AT Flow Process


SVVSD Assistive Technology Process

Staffing team has provided long-term interventions and documentation and has determined (at IEP meeting or during monthly SpEd meeting) that they are not making adequate progress on an IEP goal(s). Assistive

Technology is now under consideration.


Staffing team discusses student concern at monthly meeting with BTL


Conduct informal Analysis of AT Need related to IEP goal using the Considerations for Assistive Technology that the student is having difficulty with (this could be done as a staffing team and/or BTL could conduct a more in-depth analysis by observing student within task).


If there is a behavioral concern be sure to critically think through and identify the percentage and environments where the behavior is causing a barrier to the task


Staffing team and BTL identify Tier 1 and 2 interventions that already exist within the building that could meet the student’s needs and trial these with the student a.

Read chapter of WATI book on target need (e.g., Composition of Written Material, Communication) with focus on AT continuum expanded and tools, products, and web resources in the back of each chapter b.

Building AT Toolkit c.

Any other interventions available on site to trial d.

If this is a communication concern, contact your building SLP and/or the AT Team e.

If this is a handwriting legibility issue only, and all other parts of the writing process are in tact, contact your building OT for specific supports


Review accommodations/modifications and behavior support plan to make sure they’re being properly implemented in the special education and general education environments


Complete the Assistive Technology Referral Form (pages 2,3,4 and indicate which applicable checklists are completed on page 5). Complete applicable student checklist(s). Send both (1) Considerations for AT and (2)

AT Referral to Tara Mason and Eileen Neilands.


AT will work with you to plan trialing and collecting data for 2-4 weeks – see page 65-68 of WATI for further ideas on data collection

Team input helps to meet student needs Student’s needs have not been adequately addressed

Amend and document Assistive Technology on the IEP (could be the AT box and/or accommodations/ modifications page)



AT Team will follow up within 2 weeks of new AT device to check in and set up meeting


AT Team will meet to go over student progress data or student work samples within 1-2 months of AT device implementation. Turn in student work/data to AT team.


AT team will follow up with team 3-6 months after AT device implementation
