Founding Brothers DO NOW & Classwork

US 1
Fri 3/10/2011
Founding Brothers movie
Directions: Imagine that you’re a detective and it’s your job to get to the bottom of a mystery. Answer the questions
below accordingly.
1) How would you lead your investigation? Would
you look at one piece of evidence, or multiple
pieces of evidence?
2) Would you interview people? How many? How
would you know who was telling the truth?
3) What kind of people would you interview?
4) What would you do if none of the people who
had direct knowledge of the mystery were alive?
H/W: Pick at least 1 new, interesting thing that you learned from the movie, and
write at least 5 sentences about it.
US 1
Fri 3/10/2011
Founding Brothers movie
DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions below as we watch the “Evolution of a Revolution” section of the Founding
Brothers movie.
1) One historian said that early leaders wouldn’t view themselves as part of political parties. How, according to her, did
they see themselves, in terms of their political differences?
2) What drove apart Adams & Jefferson, who had been friendly colleagues during the writing of the Constitution?
a) Why didn’t they openly campaign for President?
b) What did Adams propose to try and resolve differences between him and Jefferson after the election?
3) What 2 problems did former President Washington leave for Adams when he took office?
a) Which person was Adams’ biggest political threat?
4) What “important precedent” did Hamilton set?
5) What made Adams popular for the first time during his presidency?
a) Who was suspected of being a French spy?
b) According to one historian, why did Hamilton want to raise an army?
c) Was Adams’ plan to ask GW to lead the new army successful? Why?
6) Who was Adams’ closest advisor?
a) What perils did his advisor list?
b) What did Adams’ advisor advise him to do that turned out to be a political failure?
c) Which political figure remained loyal to Adams, in spite of his failures? Why?
7) What did Hamilton’s anger & disgust with Adams lead him to do in the second Presidential election between Adams &
8) What news that came too late might have helped Adams win the election?