December 10, 2013 - Shoreline Community College

Dean Team Minutes
December 10, 2013
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Central Conference Room
Faculty Prof Devel
Classroom Mgmt:
Behavior vs.
Policies v. BIT etc.
Present (*):
David Cunningham* (DC)
Kim Thompson* (KT)
Bob Francis* (BF)
Susan Hoyne* (SH)
Bayta Maring* (BM)
Kathie Hunt* (KH)
Fikru Diro* (FD)
Gillian Lewis* (GL)
Yvonne Terrell-Powell* (YTP)
John Backes* (JB)
The November 12, 19, 26, 2013 minutes were approved.
What can we do to address what looks like a trend of having more student conduct
issues? What can we do to help faculty understand we have policies and procedures that
must be followed and consistent behavior on their part is a requirement.
 Need to give students a good roadmap for what the rules are.
 Need to make it safe for faculty to identify the student in their class and help the
faculty feel comfortable they are not going to be penalized in any way.
 Provide serious training for faculty about classroom management.
 Students need more education about roles, responsibilities and standards, and
faculty need more information about procedures.
Susan held a discussion with her faculty about cell phones and classroom management.
They all have different ways of coping. The bottom line is if it is disrupting the class,
she asks that her faculty tell the student not to come back to class until they have seen
the Dean. Gillian said offering professional development is inadequate. You have to
take the whole division meeting to address these issues, and invite associate faculty too.
They often are the most vulnerable. Kathie said associate faculty are very vulnerable as
well as newer full-time faculty. They need training. That training needs to be an
ongoing process. Bob said full-time faculty need to carve out a space when they are
together, share techniques and ways they do things. They need to create a safe place for
conversation and mentor part-time faculty.
 If faculty had a better understanding of policies and procedures and their rights
in the classroom, they can intervene earlier.
 SCC used to have a new faculty orientation that encompassed policies and
procedures related to all behavior and academic integrity. They all received a
resource kit.
 When students come in the door, they don’t understand what we do here. A
certain percentage of them are very underprepared. Students don’t have enough
John said we need to develop materials that address classroom management and policies
as well as connecting that to a syllabus conversation. He asked that Kim, Yvonne, and
Action Items
Kim, Yvonne and Kathie
will draft an outline of
ideas to develop materials
that address classroom
management. Classroom
Management will be
revisited in week 6 of
Winter Quarter. (February
11, 2014)
Kathie (who volunteered) draft an outline of a couple ideas to accomplish this. John
talked about creating YouTube videos with tips and various approaches other faculty
have tried to address behaviors.
Action Items
Evening Hybrid
John redistributed charts of Common Transfer Curriculum and Top Transfer Majors and
Requirements. John requested Deans meet to use these documents to put together
several different packages that students can take in the late afternoon, evenings or
weekends. We are looking at the 25-39 year old demographic. Kim said we can look at
what Columbia College is doing. They have their schedule mapped out and can start
taking students away from us. It is possible to pull data that would show us where this
age group would come in with Math. The planning guide should have core classes that
would transfer to any institution the student selects. This is something SCC can market
– restart your career or there. Eventually we will look at what support services we
would have to add. John said we can do the programming part, and President’s Cabinet
could help provide some of the support services.
Deans will meet Friday,
December 13 from 8:30 –
10:00 to create an
afternoon/evening planning
guide that will be presented
to President’s Cabinet.
It was pointed out that we can get these students on campus, but if they need Financial
Aid they have to wait 6 months.
Yvonne said we need an access plan. What specific students are we trying to reach?
Are these students who have disengaged from high school and want to return? Who are
we going to try to get into the college?
Deans agreed to meet this Friday to develop an afternoon/evening planning guide that
will be brought to the President’s Cabinet to support these students who cannot get to
college and who do want a transfer degree.
Retention Conf.
San Diego
John asked Deans to read the documents submitted by the retention conference attendees
and think of things we can do in the short term. We want a short-term plan around
retention. If we can get this rolling then we can think about and frame up a more robust
framework for the college where retention is simply part of what the college’s culture
does. President’s Cabinet is the place where we can pull together a retention plan and
subgroup that will be tasked with oversight and held accountable for goals related to
Deans discussed it would be helpful for advisors to email their advisees. Do faculty
have access to emails lists or do they generate their own? Deans talked about having
PIO push out a welcome letter. Kim noted push out messages need to be strategic and
careful. Messages have to have information in it students need.
Deans will select 2 or 3
retention activities to
commence in Winter and
Spring quarters. When
Deans discuss these items
(during the 3rd week of
WQ), Bayta will advise
how effective it would be
to track the students.
VFA: First Steps
PLA Status
Daryl selected VFA as our institutional assessment framework. It is a group of colleges
where you participate and commit in certain levels of participation. This forces the
college into providing baseline data where comparative analysis can be done. VFA will
have standard data definitions so we can get good comparative analysis. VFA was
created by AACC which is aimed more at community colleges. It is recommended SCC
go in as a supporting member. We need to begin to say we are a VFA college.
John said PLA is a statewide law and process that we need a local campus
implementation plan. No one is identified to be accountable for it and we do not have a
clear decision around staffing. There will be more serious inquiries about how students
can get some partial credit as we get more Veterans coming onto campus. This also
dovetails with the 25-39 year old demographic.
John asked Kathie to see if Nancy Felke would be willing to be trained and get involved
in statewide meetings on PLA.
PT Information
Interim VPASA
Work Plan for 20132014
Dean/Division Work
Plans for 2013-2014
Standing Item:
JUMC Update
Good of the Order
The Information for Associate Faculty memo was distributed. We work with the union
to introduce part-time faculty to the college. John thinks this is a way to enter into a
discussion around classroom management. Language should be added to this memo.
There should be a website link that says ProD, training and classroom management are
available at this link.
John will add another item to the VPASA Work Plan regarding professional
development and classroom management training. There was a late application for the
Interim VPASA position that Daryl has requested the screening committee review and
make their recommendation prior to the week ending.
The part-time faculty information sheet was distributed. Bob thanked the secretaries
who talked about issues with the form.
 The Dean of Workforce position is still under negotiation.
 The President will talk to Deans about salary equalization.
 David noted from the Workforce perspective, students who cheated will be laid
off within a month. It shows. This is an FYI how faculty might think about
 Gillian will send an email about particular changes in the curriculum that
occurred but the word has not gotten out. Planning guides must be accurate.
Adjourned 11:08 am
Action Items