John Hunter`s resume


Curriculum vitae

Dr John T. Hunter



Dr John T. Hunter

Dr John Thomas Hunter B.Sc. (Hons 1) PhD

DOB: 20/12/1967

23 Kendall Rd

Invergowrie, N.S.W., 2350


Ph: (02) 6775 2452

Fax: (02) 6775 2452

Mobile: 0410 44 2452

Australian Citizen

Class A Drivers Licence


Dr John T. Hunter

Education & Qualifications



Introduction Modern Greek Language Course

Australian Academy of Modern Greek Studies,

Armidale, NSW.

Doctor of Philosophy

Floristics & biogeography of the granitic outcrop flora of the New England Batholith of Eastern Australia

University of New England,

Armidale, NSW.

Bachelor of Science (Honours 1 st Class) 1991-1992

Infraspecific variation of Brachyloma daphnoides (Sm.)


University of New England

Armidale, NSW.

1987-1986 & 1989-1991 Bachelor of Science

Major topics: Botany, Zoology, Ecology &


University of New England,



Armidale, NSW.

Bachelor of Education (Secondary Science)

1 year completed (highest overall marks for the year).

Hunter Institute of Higher Education

Newcastle, NSW.

High School Certificate

Granville South High School,

Sydney, NSW.


Dr John T. Hunter

Scholarships & Prizes




1984 & 1985

Research Doctoral Committee Commendation

Letter of commendation on high standard of work submitted for the award of PhD.

University of New England, Armidale, NSW.

Australian Postgraduate Award with Stipend

University of New England, Armidale, NSW

N.C.W. Beadle Scholarship

University of New England, Armidale, NSW.

First in Biology Certificate

Granville South High School, Sydney.

Graduate and Post Graduate Supervision

Principal Supervisor

Principal Supervisor

Principal supervisor

Doctor of Philosophy, Michael Somerville

Potential: In discussion .

Serpentine Flora Endemism

Other supervisor: Associate Professor Nick Reid.

University of New England, Armidale, NSW.

Doctor of Philosophy, Peter Croft

Submitted .

Effects of Fire on Faunal Habitat Resources

Other supervisor: Associate Professor Nick Reid.

University of New England, Armidale, NSW.

Doctor of Philosophy, Alan Hill


Life history traits of Invasive Introduced Grasses and their effect on the Composition of Native Communities

Other supervisor: Associate Professor Nick Reid

University of New England, Armidale, NSW


Dr John T. Hunter

Principal supervisor







Doctor of Philosophy, Sarah McDonald


Appropriate Grazing Management in the Western

Districts of NSW

Other supervisors: Associate Professor Nick Reid, Dr

Rhiannon Smith, Dr Romina Rader.

University of New England, Armidale, NSW

Doctor of philosophy , Helen Morgan


Trophic Cascades and the control of Canids

Other supervisors: Associate Professor Nick Reid, Dr

Romina Rader.

Doctor of Philosophy, Cate Gowen

Current .

Population Dynamics of Rock Wallaby Populations

Other supervisor: Associate Professor Nick Reid.

University of New England, Armidale, NSW.

Doctor of Philosophy, Nick Shultz

Complete .

Contribution of Native Pastures to Regional Plant


Other supervisors: Associate Professor Nick Reid, Dr

Greg Lodge, Associate Professor Oscar Cacho.

Doctor of Philosophy, Megan Good

Complete .

Management of Coolibah Woodlands

Other supervisors: Associate Professor Nick Reid.

Doctor of Philosophy , Waminda Parker

Suspended .

Dynamics of Long Unburnt Forests

Principal supervisor: Associate Professor James Kohen

Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW.

Masters of Natural Resources, Trudy Green.

Complete & awarded,


Dr John T. Hunter


Drivers of Biodiversity Assessment Tools

Principal supervisor: Associate Professor Nick Reid

University of New England, Armidale, NSW.

Bachelor of Natural Resources (Hons) , Laura Lyons

Complete & awarded.

Survey and Mapping of Green Gully

Principal supervisor: Associate Professor Nick Reid

University of New England, Armidale, NSW.

Undergraduate Teaching Experience








1992 & 1994



Grassland Identification Short Courses

Development and implementation

Sustaining our Rural Environment, UNE

Revision and rewrite of first year environmental course.

Bachelor of Environmental Science, ACU National

Marking of Honours Thesis

Australian Rainforests 200-300 B.Sc.

Demonstrator to external school course, UNE

Plant Systematics 200 B.Sc.

Demonstrator for entire course, UNE

Identification of Australian Plants 200-300 B.Sc.

Demonstrator to external school course, UNE

Plant Ecology 200 B.Sc.

Demonstrator for internal course, UNE

Biology 100 B.Sc.

Demonstrator for internal course, UNE

Open Learning: The Unique Continent 100 Level

Marker of all submitted assignments, UNE

Plant Biology 100 TAFE

Casual Teacher for Associate Diploma in Biological

Techniques, Armidale


Dr John T. Hunter



Plant and Animal Biology 200 TAFE

Casual Teacher for Associate Diploma in Biological

Techniques, Armidale

Wallsend High School

Practical secondary school teaching experience.

Editorships and Professional Committees










Pacific Conservation Biology

Associate Editor: international peer reviewed scientific journal.

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Geography, School of Behavioural, Cognitive and

Social Sciences,

University of New England, Armidale, NSW.

Namoi CMA

Member of community advisory group.

Honorary Associate

Geography, School of Behavioural, Cognitive and

Social Sciences,

University of New England, Armidale, NSW.

Double Helix, UNE Committee

Committee member.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland

Botanical Editor: peer reviewed scientific journal.

Northern Tablelands Regional Vegetation

Management Committee

Paid committee position.

Inverell-Yallaroi Regional Vegetation Management


Paid committee position

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

Independent on interview panel for ranger position.


Dr John T. Hunter

1999 Gwydir Unregulated Water Catchment Management


Paid committee position.

1994-present Citizens Wildlife Corridors

Committee member since inception.



Field Naturalists Club of Victoria

Proof-reader and in-house referee.

The Biological Society

President, editor and founder of newsletter, UNE.

Current Collaborative Research Projects







Mapping of Upland wetlands of the Namoi

SNELC Armidale

Description and dynamics of the Tank Wetlands of the

Pilliga National Park

Dr Dorothy Bell and Lisa Montgomery (2 publication in preparation)


Collaborators: Associate Professor Nick Reid, Dr Grey

Lodge, Associate Professor Oscar Cacho

Biogeography of Lagoons on the Northern Tablelands

Collaborators: Dr Dorothy Bell, UNE – research in progress.

Life History Attributes of Native and Exotic Species on

Gravel Beds

Collaborator: Dr Dorothy Bell, UNE – research in progress

Effects of Feral Horses on the Ecology of Oxley Wild

Rivers National Park

Collaborator: Associate Professor Nick Reid, UNE – research in progress


Dr John T. Hunter



Rural Sex Industry

Collaborator: Dr John Scott, UNE (BCSS), Dr Angela

Ragusa, CSU. (1 peer-reviewed publication; two review) – research in progress.

Community Dynamics and Biogeography of Bogs,

Fens and Lagoons of the Northern Tablelands

Dr Dorothy Bell. (3 peer-reviewed publications; identification book in preparation) – research in progress.

Professional Society Memberships


International Biogeographical Society (since 2003)

Ecological Society of Australia (since 1991)

Ecological Society of America (since 2000)

British Ecological Society (since 2000)

International Association of Vegetation Scientists (since 2002)

Royal Society of Queensland (since 1997)

Citizens Wildlife Corridors (since 1995)

Australian Rationalist Society (since 2008)


Australian Systematic Botany Society (since 1991-2008)

Australian Network for Plant Conservation (1997-2003)

Royal Society of Western Australia (1996-1998)

Coast and Wetlands Society (1992-2004)

Inland Rivers Network (1999-2002)

Friends of Grasslands (1999-2001)

American Society of Naturalists (1998-2005)

Australian Plants Society (1994-2004)

Australian Plant Food Study Group (1994-2000)

North Queensland Naturalist Club (1992-2000)


Dr John T. Hunter

Field Naturalist Club of Victoria (since 1991-2009)

Queensland Field Naturalist Club (since 1992-2009)

Journal Reviewer

Journal of Biogeography

Diversity and Distributions

Austral Ecology

Australian Journal of Botany

Plant Ecology

Pacific Conservation Biology

Ecological Management and Restoration

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland



Victorian Naturalist

Media and other Technical Experience








Whitehaven Offsets

Radio National, ABC Radio, Northern Daily Leader.

Marginal Rural Industries

SBS-ABC Pilot, TV interview, Marcella Rice.

