Application form - The Society for Medieval Archaeology

The Society for Medieval Archaeology
Application form for the Mick Aston Research Grant
Please return this form to the Honorary Secretary as an email attachment to
The closing date for applications is 31st May 2016, by which time applicants
should also ensure that their references have been sent by email to the Honorary
Secretary. Please note that applications are limited to members of the Society.
Please tick this box to confirm that you are a member of the Society
1 Full name (surname underlined) and title
2 Email address for correspondence
3 Summary of academic and/or professional career to present
4 Details of Project
Title of project (underlined) and summary (in no more than 50 words)
Other persons involved in the direction of the project (if applicable)
Sum requested from the Society
Give a breakdown of the total costs to be incurred, specifying the particular items for
which application is being made to the Society. It is anticipated that the funds
requested will principally be for post-excavation analyses, preparation of illustrations,
and research assistance. Please note that we cannot fund the purchase of equipment or
software, the salary of applicants, publication subventions or Article Processing
Charges. This grant is intended to facilitate the completion and publication of a
project relating to settlement archaeology in Britain or Ireland; it is not intended to
support excavations or pump-priming of projects.
5 Publications (list your principal relevant publications up to a maximum of 6)
6 What are your plans for publication? Please specify the anticipated venue for
publication and the form that this will take (e.g. estimated word length, journal
article/monograph chapter/book etc.), the title of the proposed publication and the
names of any co-authors (NB this grant is specifically made available to support the
completion of projects for publication. Publication can be in any appropriate scholarly
outlet (e.g. journal, book, edited collection, digital repository). However, if
publication in the Society’s journal Medieval Archaeology or in its monograph series
is not anticipated, an abbreviated version of the publication should also be submitted
for the Society’s Newsletter, so that our members can read about the results of your
work; word length to be discussed with the Newsletter Editor Niall Brady).
7 Referees (applicants must ensure that their referees email their letters of
support to the Honorary Secretary by the application deadline) (the referees
should not be from the same organisation as the applicant, nor be one of the
collaborators on the project for which funding is sought)
Referee 1 – name and institution:
Email address:
Referee 2 – name and institution:
Email address:
8 Scheme of Research (Please describe in no more than 1500 words the project
for which you are seeking an award, drawing attention to the aims and context of
your research, the significance of your project, and previous results that are of
relevance to this application. The principal contributions that the proposed
publication (as detailed in section 6) will make to scholarship should also be