gridded self-portrait study guide

Study Guide for Grid Enlargement Self-portrait Quiz
1. We are using portraits from the Renaissance and Baroque Periods as inspiration.
2. The Renaissance took place during the 15th and 16th centuries, while the Baroque
Period took place during the 17th century.
3. Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance painter, and Rembrandt was a Baroque painter.
4. The three distinct parts of a brush are the bristles, the ferrule (the metal band that
holds the bristles in place), and the handle.
5. Usually, oil brushes are made of natural hog hair, while acrylic brushes are made from
synthetic (plastic) bristles. This is a general guide, not a strict rule.
6. Brushes should be cleaned twice with soap and cold water.
7. Brushes should be stored “bristles up” to keep the bristles from bending.
8. Matte medium is acrylic (polymer emulsion) without pigment.
9. Matte medium painted on tape edges keep paint from bleeding underneath.
10. The grid helps to draw accurately and in proportion.
11. Shadow and highlight shapes are equally important to draw as the features.
12. The edge that separates a lighter area from a darker one is called a plane break.
13. Two good reasons for covering your desk with newspaper other than to protect your
desk from paint are to try out your paint strokes, and to clean your brushes of heavy
paint before cleaning them in the sink.
14. Three colors that make an excellent base color for Caucasian skin tone are: titanium
white, yellow ochre, and alizarin crimson. Cadmium red may also replace alizarin.
15. Titanium white is an opaque paint that can be used to cover areas for repainting.
16. Impasto is painting thickly with a heavily loaded brush, creating texture with paint.
17. Scumbling is covering with a thin coat of opaque or semi-opaque color applied with a
nearly dry brush over another color, creating an interaction of the two.
18. Glazing is simply applying a thin, transparent layer of paint. In acrylic painting, this
is done by adding medium to the paint mixture.
19. In portrait painting, the lighter the area, the thicker and more opaque the paint.
Shadow areas should be thinner, warmer glazes of color.
20. A portrait usually focuses on the eyes, then the surrounding features, and then gets
less focused or distinct the farther away the subject matter gets from the eyes.