Identification of a Pure Substance

Names: _________________________
Date ________________
Production and Identification of Ammonia Gas
Report Sheet
1. Test household ammonia.
Did you detect the odor of ammonia?
Result with litmus paper:
2. Test ammonium chloride.
Did you detect the odor of ammonia?
Did you need to warm the solution?
Result with litmus paper:
Did you need to add sodium hydroxide to the test solution?
Did you need to warm the solution?
Did you then detect the odor of ammonia?
Result of litmus paper:
3. Test other substances.
A. Ammonium carbonate
Did you detect the odor of ammonia?
Result of litmus test:
B. Garden fertilizer
Did you detect the odor of ammonia?
Did you need to warm the solution?
Result of litmus test:
C. Egg white
Did you detect the odor of ammonia?
Did you need to warm the solution?
Result of litmus test:
1. Which substances did you observe to evolve ammonia gas the most readily?
2. Which substances require other substances and heat before ammonia is formed?
3. Why can you smell ammonia, but not ammonium ions?
4. How do you convert ammonium ions into ammonia?
5. What other compounds do you know of that form or contain ammonia?