Please click here for a full list of Miriam Johnson`s publications

Publication list for Professor Miriam Jane Johnson
Publications (published or in press, last 5 years and previous key papers)
Johnson MJ, Currow DC. Chronic refractory breathlessness is a distinct clinical syndrome Current
Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care 2015 in press
Currow DC, Johnson MJ. Distilling the essence of breathlessness - the first vital symptom. (Editorial)
European Respiratory Journal doi: 10.1183/09031936.00030115 ERJ June 1, 2015 vol. 45 no. 6 15261528
Noble SIR, Johnson MJ. Challenging Previously Held Beliefs about Clinical Practice: Evidence or
Experience? Journal of pain and symptom management 05/2015;
DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2015.04.011
Johnson MJ, Simpson M, Currow D, Millman R, Hart S, Green G. Magnetoencephalography to
investigate central perception of exercise-induced breathlessness in people with chronic lung disease: a
feasibility pilot. BMJ Open 2015;5:e007535 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007535
Johnson, M.J., Hui, D, Currow, D.C (2014). Opioids, Exertion, and Dyspnea: A Review of the Evidence.
American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. 1-7, online
DOI: 10.1177/1049909114552692
K.T.S. Pattinson, M J. Johnson Neuroimaging of central breathlessness
Mechanisms. 8. 3. 225-233 (2014)
Johnson MJ, DC Currow, S Booth, Prevalence and assessment of breathlessness in the clinical setting.
Expert Review Respiratory Medicine. Online 1-11(2014)
Currow DC, Clark K, Mitchell G K, Johnson MJ, Abernethy AP. Prospectively collected
characteristics of adult patients, their consultations and outcomes as they report breathlessness when
presenting the General Practice in Australia. PLOS ONE, Sept 2013 8: 9.
Currow DC, Higginson I J and Johnson M J. Breathlessness - current and emerging mechanisms,
measurement and management: A discussion from an European Association of Palliative Care
workshop published online 9 July 2013 Palliat Med DOI: 10.1177/0269216313493819
Johnson MJ, Bland JM, Abernethy, A, Currow DC. Clinically important differences in chronic
refractory breathlessness. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2013 Dec;46(6):957-63. doi:
10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2013.01.011. Epub 2013 Apr 19
Currow D, Johnson MJ, White P, Abernethy AP. Management of chronic refractory breathlessness in
primary care: clinical intelligence section. British Journal of General Practice 2013;
63: 609–610.
Johnson MJ, Bland JM, Oxberry SG, Abernethy AP, Currow DC. Opioids for chronic refractory
breathlessness: patient predictors of beneficial response. Eur Resp J 2013 42(3) 758-766, doi:
Oxberry SG, Bland JM, Clark AL, Cleland JG, Johnson MJ. Repeat dose opioids may be effective for
breathlessness in chronic heart failure if given for long enough. JPM 2013; 16( 3): 250 -255
Currow DC, Quinn S, Greene A, Bull J, Johnson MJ, Abernethy AP. The longitudinal pattern of
response when morphine is used to treat chronic refractory dyspnoea. Journal of Palliative Medicine
Vol 16, 8 2013 DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2012.0591
Oxberry SG, Bland JM, Clark AL, Cleland JG, Johnson MJ. Minimally Clinically Important
Difference (MCID) in chronic breathlessness: Every little helps. American Heart Journal 2012.
Johnson MJ, Abernethy AP, Currow DC. The evidence base for oxygen for chronic refractory
breathlessness - issues, gaps and a future work plan? JPSM 2012 Sep 24. pii: S0885-3924(12)00327-2.
doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2012.03.017. [Epub ahead of print]
Johnson MJ. Bowden JA, Abernethy AP, Currow DC. To what causes do people attribute their chronic
breathlessness? A population survey. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2012 15; (7) 1-7.
Disler RT, Currow DC, Phillips JL, Smith T, Johnson MJ, Davidson PM. Interventions to support a
palliative care approach in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an integrative review.
International Journal of Nursing Studies 2012; 49(11); 1443-1458
Oxberry SG, Clark A, Jones L, Johnson MJ. Attitudes to morphine in chronic heart failure patients.
