Six Weeks Test Review

Six weeks Checkpoint Review
8.11A Ecosystem Interactions
Use the food web to answer the following
1. Define parasitism:
Identify the Parasite in the web ______________________ : a Host __________________________
2. Identify the producer. ______________________________
3. Identify each as predator or prey.
Blue Jay _________________
Deer Mouse _________________
4. Define consumer._______________________________________________________________
5. Identify the consumers in the web. _________________________________________________
6. How many secondary consumers are found in the web? ______________________________
7. Which organisms in the web receive the most energy from the producer?
8. Identify the organisms in competition for Deer Mice.______________________________________
Use the food web to answer the following questions.
9. Which organisms would decrease in
population with the removal of the rabbit?
10. Which two organisms are in competition for
the same food source?__________________
11. Which of the following organisms in the food web above will most likely be adversely affected if
toxins are released into the environment?
8.11B Organism Competition
12. List 3 resources that an animal may compete for: ______________________________________
13. List 3 abiotic factors a plant may compete for:
14. Define carrying capacity. __________________________________________________________
15. Define limiting factors.____________________________________________________________
16. When an area reaches its carrying capacity, how do limiting factors affect the population of a
species? __________________________________________________________________________
Changes in a deer population are shown in the graph below
17. Explain why the deer population is
changing at location X.
Complete the following by filling in the blanks with increase or decrease.
17. If wildflower population increases
population will _______________.
butterfly population will_______________
19. Give one hypothesis to explain why the deer population exceeded its carrying capacity in 1992.
20. Why did the population decrease in 1994 after it exceeded the carrying capacity? ________________
8.11C Natural Selection
21. Define natural selection. __________________________________________________________
22. How did the Peppered Moth found in the forests of Manchester, England during the industrial
revolution demonstrate the process of natural selection? _________________________________
23. If an animal is adapted to an environment that is warm and dry, and a gradual climate change caused
the temperature to get colder in that area, what adaptations would the population of animals need to
have in order to survive the colder climate?
24. If a food source in an area becomes scarce, name 2 short term behavioral changes an animal may
make in order to survive.
25. If resources become scarce for a plant, name 2 ways that the plant can adapt to these changes
(consider plant structures used for photosynthesis).
8.11D Human Impact on Oceans
23. List 3 resources humans depend on that come from the ocean. Circle the one you think we depend
on the most. ______________________________________________________________________
24. List 3 ways humans negatively impact the ocean and organisms that live there. ______________
25. List 3 ways humans can help positively impact the ocean and organisms that live there.
26. How does over-fishing affect the marine ecosystem? __________________________________