Supplementary Figure 1. Neighbor-Joining trees of population

Supplementary Figure 1. Neighbor-Joining trees of population pairwise FST distances
between 12 studied populations using only A) CYP2C and B) CYP2D region data.
Supplementary Figure 2. Metric LD maps using haploid data for the CYP2C (A) and
CYP2D (B) regions. Population abbreviations are as reported in Figure 2.
Supplementary Figure 3. Decay of r2 against the physical distance (kb) between all
marker pairs within the extended LD region shown as logarithmic best-fit curves for the A)
CYP2C and B) CYP2D regions. Population abbreviations are as reported in Table 1.
Supplementary Figure 4. A correspondence analysis for all extended LD region
haplotypes shared by European populations for the CYP2C (A) and CYP2D (B) regions.
Supplementary Figure 5. Median-joining network of the common haplotypes (MAF≥
0.05) at CYP2C loci within the extended LD region with same haplotype abbreviations as
in Supplementary Table 6A. The size of the circles are proportional to the haplotype
frequencies and the C states to the inferred ancestral-state haplotype.
Supplementary Figure 6. Comparison of homozygous genotypes flanking the
CYP2C19*2 A-19154 allele (red, n=29) and G-19154 allele (green, n=523) in all 11 European
populations. Position of the SNPs are depicted relative to the CYP2C region within
chromosome 10.
Supplementary Figure 7. The haplotype blocks identified within the CYP2C (A) and
CYP2D (B) regions with three different block definitions and two different MAFs. Block
definitions are CI (confidence interval, [23]), SS (solid spine, [22]) and 4G (four gamete,
[24]). Population data sets with MAFs ≥ 0.05 are marked with* and MAFs ≥ 0.1 are marked
with **. Bars containing slashes are those identified within the extended LD regions. Empty
bars are LD blocks characterized outside the extended LD regions. The position of genes are
shown as horizontal black bars (see also Supplementary Table 1 and 2) and the thin vertical
lines represent the location of the SNPs depicted below the chromosome. Vertical arrows
denote estimated recombination hotspots of R1-R3.
Supplementary Figure 1A
Supplementary Figure 1B
Supplementary Figure 1A.
Supplementary Figure 1B.
Supplementary Figure 2A.
Supplementary Figure 2A.
Supplementary Figure 3.
Supplementary Figure 4A.
Supplementary Figure 4B.
Supplementary Figure 5.
Supplementary Figure 6.