Child should NOT be at school or in contact with other children

Runny Nose
Child should NOT be at school
or in contact with other
children under the following
Child may attend school under
the following conditions:
Cloudy or yellow/green drainage with
congestion & fussiness accompanied
with a fever.
Frequent and/or uncontrollable,
producing mucous and accompanied
by fever
Drainage and fever-free for 24 hours
without medication.
Diarrhea or
More than one occurrence; allow 24
hours after last incident of diarrhea or
vomiting before sending child back to
Strep throat or
Scarlet Fever
Sore throat, headache, nausea, fever
(children do not always have fever or
complain of a sore throat). The only
way to rule out Strep is with a throat
Eye is red, burning or itching, crusty,
white or yellow drainage is occurring.
Pink Eye
Occasional cough, no mucous is being
coughed up and/or child has been
fever free (without medication) for at
least 24 hours before returning to
Single incident of diarrhea and no
other symptoms (i.e. fever, vomiting)
Fever free (without medication) and
on antibiotics for 24 hours OR with a
written note from your child’s
physician stating they are no longer
Fever free (without medication) and
on antibiotics for 24 hours OR with a
written note from your child’s
physician stating they are no longer
Rash free or with written permission
from physician
Any child with an unknown rash will
be dismissed for medical evaluation.
Chicken Pox
Itching pink/red spots with blistertype center, fever.
Lesions crusted over and dry, no fever.
Head Lice
Nits or lice present.
Nit-free, physician has checked and
permits child to return to school. Preschool director must also check and
approve child’s return.
**If you think your child might have a fever, please check his/her temperature
before sending him/her to school. Your child should not be sent to school until
he/she has been fever free without medication for at least 24 hours.