Convener, Woodlands Symposium

Ecological Society of Australia

7.30 Report, Family Secrets

ABC TV interview.

Central West ABC Radio

ABC Live Radio Interview on new eucalypt species.


DJ on one to several weekly public radio shows, 1 sponsored & interviewer of UNE staff for local science news program.

Field Excursion Leader

Regular field excursion leader for Australian Plants

Society, National Parks Association, Aboriginal Land

Councils and Schools.


Dr John T. Hunter

1994 4WD Competence Certificate

NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service, 4WD course.

1992-1993 UNE Staff Development Courses

Touch Typing and Editing.




Joel JSM-35 Scanning Electron Microscope Course


Extraction and Hybridisation of DNA and the use of

Gel Electrophoresis

UNE, Biochemistry

Marine Science Winter School

Australian Marine Science Consortium

Royal Australian Naval College, Jervis Bay, ACT.

Professional Site Licences & Software

ArcGIS 10.1


ArcGIS 9.3



ArcPad 7.1 (remote GIS)

ArcView 3.2


SURFER 12 for Windows (Digital Terrain & Geo-statistical Modelling)

CANOCO-4 (Canonical Correspondence Analysis; Redundancy Analysis etc)

PATN 3.12 (Pattern Analysis Package)

ANUCLIM 6 (Climate modelling program)

CLIMEX (experience with by no current licence)

PAUP (Cladistic Phylogenetic Analysis Package)

APE (Phylogenetic Analysis Package)

DELTA (Taxonomic Database for Providing Taxonomic Descriptions)

INTKEY (Interactive Taxonomic Key Generation Package)

SAM (Statistics for macroecology)

EcoSim Professional (Statistics for Macroecology, Co-occurrence, Niche Overlap,

Size Overlap, Species Diversity).

EstimateS (Species Richness estimation and Rarefaction Software)

STATISTICA (Comprehensive Statistical Package)

PAST (Comprehensive Statistical Package)

ADE-4 (Comprehensive Statistical Package).


Dr John T. Hunter

RAMAN (Randomization MANova; Monte Carlo one-way hypothesis testing)

RangeModel (Monte Carlo simulation tool for assessing geometric constraints on species richness)

R (Various statistical packages)

Microsoft Vista - WORD , EXCEL and ACCESS etc.

Paradox 12 (Relational Database)

YETI (Flora Database)

PAPYRUS (Bibliographic Database)

EndNote (Bibliographic Database)

Conferences Attended



Ecological Society of Australia

Armidale, NSW

Ecological Society of Australia

Wollongong, NSW




Australian Network for Plant Conservation

Albury, NSW

Australian Systematic Botany Society & the Ecological

Society of Australia Joint Meeting

Townsville, Qld

Southern Temperate Ecosystems

Hobart, Tas.

Non-casual Employment

(N.B. excluding teaching and committees – see above)

Non-casual Employment

2005 Ranger

Department of Environment and Conservation,


NSW Parks and Wildlife Service

6 month full time appointed to conduct biodiversity surveys.

Research Assistant

Australian Biological Resources Study (Canberra) & the




Dr John T. Hunter

University of New England.

Revision of the Phyllanthus and Sauropus of Australia for the Flora of Australia Project .

Technical Officer

As listed above for research assistant.

Laboratory Assistant

University of New England.

Seed bank sampling of montane aquatic ecosystems.


Dr John T. Hunter


Submitted and in review (2014)

Gowen, C., Hunter, J.T.

& Reid, N. (in review) Assessment of changes in understorey flora with the removal of fire and horse grazing from Oxley Wild

Rivers National Park. Australian Journal of Botany .

Hill, A., Hunter, J.T.

& Reid, N. (in review) Changes in diversity and life history traits over the invasion front of the weed Andropogon virginicus and implications for conservation management. Pacific Conservation Biology.

In press or published


Hunter, J.T. (in review) Changes in above ground biomass and other related allometric traits of forests and woodlands across an altitudinal and rainfall gradient in Australia. Austral Ecology , (submitted)

Hunter, J.T. (in review) Tree hollow distribution and density and the effects of a changing climate. Australian Journal of Botany . (in revision).

Hunter, J.T. (2014) Vegetation and species of the Little Bora Nature Conservation

Trust Agreement. Cunninghamia, (in press).

Schultz, N, Reid, N, Lodge, G. & Hunter, J.T.

(submitted) Seasonal variation in species composition of native pastures on the North West Slopes of New

South Wales. Austral Ecology

Hawes, W. & Hunter, J.T.

(2014) Guide to the Wetland Plants of the lowland areas of the North West Local Land Services Region. Booklet published by the

North West LLS.


Hunter, J.T. (2013) Upland wetlands of the Namoi Catchment: type; mapping, distribution and naturalness. Cunninghamia 13: 331-335.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

(2013) Interactions between Callitris above ground biomass, species density and plant form in north eastern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Botany . 61: 73-79.

Hunter, J.T

. & Bell, D. (2013) Season and timing of moisture availability predict composition of montane shrub dominated wetlands at distributional limits in eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 61: 243-253.


Bell, D.B., Hunter, J.T.

& Montgomery, L. (2012) Ephemeral Wetlands of the Pilliga

Outwash of Northern NSW. Cunninghamia 12: 181-190.

Croft, P., Reid, N. & Hunter, J.T. (2012) The bark of eucalypt trees: habitat quality and impact of fire. Pacific Conservation Biology . 18: 186-193.


Hunter, J.T. (2011) A broad brush stroke test of an assumption: increasing Callitris cover reduces species richness. Cunninghamia 12: 115.


Croft, P., Hunter, J.T.

& Reid, N. (2010) Threat of frequent fire and drought for the rare wattle Acacia williamsiana J.T.Hunter: an experimental burn highlights implications for fire management. Ecological Management and Restoration

11: 217-220

Croft, P., Reid, N. & Hunter, J.T.

(2010) Experimental burning changes the quality of fallen timber as habitat for vertebrate and invertebrate fauna: implications for fire management. Wildlife Research 37: 1-8.

Nadolny, C. Hunter, J.T.

& Hawes, W. (2010) Native grassy vegetation in the

Border Rivers-Gwydir Catchment: diversity, distribution, use and management . Border Rivers-Gwydir Catchment Management Authority. (65 pages).


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

(2010) Eucalypts of the Northern Tablelands . Northern Rivers

Catchment Management Authority & J.T.Hunter. (155 Pages).


Hunter, J.T. & Bell, D. (2009) The Carex Fen vegetation of northern New South

Wales. Cunninghamia 11 (1): 49-65.


Hunter, J.T

. & Sheringham, P.J. (2008) Vegetation and diversity at Gibraltar Range and southern Washpool National Parks. Cunninghamia 10: 439-474.

Bell, D.M., Hunter, J.T.

& Haworth, R.J. (2008) Montane lagoons of the New

England Tablelands Bioregion: vegetation, landuse and dynamics.


Cunninghamia 10: 475-492.

Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Vegetation of Yina and Imbota Nature Reserves, Northern

Tablelands, New South Wales. Cunninghamia 10: 215-224.

Croft, P.J., Hunter, J.T

. & Reid, N. (2007) Depletion of regenerative bud resources during cyclic drought. What are the implications for fire management?

Ecological Management and Restoration 8: 187-192.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bell, D. (2007) The vegetation of montane bogs in eastern flowing catchments of the New England Batholith, New South Wales. Cunninghamia

10: 77-92.

Williams, J.B. & Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Trochocarpa montana (Ericaceae) a new

2006 species from the north east of New South Wales. Telopea 11: 413-417.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

, Williams, J.B & Conn, B. (2006) Rediscovery of Prostanthera staurophylla F.Muell. and reinstatement of P. teretifolia Maiden & Betche.

Telopea 11: 117-126.

Croft, P.J., Hofmayer, D. & Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Fire response traits of four rare species at Gibraltar Range National Park. Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales 127: 57-62.

Scott, J., Hunter, J.T.

, Hunter, V.H. & Ragusa, A. (2006) Sex outside the city: sex work in rural and regional New South Wales. Rural Society 16: 151-168.

Williams, J.B. & Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Boronia boliviensis (Rutaceae series

Erianthae), a new rare granite outcrop endemic from north-eastern New South

Wales. Telopea 11 (3): 260-264.


Hunter, J.T.

(2005) Phytogeography, range size and richness of Australian endemic

Sauropus (Euphorbiaceae). Journal of Biogeography . 32: 63-75.

Hunter, J.T.

(2005) Geographic variation in plant species richness patterns within temperate eucalypt woodlands of eastern Australia. Ecography 28: 505-514.

Hunter, J.T.

(2005) Truth, reality, belief, faith: Science in public debate. Pacific

Conservation Biology . 11: 1-2.

