this meeting`s minutes - Peter Quince Performing Company

Peter Quince Performing Company
General Company Pre-Production Meeting
Sunday, June 10, 2012; 5pm
Call to Order
Roll Call
a. All board minus President was present
Agenda Approval
a. Melissa Lindemann approved, Sarah McMahon seconded
Minutes Approval
a. Sarah McMahon approved, Phillip Jindra seconded
Financial Report
a. We still haven’t spent money.
Officer Reports
a. President
i. In absentium
b. Vice President
i. Have the ad sale letters ready to mail.
ii. Ready to begin ad selling this summer.
iii. Made a brochure instead of the boring letter.
iv. For those who haven’t heard, co founder Reed Humphrey passed away in May.
This season is being dedicated to him. In his obituary the family asked that in
lieu of flowers that donations be made to Peter Quince or another foundation.
We’ve already received 2 $100 donations; one from a past quincer and one
from a friend of Reed’s. We’ve got another who is interested. We have received
some corporate sponsor donations as well, though not as many as last year.
c. Secretary/Treasurer
i. I have been depositing the monies and writing the checks. Currently have about
$2500 in checking and about $7000 in savings. Don’t have the exact totals
d. Public Relations
i. Posters and hand outs thanks to Gabbi, Alyssa, and Melissa. Music Under the
Stars went well. We’re set up to work at Bethany and Riverview.
e. Producer
i. We signed the contract with the CCC for the show. Got production council set
up and gave Sarah the binder.
f. Director
i. Tomorrow we will have EVERYONE at rehearsal for choral. If you’re in the prince
is giving a ball. Max, Lisa k. missing 6pm chorus and herald only. Kris and Ruh
will have a set soon so we will all know what’s going on.
Committee Reports
a. Fundraising
i. Have brat frys and krazy daze set up. Pancake breakfast this weekend!!!!! Sell
tickets please!!
b. Historian
i. We took pictures. We’ll continue to take pictures. If you take pictures let us
know because we want to get a photo cd together this summer.
c. Alumni
i. Working on an invite to the previous Cinderella cast. Also talking about the
reunion next year.
d. Internet
i. Nothing
e. Bylaws
i. Got a new system set up this year.
f. Social Chair
i. Small gathering. We go to MacDons a lot.
g. Education
i. Was elected. Set up time for Erin to come. Library Day July 3.
Old Business
a. Elections
i. Bylaw Chair
ii. Education Chair
b. Audition Dates
c. Recruitment to schools
d. T-shirt and poster designs
e. Ad selling/ fundraising
f. Recital
g. Bylaw proposals
New Business
a. Elections
b. Social Chair
i. One letter: Lindsey Buss and Austin Ruh
ii. Alyssa Wadman moved to close the floor, Sarah McMahon
iii. White balloted in
c. Bylaw Voting
3.6 Education Committee is responsible for organizing opportunities for the Members to increase
their knowledge and skills in theater through workshops, guest speakers, background research
about the chosen show. This position shall be held by the General Director if not otherwise filled.
3.5 Bylaw Committee is responsible for ensuring that the Company follows the bylaws. It is also
responsible for maintaining and indexing the Bylaws, ensuring that they are kept current. The
Bylaw Committee is also responsible for having knowledge of the Bylaws above that expected of
all Members of the Company. This position shall be held by the President if not otherwise filled.
2.1 President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Company; shall be responsible for the
execution of all company policies; shall co-propose the annual budget; shall have final approval of
all business expenditures; shall prepare the agenda for all company meetings and distribute it to
the board for approval no less than 48 hours before each meeting; shall preside over all Meetings;
and shall obtain corporate sponsors.
iv. All Passed
d. Bylaw Proposals
i. Article X, Section 1, 1.2
1. No member can be coerced into retirement from the Company before the
end of the season of their 23rd birthday; with the exception of extreme
circumstances as determined necessary by the Executive Committee of
the Board of Directors.
ii. Article X, Section 3, 3.7 (shifting all other bylaws down)
1. In the event that the accused fails to acknowledge contact made by the
Grievance Committee in regards to said accusation, the committee has
the right to impose a decision based on the evidence presented by the
accuser. Once a decision is made it will not be eligible to be reopened
under any circumstances.
iii. Article X, Section 4, 4.4
1. Any Member of the Executive Committee or General Committee of the
Board of Directors who resigns from their elected position shall be
ineligible for election to the Executive Committee or General Committee
of the Board of Directors in the current and following seasons.
e. Tshirts/Designs
i. By June 25
f. Bios
i. By June 20
a. Rescheduling of Rehearsal tomorrow
b. Next Meeting
i. Friday, August 17, 2012 location TBA/TIME
c. If you have anyone who wants to do crew/set/etc… let us know
d. Pit…
i. Need trombones and percussionists
a. Phillip Jindra and Austin Ruh 5:39pm