BMJ S&PC 2011. 2012;2(1):29-35
Re-published in the previously published section: Postgrad Med J. 2012 88; (1043):515-21
Johnson MJ, Abernethy AP, Currow DC. Gaps in the evidence base of opioids for refractory
breathlessness - a future work plan? JPSM 2012; 43(3):614 -624
Maraveyas A, Johnson MJ. Anti-cancer agent induced dyspnea. Progress in Palliative Care. 2011: 19
(5): 235 - 242
Oxberry SG, Torgerson DT, Bland M, Clark AC, Cleland JC, Johnson MJ. Short-term opioids for
breathlessness in stable chronic heart failure: a randomised controlled trial. EJHF (2011) 13(9), 1006–
1012 (chosen as Editor’s choice and available free online)
Davidson PM, Johnson MJ. Update on the role of palliative oxygen. Current Opinion in Supportive
and Palliative Care 2011, 5(2):87–91
Currow DC, McDonald C, Oaten S, Kenny B, Allcroft P, Frith P, Briffa M, Johnson MJ, Abernethy A.
Once daily opioids for chronic dyspnoea: a dose increment and pharmacovigilance study. J Pain
Symptom Manage 2011; 42(3):388 - 399: doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2010.11.021.
Clark A, Squire I, Johnson M. Uncertainties page: Does home oxygen benefit people with chronic
heart failure? BMJ 2011;342:d234 379-380
Barton R, English A, Nabb S, Rigby AS, Johnson MJ. A randomised trial of high vs low intensity
training in breathing techniques for breathless patients with malignant lung disease: A feasibility study.
Lung Cancer 2010; 70(3): 313-319 doi:10.1016/j.lungcan.2010.03.007
Johnson MJ, Oxberry SG, Cleland JFG, Clark A. Measurement of breathlessness in clinical trials in
patients with chronic heart failure: the need for a standardised approach. A systematic review.
European Journal of Heart Failure. 2010; 12(2): 137-147
Dorman S, Jolley C, Abernethy A, Currow D, Johnson M, Farquhar M, Griffiths G, Peel T, Moosavi S,
Byrne A, Wilcock A, Alloway L, Bausewein C, Higginson I, Booth S. Researching breathlessness in
palliative care: consensus statement of the NCRI Palliative Care Breathlessness Subgroup: Short title:
Researching breathlessness NCRI statement. Palliative Medicine 2009; 23(3): 213–227.
Palliative care in non-malignant disease
Hussain JA, Flemming K, Murtagh FEM, Johnson MJ. Patient and Health Care Professional DecisionMaking to Commence and Withdraw from Renal Dialysis: A Systematic Review of Qualitative
Research. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 10: 2015. doi: 10.2215/CJN.11091114, published online first
(accessed 11 May 2015). doi: 10.2215/CJN.11091114 CJASN May 2015 CJN.11091114
Johnson MJ. Breaking the deadlock. (editorial) British Journal of Cardiology 2015;22:10–11 DOI:
Amy Gadoud, Eleanor Kane, Una Macleod, Pat Ansell, Steven Oliver, Miriam Johnson, Palliative
Care among Heart Failure Patients in Primary Care: A Comparison to Cancer Patients Using English
Family Practice Data. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0113188 November 25, 2014
Gadoud A, M Johnson. What Palliative care clinicians need to know about heart failure? Progress in
Palliative care 22;1 2014
Johnson MJ, Fallon M. Just good care? The palliative care of those with non-malignant disease.
Palliative Med. 2013 27:803
Johnson MJ, JM Bland, Oxberry S, Abernethy AP, Currow DC. The relationship between two
performance scales: New York Heart Association class and Karnofsky Performance Scale. Journal of
Pain Symptom Management, 2014 47(3): 652-658
Gadoud A, Johnson MJ. What palliative care clinicians need to know about heart failure. Progress in
Palliative Care (ISSN:09699260) July 2013 online DOI: 10.1179/1743291X13Y.0000000061
Johnson MJ, Nunn A, Hawkes T, Stockdale S, Daley A. Planning for end of life care in people with
heart failure: experience of two integrated cardiology-palliative care teams. British Journal of
Cardiology. 2012;19(2):71–5 Featured in Media Watch: 21 May 2012 (#254), University of Hull
Johnson MJ, MacCallum A, Butler J, Rogers A, Sam E, Fuller A , Beattie JM. Heart failure specialist
nurses’ use of palliative care services: A comparison of surveys across England in 2005 and 2010.
EJCN 2012: 11 (2); 190- 196. Published first online.
Editor’s choice.
Used in evidence presented to All Party Parliamentary Groups on Diabetes, Heart Disease, Kidney
and Stroke and referenced in the resulting policy document.