Hunter, J.T.

(2005) Vegetation of Warra National Park and Wattleridge.

Cunninghamia 9: 255-274.

Hunter, J.T.

(2005) Vegetation and floristics of Culgoa National Park.

Cunninghamia 9: 275-284.

Hunter, J.T.

(2005) Floristics and distribution of Wattle Dry Sclerophyll Forests and

Scrubs of north eastern New South Wales. Cunninghamia 9: 317-323.

Copeland, L.C. & Hunter, J.T.

(2005) Range extensions, habitat notes and conservation status of three rare mallee Eucalypts from the Hunter Valley,

New South Wales. Cunninghamia 9: 307-309.



Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

(2004) Nested species subset patterns for the granitic outcrop flora of the New England Batholith of eastern Australia. Proceedings of the Royal

Society of Queensland 111: 31-38.

Hunter, J.T.

(2004) Vegetation and floristics of Basket Swamp National Park.

Cunninghamia 8: 453-466.


Hunter, J.T.

(2003) Persistence on inselbergs: the role of obligate seeders and resprouters. Journal of Biogeography 30: 497-510.

Hunter, J.T.

(2003) Factors affecting range size differences for plant species on rock outcrops in eastern Australia. Diversity and Distributions 9: 211-220.

Hunter, J.T.

(2003) Vegetation of Arakoola Nature Reserve, North Western Slopes,

New South Wales. Cunninghamia 8: 157-284.

Hunter, J.T.

& Hunter, V.H. (2003) Vegetation of Ironbark Nature Reserve and the

Bornhardtia Voluntary Conservation Agreement, Northern Tablelands, New

South Wales. Cunninghamia 8: 93-110.


Hunter, J.T.

(2002) A preliminary overview of what is reserved in the Inverell and

Yallaroi Shires on the North Western Slopes of New South Wales.

Cunninghamia 7: 671-681.

Hunter, J.T.

(2002) Vegetation and floristics of Mt Canobolas State Recreation Area,

Central Tablelands, New South Wales. Cunninghamia 7: 501-526.

Hunter, J.T.

(2002) How insular are ecological islands? An example from the granitic outcrop flora of the New England Batholith of eastern Australia.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland . 110: 1-13.

Hunter, J.T.

(2002) Grevillea kennedyana F.Muell. an Overview of Distribution and

Demography. Queensland Naturalist 40: 63-68.

Hunter, J.T.

& Earl, J. (2002) Moree Grasslands Vegetation Survey . the Dept. of

Land & Water Conservation and NSW NPWS.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

& Harrison, K. (2002) Vegetation and floristics of Burnt Down Scrub

Nature Reserve, North Coast, New South Wales. Cunninghamia 7: 539-562.


Hunter, J.T.

(2001) Eucalyptus saxicola (Myrtaceae), a new species from the Central

Tablelands of New South Wales (section Maidenaria series Bridgesianae).

Telopea 9: 403-407.

Hunter, J.T.

& Copeland, L. (2001) Homoranthus binghiensis (Myrtaceae), a new species from the North Western Slopes of New South Wales. Telopea 9: 431-


Hunter, J.T.

, Kingswood, R. & Bell, D. (2001) Vegetation of the Narran Lake Nature

Reserve, NSW. Cunninghamia 7: 43-63.

Hunter, J.T.

(2001) A change in the name of an author of some Australian plant names. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 107 (June): 5-7.


Hunter, J.T.

(2000) Fragmentation and its implications for species richness and conservation of granitic outcrop flora on the New England Batholith.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 109: 75-82.


Hunter, J.T.

& Bruhl, J.J. (1999) Two new species of Eucalyptus for northern New

South Wales. Telopea 8: 257-264.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bruhl, J.J. (1999) Phyllanthus . Flora of Victoria Vol. 4: 74-78.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bruhl, J.J. (1999) Sauropus . Flora of Victoria Vol. 4: 78-79.

Hunter, J.T.

, Kingston, J. & Croft, P. (1999) Vegetation and floristics of Kwiambal

National Park and surrounds, Ashford, New South Wales. Cunninghamia 6:


Hunter, J.T.

& White, M. (1999) Notes on the distribution of Eucalyptus cannonii

R.T. Baker and a review of its conservation status. Cunninghamia 6: 389-394.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

, Wyatt, A., Hofmeyer, D., Brown, L., Barkwell, N. & Beresford-Smith,

N. (2000) Vegetation and floristics of the Demon Nature Reserve, Tenterfield,

New South Wales. Cunninghamia 6: 331-350.

Hunter, V.H. & Hunter, J.T.

(1999) Pollination of Acacia pruinosa . Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 108: 49-56.

Copeland, L. & Hunter, J.T.

(1999) New records of restricted taxa on the Northern

Tablelands of New South Wales and a review of their conservation status.

Cunninghamia 6: 395-401.


Hunter, J.T.

(1998) Eucalyptus canobolensis (Myrtaceae), a new combination for a former subspecies of Eucalyptus rubida . Telopea 8: 157-158.

Hunter, J.T.

(1998) Two new species of Homoranthus (Myrtaceae) for northern New

South Wales. Telopea 8: 35-40.

Hunter, J.T.

(1998) Granite outcrop vegetation of Wilson’s Promontory. Victorian

Naturalist 115: 322-325.

Hunter, J.T.

(1998) Notes on the occurrence of Monotaxis macrophylla Benth.

(Euphorbiaceae), with particular reference to New South Wales. The

Queensland Naturalist 36: 21-24.

Hunter, J.T.

(1998) The botany of Howell, New South Wales: A tin granite flora

(revisited). The Victorian Naturalist 115: 94-99.

Hunter, J.T.

& Clarke, P.J. (1998) The vegetation of granitic outcrop communities on the New England Batholith of eastern Australia. Cunninghamia 5: 547-618.

Hunter, J.T.

, Fallavollita, E. & Hunter, V.H. (1998) Observations on the ecology of

Muehlenbeckia costata m.s. (Polygonaceae), a rare fire ephemeral species occurring on the New England Batholith of north eastern New South Wales and Southern Queensland. The Victorian Naturalist 115: 9-17.



Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

(1997) Acacia williamsiana a new species restricted to granitic outcrops on the New England Batholith. Journal of the Royal Society of Western

Australia 80: 235-237.

Hunter, J.T.

(1997) A further record of Homoranthus lunatus Craven & S.R.Jones

(Myrtaceae) for northern New South Wales. Queensland Naturalist 35: 24-25.

Hunter, J.T.

(1997) The use of host specific galls in the identification of vascular plant species. Queensland Naturalist 35: 26-27.

Hunter, J.T.

(1997) Severe blistering caused by Parsonsia straminea (R.Br.)

F.Muell. (Apocynaceae) at Girraween National Park. Queensland Naturalist

35: 28-29.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bruhl, J.J. (1997) Two new species of Phyllanthus and notes on

Phyllanthus and Sauropus (Euphorbiaceae: Phyllantheae) in New South

Wales. Telopea 7: 149-165.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bruhl, J.J. (1997) Three new species of Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae:

Phyllantheae) for the Northern Territory, one new species for Western

Australia and notes on other Phyllanthus occurring in these regions. Nuytsia

11: 147-163.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bruhl, J.J. (1997) New Sauropus (Euphorbiaceae: Phyllantheae) taxa for the Northern Territory, three new Sauropus for Western Australia, and notes on other Sauropus for these regions. Nuytsia 11: 165-184.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bruhl, J.J. (1997) Four new rare species of Sauropus (Euphorbiaceae:

Phyllantheae) from North Queensland. Austrobaileya 4: 661-672.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bruhl, J.J. (1997) Significant range extensions for vascular plant species in northern New South Wales. Austrobaileya 4: 691-694.

Richards, P. & Hunter, J.T.

(1997) Significant vascular plants species of the

Northern Tablelands of New South Wales. Cunninghamia 4: 691-694.

Clarke, P.J., Copeland, L., Hunter, J.T.

, Nano, C., Williams, J.B. & Willis, K. (1997)

Vegetation survey of the Torrington State Recreation Area . Division of


Botany, University of New England: Armidale.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

(1996) A further record of Leucopogon cicatricatus for Queensland:

Queensland Naturalist 34: 20-21.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bruhl, J.J. (1996) Three new South Australian species of Phyllanthus

(Euphorbiaceae: Phyllantheae). Journal of the Adelaide Botanical Garden 17:


Hunter, J.T.

, Quinn, F.C. & Bruhl, J.J. (1996) A new species of Micromyrtus

(Myrtaceae) from New South Wales. Telopea 7: 77-81.

Hunter, J.T.

(1995) Some observations on the fire responses of two rare species in

1995 the Girraween and Bald Rock National Parks. Queensland Naturalist 33: 146-


Hunter, J.T.

