Multikulturalitás a XXI. században * SZIE GTK TTI Gödöll*

Multiculturalism in the 21st century – SZIU FESS-ISSTT Gödöllő
I. Multiculturalism in the 21st century
(in English and Hungarian)
Date of conference: 8 May 2015
Deadline of application for conference presentation: 10 March 2015
SZENT ISTVÁN UNIVERSITY Faculty of Economic and Social
Sciences, Institute for Social Sciences and Teacher Training (FESSISSTT)
Department of Communication - GÖDÖLLŐ
H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly u. 1.
Dr. Ildikó Rudnák head of department
Miklós Dús
Tel.: +36-20-9134-175
Tel.: +36-20-2706-474
Presentations at the conference will be published in the thematic issue of Studia Mundi (HU
ISSN 2415-9395) the electronic journal of the Faculty. The presentations in writing should be
submitted until the day of the conference (8 May 2015) by meeting the template with regards
to content and format (
Sections planned:
Theory and philosophy
(Chair: Dr. Attila Farkas)
We await for presentations on the different theoretical aspects of multiculturalism. We
would like to review the answers to the questions and the issues raised by the
phenomenon that can be given by philosophy, social and economic sciences and politics
as well as their possible ethical evaluations.
Multi-coloured labour market
(Chair: dr. Imola Cseh-Papp)
Social multiculturalism is also reflected in the labour market e.g. in the approaches to
employment and unemployment by the employers and employees as well as informing
groups on the supply side of the market. We wish to present best practices such as the
examples for corporate diversification, multi-coloured labour market and creating equal
chances at work.
Multiculturalism in the 21st century – SZIU FESS-ISSTT Gödöllő
Psychology of interpersonal contacts
(Chair: Dr. Ildikó Budavári-Takács)
When different cultures meet it is inevitable to take into consideration the psychological
impacts of interpersonal contacts such as conflicts between groups, emerging
stereotypes, discrimination and aggression.
We await presentations in the topic of interpersonal contacts from a psychological point of
view whether it is new research result or theoretical review that serves with novel aspects
for presenting the psychological problems of meeting cultures. We would also welcome
participants who can show best practices for managing intercultural conflicts such as
developing personal competencies, skills or abilities.
Visual arts and sciences
(Chair: Dr. Sára F. Orosz)
Similarly to several other scientific branches, there has been a paradigm change in visual
arts, as well in the past decades. Stress has been put elsewhere, methods of expression
have been broadened and new, novel borders and horizons have been opened up. As a
result, it is indispensable that in the process of artistic creation, in classical interpretations
of art history, iconography and semiotics the role of analyses in art aesthetics, philosophy,
psychology, sociology and other theories has been increasing. In addition, we must not
forget that it is the artist and the works of art that are in the centre who cannot be either
evaded or lost in the diverse process of analysis. Our section analyses the above
mentioned phenomena from the aspect of the artist or the person involved in any phases
of creation.
Teaching languages and other subjects: the methodological issues of trainings in
a foreign language (Chair: Dr. Klára Veres-Valentinyi)
BA or MA courses have been taught in a foreign language for several years in higher
education institutions in Hungary, which poses challenges for institutions and their
teachers, as well.
The objective of the section is that the leaders of foreign language training programmes
can share their experience and debate their methodological and organisational questions.
We also hope to set up the best practices of the trainings in the form of lectures and a
roundtable discussion, whose conclusions will be published.
Challenges of multicultural teaching and education
(Chairs: Ádám Kiss – Eszter Borsos)
In our globalising world the issues of teaching and education as well as the composition
of groups and classes have been changing profoundly. A timely question is who should
adapt to whom. Assimilation, segregation, integration: which is the best way of maintaining
successful education of high standard? The objective of our section is to explore, share
and discuss the experience, directions and possible hardships and also to prepare future
generations for accepting diversity, differences and creating an ethno-relative image of
the world.
Multiculturalism in the 21st century – SZIU FESS-ISSTT Gödöllő
Learning and working in multicultural environment
(Chairs: Erika Varga – Helga Boda)
The topic of the section is to share the ideas and experience on adapting to the culture of
another country. Foreign students studying in Hungary and also some Hungarian ones
are welcome who have spent a longer period abroad while studying or working there. The
main issues are presenting the country of destination and comparing it to their own
countries as well as describing the challenges and successes, competencies of adaptation
and acceptance as well as culture shock.
The mathematics of multiculturalism
(Chair: Dr. László Pitlik)
The section called The mathematics of multiculturalism is awaiting for the analyses of
those who think it is worth talking and, what is more, it is even possible to talk about
complex phenomena by means of not only words but also mathematical models.
Consequently, such questions must bravelybe asked such as who can estimate on the
basis of OECD/EUROSTAT data which country the most multicultural by nature is? How
has the extent of multiculturalism been changing in the past years from country to country
when compared to the others?
Planned programme of the conference
9.30 – 10.00
10.00 – 11.30
Plenary session
Mrs Ágnes Borgulya
Judit Hidasi
Tamás Tóth
Csilla Gizinska
11.30 – 13.00
Lunch break
13.00 – 15.30
Section meetings
15.30 – 16.00
Multiculturalism in the 21st century – SZIU FESS-ISSTT Gödöllő
(I. Multiculturalism in the 21st century)
Date of conference: 8 May 2015
Deadline of application for conference presentation: 10 March 2015
Data of participant(s)
Title of presentation:
(10-15 mins)
Key words (5):
Abstract (8-10 lines):
Registration: I wish to participate without presenting at the conference.
Date: …………………2015
Please send application electronically to Thank you.