life and physics - the moses ike organization

The Moses Ike Organization1
Gone are the times when knowledge relied on myths and legends.
Physics, as a branch of science has emancipated mankind from the prisons of
cynicism and speculations. Since the ancient days of Archimedes’’ Floatation
principle to this modern age of Einstein’s Relativity, huge advances in Physics
have been made. Even after several centuries since the Mayans made the
first astronomical discovery, it was shocking to learn from Geo-physicist Jay
Justice that only about 4% of the universe is known to man. That means that
all advances made to date in Science and Technology is only based on 4%
knowledge of our universe. With all that unknown energy still lying out there,
imagine life’s potential if the remaining 96% is later fully known and utilized.
The road is long but the prospect can only be positive. Physics as a
branch of scientific study is gradually leading us to the remaining 96% of
knowledge and energy. The study of physics is the backbone of all
Engineering careers. My future ambition is to be a Mechanical Engineer and I
fully understand the significance of Physics to my future profession. Physics is
the heart of Mechanical Engineering. The Journal of Science and Engineering
referred to Mechanical Engineering as an advanced pragmatic study of
Physics. According to Engineer Mason, the executive editor of The Society of
Petroleum Engineers Journal, “Petroleum Engineering would have never been
possible without Mechanical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering cannot
exist without fundamental study of Physics, the framework upon which all
Engineering advancement, calculations and discoveries are built upon”. Such
strong statements only suggest that Physics is indispensable to Science and
Technology. Since our lifestyles, ranging from how we heat our homes to how
we avoid electrocution from lightening, depends on fundamental knowledge of
Physics, one can argue that Physics is indispensable to life itself. In-fact,
Physics is Life itself.
Mechanical Engineering, as my course of study, is a discipline of
Engineering that utilizes the principles of Physics and material sciences for
design and analysis, instrumentation and control, manufacturing and
maintenance of mechanical systems. Mechanical engineering also involves
The Moses Ike Organization2
the production and usage of heat and heat energy, a fundamental aspect of
Physics, for the design, production and operation of machines and tools. The
Engineering field requires a diligent understanding of core concepts of
Physics such as Mechanics, Kinematics, Thermodynamics, Electricity,
Material Science and Structural Analysis. Mechanical Engineers uses these
core Physics principles along with computer software to analyze, implement
and design manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery,
heating and cooling systems, transport systems, aircraft, robotics, medical
gadgets and other technological devices.
The American Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th century wouldn’t
have been possible without the study or knowledge of Physics. Physicists like
Benjamin franklin and Alexander Graham utilized core Physics principles to
come up with the idea behind the lightening rod and the telephony systems.
This revolution in traditional Physics has undergone transitions over the years
with breakthroughs and developments in major fields such as Composite
Dynamics, Space Robotics and artificial intelligence.
Just one semester alone in Physics with Dr. Justice has opened my
eyes to areas of life, unknown to me in which fundamental physics is involved.
From Kinematics to Dynamics, the analysis of friction and the conservation of
energy, Isaac Newton’s dilemma with forces, motion and gravitation, the
Earth, the moon and the mind-disturbing cosmic unending universe, there
exist nothing else in me but zeal and eagerness to pursue my career with the
intention of inventing and formulating the next best thing in this modern age.
The study of Physics will undeniable lay a strong foundation for me to build
my future ambition as a Mechanical Engineer.