Zacharias H, Raw J, Nunn Anne, Parsons, S, Johnson MJ. Is there a role for subcutaneous furosemide
in the community and hospice management of end-stage heart failure? Palliative Medicine.
2011;25(6):658 - 663
Johnson MJ, Gadoud A. Palliative care for people with chronic heart failure – when is it time? Journal
of Palliative Care 27:1 / 2011; 37–42
Onac R, Fraser N, Johnson MJ. State financial assistance for terminally ill patients - the discrepancy
between cancer and heart failure. Br J Cardiol: 2010: 17(2): 73-75.
Johnson MJ, Parsons S, Raw J, Williams A, Daley A. Achieving preferred place of death – is it
possible for patients with chronic heart failure? Br J Cardiol 2009;16(4):194–6.
Venous thromboembolism
Smith J, Baillie J, Baglin T, O’Griffiths G, Casbard A, Cohen D, Fitzmaurice D, Hood K, Rose P,
Cohen A, Johnson M, Maraveyas A, Bell J, Toone H, Nelson A, Noble S. A feasibility study to inform
the design of a randomized controlled trial to identify the most clinically and cost effective
Anticoagulation Length with low molecular weight heparin in the treatment of Cancer Associated
Thrombosis (ALICAT): study protocol for a mixed-methods study. Trials.2014 Apr 12;15:122. doi:
Johnson, M.J., McMillan, B., Fairhurst, C., Gabe, R., Ward, J., Wiseman, J., Pollington, B., & Noble,
S. I. (2014). Primary Thromboprophylaxis in Hospices: The Association Between Risk of Venous
Thromboembolism and Development of Symptoms. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management,
48(1), 56-64
Palmer J, Bozas G, Stephens A, Johnson M, Avery G, O'Toole L, Maraveyas A. Developing a
Complex Intervention for the Outpatient Management of Incidentally Diagnosed Pulmonary Embolism
in Cancer Patients. BMC Health Services Research 06/2013 13(1):235
Sheard L, Prout H, Dowding D, Noble S, Watt I, Maraveyas A, Johnson MJ The ethical decisions UK
doctors make regarding advanced cancer patients at the end of life: the perceived (in) appropriateness
of anticoagulation for venous thromboembolism. BMC Medical Ethics 2012, 13:22 doi:10.1186/14726939-13-22
Sheard L, Noble S, Prout H, Maraveyas A, Watt I, Dowding D, Johnson MJ Barriers to the diagnosis
and treatment of venous thromboembolism in advanced cancer patients - A qualitative study. Pall Med
2012 Published online before print October 23, 2012, doi: 10.1177/0269216312461678
Johnson MJ, Sheard L, Maraveyas A, Noble S, Prout S, Watt I, Dowding D. Diagnosis and
management of people with venous thromboembolism and advanced cancer: How do doctors decide?
A qualitative study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.2012, 12:75. DOI: 10.1186/14726947-12-75
Noble S, Johnson MJ. Management of cancer associated thrombosis in people with advanced disease.
BMJ S&PC, 2012, 2(2), 163 – 167
Gillon S, Noble S, Ward J, Lodge K-M, Nunn A, Koon S, Johnson MJ. Primary Thrombo-prophylaxis
for hospice in-patients? Who needs it? Palliative Medicine 2011; 25(7): 701-705.
Maraveyas A, Johnson MJ, Xiao YP, Noble S. Malignant melanoma as a target malignancy for the
study of the anti-metastatic properties of the heparins. Cancer & Metastasis Reviews. 2010; 29
Maraveyas A and Johnson MJ. Does clinical method mask significant VTE-related mortality and
morbidity in malignant disease? British Journal of Cancer 2009; 100: 1837-1841; doi:
Palliative care
Campbell R, Jackson C, Wright A, Gardner R, Ford I, Davidson P, Denvir M, Hogg K, Johnson MJ,
Petrie M, McMurray J. Palliative care needs in patients hospitalized with heart failure (PCHF) study:
rationale and design. ESC Heart Failure 2015 in press
Phillips J, Johnson MJ, Currow DC. Heart failure and palliative care: are we there yet? Cardiology
Today 2015; 5(1): 13-16
Boland J, Currow Dc, Wilcock A, Tieman J, Hussain JA, Pitsillides C. Abernethy AP, Johnson MJ. A
systematic review of strategies used to increase recruitment of people with cancer or organ failure into
clinical trials: implications for palliative care research. JPSM doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2014.09.018.
