Culture - Issues & Actions

Sector Planning Workshop Culture, Creative Industries, Entertainment and Youth
Towards the Preparation of the new Medium Term Socio-Economic
Policy Framework
(MTF) 2012-2015
Approach and Methodology
Workshop Objectives:
1. Identify and agree on the priority issues affecting Culture, Creative Industries,
Entertainment and Youth
2. Identify the priority actions to be taken to address the priority issues for Culture,
Creative Industries, Entertainment and Youth over the next three years
Workshop Methodology:
Participants will break-out into groups for each of the following areas:
Cultural and Creative Industries and Entertainment
Identification of Priority Actions
Identify the top 15 priority actions to be taken for each area of Culture, Creative Industries,
Entertainment and Youth over the next three years – 2012 to 2015 as follows:
1. Vote on top 5 actions identified from existing situation analyses of sector
2. Identify top 2 actions for each of 5 priority issues identified for each area of Culture,
Creative Industries, Entertainment and Youth
Template for Recording Priority Actions
1. Lack of coordinated approach to building
authentic and transformational culture
Creation of public arts programme
Community capacity building programme in
mindset and behavior change
Identify and establish specific, common objectives
(start with 3), and measurable indicators
Creation of national and parish arts councils
Clarify and define roles and mandates of all
players within sector
Implementation of a national policy on arts and
Develop a business plan to establish and sustain
cultural centres
Seek public/private partnerships
Enabling legislation e.g. development cost charges,
tax relief, etc.
Develop and implement consistent method of
data input/output/reporting/monitoring and
Capture and report informal contributions
Sensitization and training re workers re 1 and 2
(other 2 actions)
Sensitization and training and capacity building re
copyright, intellectual property, preservation
Increase the number of Jamaican world heritage
Develop a national cultural information and
accreditation / authentication and heritage
information / validation system
2. Fragmentation and inadequate coordination
of cultural institutions
3. Lack of cultural spaces
4. Lack of documentation of economic value
and social value of culture to generate
resources and support
5. Preservation of records/ sites/ monuments/
tangible/ intangible/ digital