(1995) Interesting Vegetation on Rocky Outcrops. Armidale Tree Group

Newsletter 61: 10-13.


Hunter, J.T.

& Williams, J.B. (1994) A new species of Brachyloma Sond. and three new subspecies of Brachyloma daphnoides (Smith) Benth. (Epacridaceae) from eastern Australia. Telopea 6: 1-7.


Hunter, J.T.

(1993) Natural history of Bathurst and surrounds. The Biological Society

Newsletter 1: 3-6.

Hunter, J.T.

(1993) Professor Huxley and Australia. The Biological Society

Newsletter 1: 11-12.


Dr John T. Hunter

Theses, chapters & published notes

Hunter, J.T.

(1999) Floristics and Biogeography of the Granitic Outcrop Flora of the New England Batholith of Eastern Australia . Doctor of Philosophy Thesis

Submitted to the University of New England, Armidale.

Hunter, J.T.

(1992) Infraspecific variation of a widespread species Brachyloma daphnoides . B.Sc. (Hons) Thesis. Botany Dept. University of New England,


Bruhl, J.J. & Hunter, J.T.

(1993) Delta – Intkey Interactive Identification System for the Phyllantheae of Australia [160 taxa].

Hunter, J.T.

(1998) DELTA – Intkey Interactive Identification System for the

Granitic Outcrop Flora of the New England Batholith [868 taxa].


Dr John T. Hunter

Consultancy reports

Hunter, J.T. (2013) Review of Biodiversity implications of Cypress thinning in the

Brigalow Belt and Nandewar Bioregions. Review to the Natural Resources


Hunter, J.T.

(2013) Survey and mapping of the Mawonga Nature Conservation Trust

Agreement. Unpublished report for the Nature Conservation Trust, Griffith

Land Council and the Bush Heritage Fund.

Hunter, J.T. (2013) Survey and mapping of the Five Corners Voluntary Conservation

Agreement. Unpublished report.

Hunter, J.T. (2013) Survey and mapping review of threatened communities in land parcels within the Gunnedah Basin. Unpublished report to Resource


Hunter, J.T.

& Hawes W. (2013) Survey and mapping of constraints for mineral exploration within the Tingha Region. Unpublished report.

Hunter, J.T. & Hawes, W.

(2013) Review of the Greater Namoi Native Vegetation

Mapping and the Namoi Regional Vegetation Classification. Report to the

Namoi CMA.

Hunter, J.T.

(2013) Survey, mapping and management plan for the Living

Classroom, Bingara. Gwydir Shire Council.

Hunter, J.T. (2013) Survey, mapping, management and control of tourism along the

Gwydir River, Bingara NSW. Unpublished report to the Gwydir Shire


Hunter, J.T.

(2013) EPBC Act assessment of Teviot Brook subdivision, South

Eastern Queensland. Unpublished report to Segman-Yeats.

Hunter, J.T.

, Hawes, W, Sonter, T. (2012) Uralla Shire Council Biodiversity

Strategy; Arding, West Invergworie, Kentucky & Rocky River. Unpublished report to the Uralla Shire Council

Hunter, J.T.

(2012) Vegetation survey and mapping of the proposed New England

Highway upgrade, Bolivia Hill. Unpublished report to the Road and Maritime



Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T. (2012) Vegetation and Floristics of Little Bora NCT property.

Unpublished report to the Nature Conservation Trust.

Hunter, J.T. (2012) Vegetation survey and mapping of Doctors Nose Nature

Reserve. Report to OEH.

Hunter, J.T.

(2012) Vegetation survey and mapping of the Noonga addition to the

Gwydir River National Park. Report to OEH.

Hunter, J.T.

(2012) Vegetation survey and mapping of the Muellerindi addition to

Warrabah National Park. Report to OEH.

Hunter, J.T. & Bell, D. (2012) Flora survey and mapping of the Lake Cowal Gold

Mine and surrounds). AMBS and Lake Cowal Gold.

Hunter, J.T. (2012) Mapping of Upland Wetlands of the Namoi CMA. SNELC and the Namoi CMA.

Hunter, J.T.

(2012) Vegetation survey of the proposed Warrambool State

Conservation Area. Report to the OEH.

Hunter, J.T.

(2012) Vegetation survey of Gilwarney Nature Reserve. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2012) Vegetation survey of Wingadee Nature Reserve. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2012) Vegetation survey of the Wilgavale addition to Ginghet Nature

Reserve. Report to the OEH.

Hunter, J.T.

(2012) Vegetation survey of Carrabear Nature Reserve. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2012) Vegetation survey of the southern portions of Warialda National

Park. Report to the OEH.

Hunter, J.T. & Bevan, J. (2011) Stratford Surrounds Flora Survey. Prepared by the

Australian Museum Business Services for Stratford Coal Pty Ltd.

Hunter, J.T.

(2011) Threatened species survey and biobanking plot survey of

Brimbim, Taree. Report to Niche.

Hunter, J.T.

(2011) Vegetation survey of the Murchison section and Salmon addition to the Gwydir River National Park. Report to the OEH.

Hunter, J.T. (2011) Vegetation survey and mapping of Campampse and Atlas,

Balranald, NSW. Report to the Australian Museum.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

(2011) Vegetation survey, mapping and biobanking plot survey of

Stratford proposed offset areas. Report to the Australian Museum.

Hunter, J.T.

(2011) Vegetation and flora of Scone Mountain Nature Reserve. Report to DECCW.

Hunter, J.T.

(2011) Vegetation and flora of Brushy Creek Nature Reserve. Report to


Hunter, J.T. (2011) Fire REF for demonstration burn at Thirldene. Report to


Hunter, J.T.

(2011) Fire REF for demonstration burn at Watsons Creek. Report to


Hunter, J.T. (2011) Vegetation and flora of the Tingha Plateau group of Reserves.

Report to DECCW.

Hunter, J.T. (2011) Vegetation and flora of the Back Creek Nature Conservation

Trust Property. Nature Conservation Trust of NSW.

Hunter, J.T.

(2011) Report on Threatened Communities, Species and Populations within the Proposed Doyles Creek Mining Area. Report to Doyles Creek

Mining Pty Ltd.

Hunter, J.T.

(2011) Vegetation and flora of Butterleaf Creek. Report the Nature

Conservation Trust of NSW.

Hunter, J.T. (2011) Vegetation survey and mapping of Butterleaf National Park.

Report to DECCW.

Hunter, J.T.

(2011) Vegetation survey and mapping of Timbarra National Park.

Report to DECCW.

Hunter, J.T. (2011) Significant Vegetation within proposed Sarana Voluntary

Conservation Area. Report to Conservation Partnerships Program.

Hunter, J.T.

(2011) Vegetation survey and mapping of the Pilliga SCA, NP and NR.

Report to the DECCW.

Hunter, J.T. (2010) Vegetation survey and mapping of the Terewah Addition to

Narran Lake Nature Reserve. Report to DECCW.

Hunter, J.T.

(2010) Vegetation survey and mapping of the Barwon Nature Reserve.

Report to DECCW.

Hunter, J.T.

(2010) Vegetation survey of the Mehi section of the Gwydir River

National Park. Report to DECCW.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

(2010) Vegetation survey of Dowe National Park. Report to DECCW.

Hunter, J.T.

(2010) Vegetation survey of the southern section of the Warialda

National Park. Report to DECCW.

Hunter, J.T.

(2010). Vegetation survey of three properties on offer to the

Conservation Partnerships Program. Report to CPP.

Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation survey and mapping of Bullala NP. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation survey and mapping of Terri Hie Hie AA. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation survey and mapping of Berygill AA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation survey and mapping of Courallie AA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation survey and mapping of Mission AA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation survey and mapping of Irragrippa AA Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation survey and mapping of Montrose AA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation survey and mapping of Campbell AA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation survey and mapping of the Sepoy section of the

Gwydir River NP. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation survey and mapping of Bingara SCA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation survey and mapping of Derra Derra Ridge. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation and Floristics of Horton Falls National Park. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2009) Vegetation and Floristics of the Molroy section of the Bingara

State Conservation Area. Report to the NSW NPWS.


Dr John T. Hunter

Broese, L., Doucette, L., Dillon, M., Hunter, J.T.

& Ballantyne, J. (2008) Namoi

Catchment Conservation Strategy 2008. Report for Namoi Catchment

Management Authority.