Epub 2014 Dec 27
Paul Taylor, Simon Crouch, Debra A Howell, Dawn W Dowding and Miriam J Johnson, Change in
physiological variables in the last 2 weeks of life: An observational study of hospital in-patients with
cancer, Palliative Medicine Dec 2014 1– 8, DOI: 10.1177/0269216314554967
Howell D, B Hardy, C Boyd, C Ward, E Roman, M Johnson. Community palliative care clinical nurse
specialists: a descriptive study of nurse – patient interactions. International Journal of Palliative
Nursing 2014, Vol20, (5)
Johnson M, DA Howell, H-I Wang, E Roman, A G Smith, R Patmore, AC Garry, MR Howard.
Variations in specialist palliative care referrals: finding from a population-based patient cohort of acute
myeloid leukaemia, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and myeloma. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care
2014; 0 1-7
Boland E, Boland J, Johnson MJ. Artificial hydration in the terminally ill patient. British Journal of
Hospital Medicine, July 2013, Vol 74. No 7
Taylor P, Johnson MJ. Symposium on care of dying people in hospitals: Recognising dying in terminal
illness. BJHM 2011; 72(8):446 - 450.
Gadoud A, Johnson MJ. Symposium on care of dying people in hospitals: Recognising advanced
disease. BJHM 2011; 72(8): 432 – 436
Currow DC, Abernethy AP, Bausewein C, Johnson MJ, Hardy R, Higginson IJ. Measuring the net
benefits of hospice and palliative care: A composite measure for multiple audiences – palliative net
benefit. JPM, 2011;14(3):264-265
Featured in Media Watch #191, 7th March, 2011.
Bradley S, Frizelle D, Johnson MJ. Patients’ Psychosocial Experiences of Attending Specialist
Palliative Day Care (SPDC): A Systematic Review Palliat Med. 2011; 25(3): 210-228
Bradley S, Frizelle D, Johnson MJ. Why do health professionals refer individual patients to specialist
palliative day care? Journal of Palliative Medicine 2011, 14(2): 133-138
Bradley S, Frizelle D, Johnson MJ. "Coping with Terminal Illness: The Experience of Attending
Specialist Palliative Day Care" Journal of Palliative Medicine 2010; 13(10): 1211-1218
Arolker M, Barnes J, Gadoud A, Barnes L. Jones L. Johnson MJ. “They’ve got to learn” – A
qualitative study exploring the views of patients and staff regarding medical student teaching in a
hospice. Palliat Med. 2010; 24(4): 419-426
Key papers before 2010
Dorman S, Jolley C, Abernethy A, Currow D, Johnson M, Farquhar M, Griffiths G, Peel T, Moosavi S,
Byrne A, Wilcock A, Alloway L, Bausewein C, Higginson I, Booth S. Researching breathlessness in
palliative care: consensus statement of the NCRI Palliative Care Breathlessness Subgroup: Short title:
Researching breathlessness NCRI statement. Palliative Medicine 2009; 23(3): 213–227.
Noble SIR, Shelley MD, Coles B, Williams SM, Wilcock A, Johnson MJ. Management of venous
thromboembolism in patients with advanced cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis by the
thrombosis task group, on behalf of the Association for Palliative Medicine Science Committee.
Lancet Oncol 2008; 9(6): 577-84
Booth S, Wade R, Johnson MJ et al. The use of oxygen in the palliation of breathlessness. A report of
the expert working group of the scientific committee of the association of palliative medicine.
Respiratory Medicine. 2004; 98(1): 66–77.
Johnson MJ, McDonagh T, Harkness A, MacKay S, Dargie H. Morphine for breathlessness in chronic
heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2002; 4(6): 753–756.
Johnson MJ, Sproule MW, Paul J. How common is deep venous thrombosis in patients with advanced
cancer? – prevalence and associated variables. Clinical Oncology. 1999; 11(2): 105–110.
Books – edited
Johnson MJ, Hogg K, Beattie B. Series Editor: Watson M. Heart failure: from advanced disease to
bereavement. End of Life Series. OUP. April 2012
Noble SIR, Johnson MJ, Lee A. Editors. Venous thromboembolism in advanced disease: a clinical
guide Oxford University Press. December 2008
Johnson MJ, Lehman R. Editors. Heart Failure and Palliative Care: A team approach. Oxford:
Radcliffe; 2006.