CSRA RESA High Performance Leadership Series

CSRA RESA High Performance Leadership Series
CSRA RESA presents a series designed to help school administrators develop top performance in their leadership skills
and improve their abilities to lead their school, students, faculty and community.
Join fellow administrators from your RESA as we focus on knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits that will help you in
your pursuit to be a better principal, assistant principal, or school leader.
This series will be facilitated by Dr. Mark Wilson, a veteran of twenty-five years in education, including fifteen as a
building administrator.
Who should participate in this series? Central office and school-level administrators and aspiring leaders who are
serious about high performance leadership and the professional development that will help them in their daily work.
This is a series focusing on practical application and your individual growth as a leader and is dedicated to your
practice as an administrator. It is specifically designed to help you focus on your work as a leader.
September 6, 2012
November 8, 2012
January 24, 2013
Session Focus
Knowledge. (There are so many things that a principal has to know! This
session will focus on setting priorities for continual professional learning)
Attitudes. (As the leader, you set the climate for your campus. What
attitudes do you need to embrace to be high-performing?)
Skills. (What do you do as a principal? What do you do well? This
session focuses on your skill set and what you can do to maximize your
skills for high performance.)
This training date has
been rescheduled for
January 31, 2013
March 19, 2013
Habits. (We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act,
but a habit. ~ Attributed to Aristotle. What are the habits of high
performing leaders? In this session, we’ll study those habits and apply
them to your daily work.)
Registration Information
September 6, 2012, November 8, 2012, January 31, 2013, March 19, 2013
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
$300.00 per person for the series. Cost includes all materials.
Central Office and School-level Administrators, Aspiring Leaders
Registration: Register online at www.csraresa.org (Please reference Course# PL1321 - Registration Deadline
is August 15th)
Please contact Faith Hopkins at (706)556-6225 or faith@csraresa.org for additional information