Hunter, J.T. (2008) Vegetation and Floristics of Warrabah National Park. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Dthinnia Dthinnawan NP:

2008 update with mapping of new additions. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Kwiambal NP: 2008 update with mapping of new additions. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Warialda NP. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Gunyerwarildi NP. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Warrumbungle NP. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Biddon CCA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Garrawilla CCA. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Kelvin CCA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Somerton CCA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Tinkrameanah CCA. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Trinkey CCA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Wondoba CCA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Deriah AA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of Leard SCA. Report to the



Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of the Playgan additions to Mt

Kaputar NP. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2008) Vegetation survey and mapping of the Rusden additions to Mt

Kaputar NP. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Vegetation survey and mapping of Bobbiwaa SCA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Vegetation survey and mapping of Bullawa Creek SCA. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Vegetation survey and mapping of Couradda NP. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Vegetation survey and mapping of Killarney SCA. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Vegetation survey and mapping of Moema NP. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Flora survey, vegetation mapping and management plan of

Marrawah Conservation Area, Mendooran NSW. Report to Eco-Trades Pty


Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Flora survey, vegetation mapping and management plan of

Sandy Wells Conservation Area, Bugaldie NSW. Report to Eco-Trades Pty


Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Flora survey, vegetation mapping and management plan of

Malumla and Studleigh Conservation Area, Mt Royal NSW. Report to Eco-

Trades Pty Ltd.

Hunter, J.T. (2007) Review of draft nominations of endangered or vulnerable forest ecosystems as Endangered Ecological Communities. Report to the Department of Environment & Conservation, Coffs Harbour.

Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Report on the conservation a values of the vegetation on properties on offer to Eco-Trades Pty Ltd for the purpose of Biobanking.

Report to Hardie Industries.

Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Rockview Plan of Management, Ironbark NSW. Report to the

Nature Conservation Trust of NSW.

Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Vegetation survey and mapping of recent additions to Boonoo

Boonoo National Park. Report to the NSW NPWS.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

(2007) Mapping of significant vegetation communities within Carrai NP and NR. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation and floristics of Bald Rock and Boonoo Boonoo

National Park. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

& Copeland, L. (2006) Field surveys and mapping of the western granite threatened flora for the Namoi Catchment Management Authority.

Report to the Namoi CMA.

Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of Dthiniia Dthinnawan Nature Reserve.

Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of new additions to Narran Lake Nature

Reserve. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of Boronga, Boomi and Boomi West Nature

Reserves. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of Careunga Nature Reserve. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of Midkin Nature Reserve. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of Planchonella Nature Reserve. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of Budelah Nature Reserve. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of Brigalow and Claremont Nature Reserves.

Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of Gamilaroi Nature Reserve. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of Maryland National Park. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of Cataract National Park. Report to the NSW


Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation survey of new additions to Boonoo Boonoo National

Park. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Vegetation of Verdun Voluntary Conservation Area. Report to the NSW NPWS.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

& Bell. D. (2006) Field baseline surveys of the threatened flora species

Boronia repanda and Acacia atrox. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

& Sheringham, P. (2006) Vegetation survey of Melville Range Nature

Reserve. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2006) Community analysis of Bioregional Ecosystems within a development site at Yeppoon, Qld. Unpublished report to BTEQ

Environmental Consultants.

Hunter, J.T.

(2005) Vegetation of Aberbaldie Nature Reserve. Report to the NSW


Hunter, J.T.

(2005) Plant species and notes on Werrikimbe National Park. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2005) Survey and plant species of the Stannum Block, Torrington State

Conservation Area. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2005) Guidelines for the Survey of Threatened Flora on the EPB&C

Act. Report to the Commonwealth Government of Australia.

Hunter, J.T.

& Sheringham, P. (2005) Vegetation of Ngulin Nature Reserve. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2004) Environmental impact of alternate Pacific Highway Routes near

Ballina. Unpublished report to Geolyse Pty Ltd.

Hunter, J.T.

(2004) Rare and Threatened Flora Species of the Singleton Training

Area (Part A & B). Report to the Department of Defence.

Hunter, J.T.

(2004) Historical Vegetation Change at Mooraback, Werrikimbe NP.

Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2004) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Mann River Nature Reserve’.

Report NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2003) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Imbota Nature Reserve’ Report to the New England Tablelands Region NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2003) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Yina Nature Reserve’ Report to the

New England Tablelands Region NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

& Fallavollita, E. (2003) Vegetation and Floristics of the Paroo-Darling

NP, Thilta-karra Section. Report to the NSW NPWS.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

& Fallavollita, E. (2003) Vegetation and Floristics of Ledknapper

Nature Reserve. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2003) Environmental impacts of the proposed ruby mine at Barrington

Tops. Report to Terra Consulting.

Hunter, J.T.

(2003) Environmental impacts of the proposed sub-development at sections 1a and 2b, Old Bar. Report to Terra Consulting.

Hunter, J.T.

(2003) Targeted survey for Threatened Species and Ecological

Communities along the proposed road widening of the Barraba to Bingara

Road. Report to Terra Consulting.

Fallavollita, E. & Hunter, J.T.

(2002) ‘Draft: Fire Management Plan, Dunggir

National Park.’ Report to the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2002) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of the Tenterfield Nature Reserves’.

Report to the New England Tablelands Region NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2002) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of the Bald Rock and Boonoo Boonoo

National Parks’. Report to the Glen Innes District NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

& Earl, J. (2002) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Culgoa National Park’

Report to the Bourke District NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2002) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Ironbark NR & the Bornhardtia

VCA’. Report to the New England Tablelands Region NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2002) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of the Paradise VCA’. Report to the

Hunter Region NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2002) Proposed Namoi River – Longacres Supply Delivery Channel:

Investigation of the Vegetation and Flora. Report to North West

Environmental Services.

Hunter, J.T.

(2002) Proposed Subdivision of ‘Burundah’ Coolatai Rd, Warialda:

Investigation of the Vegetation and Flora. (Unpublished report to Steve

McCormick Surveyor.

Hunter, J.T.

(2002) ‘Keepit Dam Review of Environmental Factors: Impacts on

Flora and Vegetation’ Report to State Water.

Sheringham, P. & Hunter, J.T.

(2002) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Gibraltar Range

National Park’. Report to the NSW NPWS.

Fallavollita, E., Alexander, J., Hunter, J.T

, & Roweder, D. (2001) Pest Management

Plan for Dunggir National Park. Report to the Dorrigo Region NSW NPWS.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

(2001) ‘Targeted Survey for Grevillea kennedyana to assess population size and stand change’. Report to the Western Directorate NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2001) ‘Targeted Survey for Threatened Flora in Far North Western

NSW’. Report to Western Directorate NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

& Alexander, J. (2001) ‘Targeted Survey for Hakea pulvinifera north and west of Lake Keepit’. Report: Western Directorate NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

& Alexander, J. (2001) ‘Targeted Survey for Grevillea beadleana’

Report to the Northern Directorate, NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2001) ‘Vegetation and Flora of Warra National Park’. Report to the


Earl, J. & Hunter, J.T.

(2000) ‘Targeted Survey for the Threatened Plant Olearia flocktoniae’

. Report to the Northern Directorate NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2000) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Arakoola Nature Reserve’. Report to the Northern Tablelands Region, NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2000) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Severn River Nature Reserve’.

Report to the Northern Tablelands Region, NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2000) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Burnt Down Scrub Nature

Reserve’. Report to the Northern Tablelands Region, NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2000) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Mt Canobolas State Recreation

Area’. Report to the Central West District NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2000) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Kings Plains National Park’. Report to the Glen Innes District NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(2000) ‘Flora of the Bolivia Hill Rail Easement’. Report to Rail Services


Hunter, J.T.

& Alexander, J. (2000) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of the central and northern portions of Mt Kaputar National Park’. Report to the North Western

Region, NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

& Alexander, J. (2000) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of Myall Lakes

National Park’. Report to the Hunter Region, NPWS.


Dr John T. Hunter

Alexander, J. & Hunter, J.T.

(1999) ‘Environmental Impact Assessment for Goobang

National Park Fire Management Plan’. Report for the Central West District of the NSW NPWS.

Alexander, J. & Hunter, J.T.

(1999) ‘Environmental Impact Assessment for Nangar

National Park Fire Management Plan’. Report for the Central West District of the NSW NPWS.

Alexander, J. & Hunter, J.T.

(1999) ‘Environmental Impact Assessment for Weddin

Mountains National Park Fire Management Plan’. Report for the Central West

District of the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(1999) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of the Narran Lakes Nature Reserve’

Report to the Narrabri District of the NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(1999) ‘Targeted Survey of Rare and Threatened Flora and Vegetation along the Proposed Gilgai to Bundarra and Howell Rd Optical Fibre Route’.

Report to the NDC.

Hunter, J.T.

(1999) ‘Targeted Survey of Rare and Threatened Flora and Vegetation along the Proposed Piallaway Optical Fibre Route’. Report to the NDC.

Hunter, J.T.

