teams have signed up to play
in the tournament, which is a large increase from the number of teams who
were signed up last year. She has collected 29 silent auction items and the
goodie bags are ready to be handed out. Mollie expressed a desire for more
donations (especially gift cards), and she is also interested in recruiting
individuals to volunteer the day of the event. Doug thanked Mollie for her
hard work and for supporting our chapter. Doug handed out solicitation
letters, and asked individuals to outreach to locally owned stores for
additional donations. The solicitation letters ensure that all donations will be
used at the tournament. Although it will be difficult to secure requests from
larger, corporate companies for this tournament, Doug encouraged all to
outreach to corporate companies for donations for next year’s tournament.
Rick Seiler thanked Tracy for contributing golf balls, and Gennalle informed
Molly that Sam’s Club will donate a gift card to the tournament.
8. Partnership Appreciation Reception: Doug explained that the goal to host
Partnership Appreciation Events on a quarterly basis was not met, however;
he would like the chapter to host two more events before the year’s end. He
informed all that our next Partnership Appreciation Event will take place
during September or October, possibly at The Four Seasons Hotel. Doug will
be in touch with Alper regarding this arrangement, and he will let everyone
know once a date has been finalized. In addition to hosting a partnership
appreciation event in autumn, Doug explained he would like AUSA to host an
event during December. Doug reminded individuals of his goal for our
chapter to host four partnership appreciation events during 2014.
9. Local Membership Drive: Doug reminded all to take the time to advocate
for AUSA by contacting individuals and companies. He encouraged all to
work together to reach our membership goals by contacting individuals and
companies. He also reminded everyone to speak to at least 3 companies
about becoming a corporate member. Doug asked Emily to distribute our
corporate contact list to everyone before the next meeting; this list appoints
individuals to contact specific companies.
10. Around The Room: Gennalle noted that Sam’s Club would like to have a
booth at Military Appreciation Day. Keith shared that Essex was voted as The
International Global Company of the Year by The World Trade Center, and
Stephanie Bass informed all that her brother recently received a
Purple Heart for his service in the Army. Stephanie invited all to support her
brother’s team by attending Tough Mudder, which will be held on September
14th and 15th in Southern Missouri. All of Tough Mudder’s proceeds will go to
the Wounded Warriors Program; individuals pay $130 to join a team, and
$20 to watch. Peter mentioned that he recently represented AUSA Wounded
Warriors’ golf tournament (there were approximately 20 golf teams in
support of Wounded Warrior’s efforts.)
Rick Katz informed all of his recent efforts of representing and
recruiting for AUSA: assisting veterans at ESGR’s military career fair, handing
out AUSA branded items and registering participants at the Cross-Fit Games
in Sullivan, Missouri and helping with registration and new membership
recruitment at Tour de Lafayette.
Doug let everyone know that he recently received a phone call from a
manager of a local Home Depot who is interested in helping military
members. Doug explained that the manager expressed interest in giving
AUSA donations for construction projects, or supporting our chapter in
applying for a large grant that will be used to build something for members
of the military. Keith suggested that AUSA partner with Joshua Chamberlain
Organization; his suggestion was highly received. A partnership with Joshua
Chamberlain Organization would help both organizations contribute to a
great cause, and allow AUSA to gain exposure on a national level. Rick Katz
explained that the AUSA chapter in Kansas City was successful in furthering
their cause and exposure in the community when the chapter was involved in
a similar partnership.
11. Adjournment: The meeting was ended at 12:30PM.