(1999) ‘Targeted Survey of Rare and Threatened Flora and Vegetation along the Proposed Bundarra to Kingstown Optical Fibre Route’. Report to the


Hunter, J.T.

(1999) ‘Targeted Flora Survey of Proposed Fire Trail at the Mann River

Nature Reserve’. Report to the Glen Innes District of the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

& Alexander, J. (1999) ‘Vegetation and Floristics of the Guy Fawkes

River National Park’. Report to the Glen Innes District NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bell, D.M. (1999) ‘Vegetation Map Boundary Delineation and

Targeted Survey of Rainforest Communities at the Shannon Ck Dam Proposal

Area’. Report to ERM Mitchell McCotter.

Hunter, J.T.

, Bell, D.M. & Earl, J. (1999) ‘Survey for Hakea pulvinifera in the Lake

Keepit Area’. Report to the Western Zone, NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

& Earl, J. (1999) ‘Targeted Survey for Pimelea venosa’

Report to the

NSW, National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Hunter, J.T.

(1998) ‘Vegetation survey and assessment of areas proposed for cabin development and campground redevelopment at Warrumbungle National

Park’. Report for the Coonabarabran District NPWS.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

(1998) ‘Threatened Endemic Eucalypts of the Central Tablelands’.

Report for the Bathurst District NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(1998) Rod’s Star Hair ( Astrotricha roddii ) Recovery Plan. Report for the Northern Zone New South Wales National Parks & Wildlife Service.

Hunter, J.T.

(1998) ‘The Vegetation and Floristics of the Washpool National Park

Western Additions’. Report for the Glen Innes District, NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(1998) ‘The Vegetation and Floristics of the Proposed Kwiambal

National Park’. Report for the Glen Innes NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(1998) ‘Targeted Flora Survey of a Proposed Fence-line Upgrade at the

Washpool Western Additions’. Report to the Glen Innes District of the NSW


Hunter, J.T.

(1998) ‘Targeted Flora Survey of Proposed Fence-line at the Demon

Nature Reserve’. Report to the Glen Innes District of the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bell, D.M. (1998) ‘Targeted Survey of Rare and Threatened Flora and Vegetation along the Proposed Kootingal and Moonbi Optical Fibre

Route’. Report to the Telstra Environmental Management Team.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bell, D.M. (1998) ‘Targeted Survey of Rare and Threatened Flora and Vegetation along the Proposed Uralla to Kingstown Optical Fibre Route’.

Report to the Telstra Environmental Management Team.

Hunter, J.T.

& Bell, D.M. (1998) ‘Targeted Survey of Rare and Threatened Flora and Vegetation along the Proposed Tingha and Bundarra Optical Fibre Route’.

Report to the Telstra Environmental Management Team.

Hunter, J.T.

(1997) ‘Ecology and Management of Callistemon acuminatus’ Report to

ERM Mitchell McCotter.

Hunter, J.T.

(1997) ‘Targeted Flora Survey of Fire Trails at Torrington State

Recreation Area’. Report to the Glen Innes District of the NSW NPWS.

Hunter, J.T.

(1997) ‘Targeted Flora Survey of a Proposed Campsite at Blatherarm

Creek, Torrington State Recreation Area’. Report to the Glen Innes District of the NSW NPWS.

Nadolny, C., Benson, J. & Hunter, J.T.

(1996) Astrotricha roddii Recovery Plan.

New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service: Sydney.


Dr John T. Hunter

Hunter, J.T.

& ERM Mitchell McCotter (1995) Multi-species Recovery Plan for

Bolivia Hill & Backwater. Report to the NSW NPWS Northern Zone.


Dr John T. Hunter


J.A.Hunter Pty Ltd Environmental Consultancy


Hewlett-Hunter Pty Ltd & The Envirofactor

2011 and current

Director, Principal Ecologist for all above and sole principle or project manager for the projects listed below

NSW Scientific Committee

Provision of additional mapping of Pilliga Outwash wetlands of the Pilliga

West for inclusion in the Pilliga Tank Wetlands Nomination.

Natural Resources Council

Expert scientific review of consultant’s report on the biodiversity implications review of Cypress management options within the Nandewar and Brigalow

Belt South Community Conservation Areas.

Nature Conservation Trust

Survey and vegetation mapping of Mawonga, Hillston region central-west


Namoi CMA

Identification book of wetland plants of the riparian areas of the north western

Slopes and Plains of NSW.

Office of Environment and Heritage

Survey of 2,400 Floristic Survey Sites within the Lachlan and Central West

NSW CMA regions.

Office of Environment and Heritage

Review and delineation of Plant Community Types based on primer analysis for the Border Rivers Gwydir CMA

Namoi CMA

Review of accuracy of PCT and RVC mapping for the Namoi CMA and implications for the Catchment Action Plan.

Inverell Shire Council


Dr John T. Hunter

Rehabilitation & Widening Realignment of Main Road 135 Guyra-Gilgai


Office of Environment and Heritage

Vegetation survey sites and mapping verification of the Border Rivers Gwydir

(340 sites).

Gwydir Council

Assessment of the Gwydir River east of Bingara; mapping and management planning.

Gwydir Council

Assessment of the Living Classroom (Bingara Common); mapping and management planning.


Flora, vegetation and EPBC assessment of a development at Teviot Brook,


Uralla Shire Council

Biodiversity survey and planning documentation for proposed future development areas within Uralla Shire (340 sites).

Road and Maritime Services & Cardno

Bolivia Hill road realignment, survey of vegetation and threatened communities and species (90 sites).


Scientific review of Spring Gully reporting to Origen Energy.

Origen Energy & GHD

Wet and dry season survey & mapping of disturbance and offset areas for

LNG projects Spring Gully, Central Queensland.


Survey and mapping of the Wein Property, Vickery Coal


Threat consideration and mitigation for cable installation from Inglewood to

Millmerran, Qld

Office of Environment and Heritage

Invited threatened species expert for threatened species planning (28 species) within NSW.

Office of Environment and Heritage

Validation of mapping polygons for the Lower North Coast and Hunter.


Dr John T. Hunter

Office of Environment and Heritage

Rapid assessment sites for mapping of the Namoi CMA.

Office of Environment and Heritage

Circumscription of North Coast and Northern Tablelands Plant Community types, including analysis and classification workshops.

Southern New England Land Care & Namoi CMA

Mapping of Upland Wetlands (above 700 m alt.) within the Namoi CMA. Over

1000 wetlands mapped.

Niche, Sydney – Vickery Coal

Survey and mapping of three proposed offset properties.

GHD & Origin Energy

Preliminary environmental assessment of Central Queensland

Environmental Protection Agency

Classification of North Coast Vegetation.

Review of North Coast vegetation classification and analysis results.

Niche, Sydney – Whitehaven Coal

Targeted threatened species survey and counts for Lepidium monoplocoides within the Namoi CMA.

Niche, Sydney – Whitehaven Coal

Vegetation survey, analysis and mapping of offsets and threatened species surveys, Whitehaven Mine, Gunnedah.

Lake Cowal Gold Mine & Australian Museum

Vegetation survey, mapping, threatened species survey and biobanking for the

Lake Cowal Gold Mine and surrounds.

Environmental Defenders Office

Review of EIS for power easement –north western slopes to north coast NSW.

Office of Environment & Heritage, NPWS, Narrabri

Vegetation survey, 3-D mapping, threatened species searches for 6 new reserves within the Northern Plains Region of NSW.

Roads and Maritime Services

Preliminary investigation of the road realignment at Bolivia Hill NSW.

Niche, Sydney

Vegetation survey, analysis and mapping of offsets, biometric analysis and threatened species surveys, Brimbin, Taree.


Dr John T. Hunter

Stratford Mine & the Australian Museum

Vegetation survey, analysis and mapping of offsets survey, biometric and threatened species surveys, Gloucester.

HCRCMA Vegetation Mapping Project

Verification of Mapping Polygons within the Hunter and Lower North Coast:

1: 100,000 Map Sheets Buladelah, Cessnock, Merriwa, Wingham.

Office of Environment & Heritage, NPWS, Scone

Vegetation survey, mapping of Scone Mountain NR and Brushy Hill NR.

Nature Conservation Council

Fire Ecologist to provide information and presentations on the effects of fire and fire management on private property. Two workshops: Thirldene and

Watsons Creek.

DECCW, Glen Innes

Vegetation survey, mapping of the Tingha Plateau Nature Reserves.

Bemax and Australian Museum

Vegetation survey mapping and offsets survey, biometric and threatened species surveys, Balranald.

Nature Conservation Trust, Coffs Harbour

Vegetation survey, mapping and management of Butterleaf Creek conservation area.

DECCW, Tenterfield

Vegetation survey, mapping and management report for Timbarra National


DECCW, Glen Innes

Vegetation survey, mapping and management report for Butterleaf National


Namoi CMA and Nature Conservation Trust

Expert ecologist for two HotSpots programs, Thirledene and Watsons Creek.

Nature Conservation Trust, Coffs Harbour

Vegetation survey, mapping and management of Euroka conservation area.

Doyles Creek Mining Pty Ltd

Vegetation survey for threatened species, communities and populations and vegetation mapping for Doyles Creek Exploration Area.

Conservation Partnerships Program, DECC, Sydney


Dr John T. Hunter

Property management, monitoring and conservation planning for three areas on offer for Voluntary Conservation Agreements (Warialda, Bingara &


Northern Plains Region, DECC, Narrabri

Vegetation survey, structural features, threatened species and weed survey, vegetation mapping, and management report for five reserves within the western Pilliga, Narran Lakes and Barwon River areas.

Conservation Partnerships Program, DECC, Sydney

Property management, monitoring and conservation planning for areas on offer for Voluntary Conservation Agreements (Warialda).

Western District, DECC, Dubbo & New England Tablelands Region DECC,


Vegetation and structure survey of travelling stock reserves invaded by

Coolatai Grass.

New England Tablelands Region, DECC, Tenterfield

Vegetation survey, structural features, threatened species and weed survey, vegetation mapping, and management report for the Mayne additions to

Dthinnia Dthinnawan NP.

New England Tablelands Region, DECC, Bingara

Vegetation survey, structural features, threatened species and weed survey, vegetation mapping, and management report for Warialda NP, Horton Falls

NP, Gwydir River NP, Gwydir River SCA, Bingara SCA and Dowe NP.

Northern Plains Region, DECC, Narrabri

Vegetation survey, structural features, threatened species and weed survey, vegetation mapping, and management report for 7 reserves associated with the Pilliga. Over 500 full floristic survey sites.

Snowy Mountains Engineering (SMEC), Gold Coast

Survey and audit of weed management issues for Canungra Field Training

Area, Purga Rifle Range, Amberley Rifle Range, Enoggera Military Area,

Greenbank Training Area.

New England Tablelands Region, DECC, Tenterfield

Vegetation survey, structural features, threatened species and weed survey, vegetation mapping, and management report for Kwiambal additions

New England Tablelands Region, DECC, Bingara


Dr John T. Hunter

Vegetation survey, structural features, threatened species and weed survey, vegetation mapping, and management report for Warrabah NP.

New England Tablelands Region, DECC, Bingara

Vegetation survey, structural features, threatened species and weed survey, vegetation mapping, and management report for Rockview and properties bounding Ironbark Nature Reserve.

New England Tablelands Region, DECC, Glen Innes

Vegetation survey, structural features, threatened species and weed survey, vegetation mapping, and management report Goonoowiggal NR, Barayamal

CCA and Nullamanna NR.

HCRCMA Vegetation Mapping Project

Data auditing, analysis and community circumscription workshops for the

Hunter and Lower North Coast Vegetation Assemblages.

Northern Plains Region, DECC, Narrabri

Vegetation survey, structural features, threatened species and weed survey, vegetation mapping, and management report for 24 reserves (including

Warrumbungle and Mt Kaputar). Over 800 full floristic survey sites.

DECC, Coffs Harbour

Desktop peer-review of the draft nominations of four endangered forest ecosystems as Endangered Ecological Communities.

HCRCMA Vegetation Mapping Project

Survey of the flora of under-sampled vegetation communities (80 sites) within the Hunter Region of NSW.

Earth Services Pty Ltd

Survey and assessment of the impacts of a rural subdivision, Armidale.

Eco-Trades Pty Ltd

Flora survey, mapping and management plans for five properties under conservation covenants for Bio-banking. Warrumbungle, Mendooran, Wee

Waa & Mt Royal regions.

Eco-Trades Pty Ltd

Survey and assessment of the conservation values of seven properties on offer for Bio-banking.

Department of Environment & Conservation, Coffs Harbour


Dr John T. Hunter

Desktop peer-review of the draft nominations of two rare, endangered or vulnerable forest ecosystems as Endangered Ecological Communities.

Department of Conservation and Environment, NSW NPWS

Flora survey and mapping of new additions to Boonoo Boonoo NP.

Earth Services Pty Ltd

Survey and assessment of the impacts of a rural subdivision, Uralla.

Nature Conservation Trust

Survey and production of Plan of Management for the Rockview Conservation


Department of Conservation and Environment

Expert panel reviewing threatened species and endangered ecological community threats, population sizes and life history for legislation pertaining to Bio-banking and Property Vegetation Plans.

Namoi Catchment Management Committee, Tamworth NSW

Targeted survey and mapping of five threatened species within the western granite areas of the Namoi Catchment.

Department of Environment & Conservation, Tenterfield NPWS

Data compilation, verification, survey and mapping of new additions to

Boonoo Boonoo NP.

Department of Environment & Conservation, Lismore NPWS

Data compilation, verification, survey and mapping of Maryland NP.

Department of Environment & Conservation, Tenterfield NPWS

Data compilation, verification, survey and mapping of Dthiniia Dthinnawan

Nature Reserve.

Department of Environment & Conservation, Narrabri NPWS

Data compilation, verification, survey and mapping of Careunga NR, Midkin

NR, Gamilleroi NR, Narran Lakes NR, Planchonella NR, Claremont NR,

Brigalow Park NR, Budelah NR, Boronga NR, Boomi NR & Boomi West NR and the Verdun VCA.

Department of Environment & Conservation, Walcha NPWS

Data compilation, verification, survey and mapping of Werrikimbe NP, Carrai

NP, Nbulan NR, Aberbaldie NR, Melville Range NR and Tuggolo NR.

Geolyse Pty Ltd, Port Macquarie


Dr John T. Hunter

On ground flora survey of threatened species and communities and mapping of alternate Pacific Highway Routes at Ballina NSW.

ERM & Department of Defence, Singleton

Threatened species survey of Single Training Area. Winter & Summer sampling.

Environment Australia, Natural Heritage Trust, Canberra

Research and development of standardized flora survey techniques for extant federally threatened Australian Flora.

Terra Consulting, Port Macquarie

Consultant Botanist: Flora survey of proposed Old Bar & Gloucester subdivision developments & Nabiac Mining operations.

Terra Consulting, Port Macquarie

Consultant Botanist: Flora survey of proposed Ruby Mine, Barrington Tops.

Terra Consulting, Port Macquarie

Consultant Botanist: Flora survey of proposed road widening at Barraba.

Guyra Land Council, Guyra, NSW

Consultant Botanist: Flora survey and vegetation mapping of Wattleridge

Aboriginal Reserve.

Walcha Region, NSW NPWS, Walcha, NSW

Consultant Botanist: Historical reconstruction and flora survey of Mooraback

Station, Werrikimbe NP.

Cobar Region, NSW NPWS, Cobar, NSW

Consultant Botanist: Flora survey and vegetation mapping of the proposed

Tilpilly and Ledknapper section of the Darling Riverine Plain NP.

North West Environmental Services, Moree, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Flora survey, tests of environmental significance, 8 part test, offset arrangements, amelioration measures for water supply channel


Steve McCormick Surveyor, Inverell, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Flora survey of rural subdivision area, tests of environmental significance, 8 part test, amelioration measures (10 sites).

Hunter Region, NSW NPWS, Scone, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Flora survey and vegetation mapping of the Paradise



Dr John T. Hunter

New England Tablelands Region, NSW NPWS, Armidale, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Design, field work & analysis of fire experimentation sites at Ironbark Nature Reserve.

New England Tablelands Region, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Setup of 1 hectare reference sites for vegetation monitoring of all floristics & structural changes & provision of old growth woodlands definitions.

New England Tablelands Region, NSW NPWS, Armidale, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Ethnobotanical flora survey and vegetation mapping of

Yinna and Imbota Nature Reserves.

New England Tablelands Region, NSW NPWS, Armidale, N.S.W.

Ethobotanical field day for the Uralla Lands Council and Uralla Central

School students.

Department of Land & Water Conservation, Gunnedah, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Flora survey & vegetation mapping of Keepit Dam

Interim Upgrade Works REF area.

Northern Directorate, NSW NPWS, Coffs Harbour, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Field survey of the Tamworth 1:100K Map Sheet,

Manilla 1:100K Map Sheet & sites at Warrabah NP).

New England Tablelands Region, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of the Mann River NR. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Northern Directorate, NSW NPWS, Coffs Harbour, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Field survey of the Bingarra 1:100 000 Map Sheet;

Ironbark NR; Indawarra NR; & Mt Yarrowyck NR, Warrabah, the Basin.

Dorrigo District, NSW NPWS, Dorrigo, NSW

Consultant Botanist: In association with Elisa Fallavollita. Production of Fire

Management Plan for Dunggir NP.

Dorrigo District, NSW NPWS, Dorrigo, NSW

Consultant Botanist: In association with Elisa Fallavollita. Production of Pest

Management Plan for Dunggir NP.

Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W.


Dr John T. Hunter

Consultant Botanist: Targeted field survey for threatened species, populations and ecological communities along the New England Highway.

Northern Directorate, NSW NPWS, Coffs Harbour, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: In association with John Alexander. Targeted field survey for the TSC Vulnerable plant species Grevillea beadleana. Requiring population assessment, breeding structure assessment, community description, threat assessment, voucher preparation and report preparation.

Glen Innes Region NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of the Basket Swamp NP. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Glen Innes Region NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of the Bolivia Hill NR, Bluff River

NP, Curry’s Gap, Mt McKenzie NR, Gibraltar group NRs. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Glen Innes Region NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of the Warra NP. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Western Directorate NSW NPWS, Dubbo, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Targeted field survey for the threatened Hakea pulvinifera.

Western Directorate NSW NPWS, Dubbo, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Targeted field survey for the threatened Grevillea kennedyana within NSW and Qld.

Western Directorate NSW NPWS, Dubbo, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Targeted field survey for all threatened species in the far north west of NSW.

Rail Services Australia, Tamworth, N.S.W.


Dr John T. Hunter

Consultant Botanist: Flora survey and management document for the flora and threatened species found along the Bolivia Hill Rail Easement.

Department of Land and Water Conservation, Inverell, N.S.W.

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey for the

Burrenbar & Mogil Mogil 1:100 000 Map Sheets. Including full floristic survey, analysis.

Northern Zone, NSW NPWS, Coffs Harbour, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: In association with Judith Earl. Targeted field survey for the TSC Endangered plant species Olearia flocktoniae. Requiring population assessment, breeding structure assessment, community description, threat assessment, voucher preparation and report preparation.

Hunter Region, NSW NPWS, Raymond Terrace, N.S.W.

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist in conjunction with Jon Alexander:

Full floristic survey of the Myall Lakes NP. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Narrabri District, NSW NPWS, Dubbo, N.S.W.

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist in conjunction with Jon Alexander:

Full floristic survey of the Mt Kaputar NP. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Western Zone, NSW NPWS, Dubbo, N.S.W.

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist in conjunction with Jon Alexander:

Full floristic survey of the Pilliga Nature Reserve.

Glen Innes District, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of

Capoompeta/Washpool Western Additions NP. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Glen Innes District, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.


Dr John T. Hunter

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of Severn

River NR. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Glen Innes District, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of Arakoola

NP. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Glen Innes District, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of Burnt Down

Scrub NR. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Northern Zone, NSW NPWS, Coffs Harbour, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Targeted field survey for the TSC Endangered plant species Pimelea venosa. Requiring population assessment, breeding structure assessment, community description, threat assessment, voucher preparation and report preparation.

Bathurst District, NSW NPWS, Bathurst, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey for the Mt Canobolas SRA. Including biogeographical analysis, full floristic survey analysis, literature review, vegetation map, rare plant and weed distribution, air photo-interpretation.

Bathurst District, NSW NPWS, Bathurst N.S.W.

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist in association with Jon Alexander:

Fire EIA for Management Plan of Conibla NP.

Bathurst District, NSW NPWS, Bathurst, N.S.W.

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist in association with Jon Alexander:

Preparation of 3 Environmental Impact Assessments for prescribed burns at

Nangar and Weddin Mountains NPs and Winburndale NR.

DLWC and Western Zone, NSW NPWS, Inverell and Dubbo, N.S.W.

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey for the

Grassland Mapping of Moree Plains project. Including full floristic survey, analysis, literature review and rare plant distribution.


Dr John T. Hunter

Glen Innes District, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Project Manager and Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of Guy Fawkes

River NP. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Burke District, NSW NPWS, Dubbo, NSW

Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of Culgoa NP, including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Northern Zone, NSW NPWS, Coffs Harbour, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist. Joint collaboration with Paul Sheringham of Northern

Zone NPWS on an internal NPWS conducted survey of Gibraltar Range NP.

Responsibilities include part of site stratification, floristic survey, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant & weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Glen Innes District, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of Bald Rock and Boonoo Boonoo

NP (12 000 ha), Glen Innes District. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Glen Innes District, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of Kings Plains NP (6000 ha), Glen

Innes District. Including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Western Zone, NSW NPWS, Dubbo, NSW

Survey of populations of Hakea pulvinifera a TSC Act listed taxon within a 30 km radius of Lake Keepit. Including population numbers and written report.

Telstra Optical Fibre Design Section, Burwood, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist. Three year monitoring program design and implementation on the effects of optical fibre laying on the regeneration of

Eucalyptus mckieana.

Narrabri District, NSW NPWS, Narrabri, NSW


Dr John T. Hunter

Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of Narran Lakes NR (c. 9000 ha), including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation..

Australian Biological Resources Study, Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane Qld

Joint collaboration with Tony (A.R.) Bean of BRI on the Flora of Australia treatment of Micromyrtus and Thryptomene. Including descriptions and keys of all known and some undescribed taxa for Vol. 20 of the Flora of Australia.

Northern Zone, NSW NPWS, Coffs Harbour, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist in joint association with ERM Mitchell McCotter:

Preparation of mutltispecies Threatened Species Conservation Act Recovery

Plan for the Bolivia Hill and Backwater areas (5 taxa targeted).

Coonabarabran District, NSW NPWS, Dubbo, NSW

Consultant Botanist: Vegetation survey and targeted searches for vulnerable species at campsite redevelopment, Warrumbungle National Park. Including placement of 11 full floristic plots and report for an Environmental Impact

Statement involving management recommendations and amelioration measures.

Telstra Optical Fibre Design Section / NDC, Burwood, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist. Targeted surveys for TSC Act listed taxa and communities, ROTAP species, Koala habitat and weed taxa along optical fibre routes. Tingha and Bundarra 55 km; Uralla and Kingston 40 km; Kootingal

30 km. Bundarra to Kingstown 40 km; Piallaway 20 km, Gilgai to Bundarra

45 km. Including survey of populations and report.

ERM Mitchell McCotter, Sydney, N.S.W.

Consultant botanist: Targeted surveys of 18 TSC Act listed rare taxa within the Shannon Creek Dam proposal and road easement areas. Including survey of populations.

Western Zone, NSW NPWS, Dubbo, N.S.W.

Consultant Systematist: Targeted surveys for TSC Act vulnerable Eucalyptus taxa. Including population size estimation, collation of information, floristic survey plots, community description and management recommendations.

Northern Zone, NSW NPWS, Coffs Harbour, N.S.W.


Dr John T. Hunter

Consultant Botanist: Preparation of Threatened Species Conservation Act

Recovery Plan for Astrotricha roddii.

Glen Innes District, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of Washpool NP western additions, including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

Glen Innes District, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Consultant Botanist: Full floristic survey of Kwiambal NP, including site stratification, voucher preparation, analysis, literature review, fire management, vegetation map preparation, rare plant and weed distribution and air photo interpretation.

ERM Mitchell McCotter, Taree, N.S.W.

Sub-consultant botanist: Ecology and management of Callistemon acuminatus.

ERM Mitchell McCotter, Taree, N.S.W.

Sub-consultant botanist: Full floristic survey of Demon NR, including site stratification, voucher preparation, preliminary analysis and vegetation map preparation, rare plant distribution and air photo interpretation.

Botany Department, University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W.

Botanist: Full floristic survey of Torrington SRA, including voucher preparation, rare plant identification & distribution, general plant distribution.

Glen Innes District, NSW NPWS, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

Botanist: Identification of vegetation communities at Kwiambal NP.

Identification of plant species along fire trails and fence-lines and the preparation of details for REF’s for the Torrington SRA, Washpool NP

Western Additions, Demon NR and the Mann River NR.

Eastlink and the Botany Department, University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W.

Team Leader (Botanist): Botanist and team leader for vegetation site survey team. Involving full floristic vegetation sampling, collection of site information and identification of all specimens found.

NSW NPWS, Conservation Assessment and Planning Division, Hurtsville, N.S.W.

Botanist: Identification of all species collected from all site survey teams for a full floristics survey of a proposed new National Park (Kwiambal).


Dr John T. Hunter

NSW NPWS, NRAC, Armidale and Grafton, N.S.W.

Team Leader (Botanist): Botanist and team leader for vegetation site survey team for thirty days. Involving full floristic vegetation sampling, collection of site information and identification of all specimens found.

