SCiP Intern Handbook Policies and Procedures

SCiP Intern Hand Book
Policies and Procedures
Program Partners:
Document Prepared By:
1. ABOUT YOUR ORGANIZATION ............................................................................... 3
YOUR ORGANIZATION VISION .......................................................................................................... 3
YOUR ORGANIZATION MISSION ....................................................................................................... 3
YOUR ORGANIZATION CORE VALUES................................................................................................. 3
DEFINITION OF AN INTERN ............................................................................................................... 3
PROGRAMS AND SERVICES .............................................................................................................. 3
2. INTERN POLICIES AND PROCESSES ......................................................................... 4
YOUR ORGANIZATION INTERNS COMMIT TO THE FOLLOWING: ............................................................... 4
PRIVACY POLICY STATEMENT ........................................................................................................... 4
WHAT IS PERSONAL INFORMATION? ................................................................................................. 5
OUR PRIVACY PRACTICES ................................................................................................................ 5
INTERN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................. 5
DIVERSITY .................................................................................................................................... 5
CONFIDENTIALITY........................................................................................................................... 6
RECOGNITION ............................................................................................................................... 6
EXPENSES ..................................................................................................................................... 6
SUPERVISION ................................................................................................................................ 6
REPRESENTATION OF YOUR ORGANIZATION ....................................................................................... 7
PROFESSIONAL SERVICE .................................................................................................................. 7
MEDIA ......................................................................................................................................... 7
ASSOCIATION ................................................................................................................................ 7
COMPENSATION & GIFTS ................................................................................................................ 7
CONFLICT OF INTEREST .................................................................................................................... 7
CONFLICT RESOLUTION ................................................................................................................... 8
DISMISSAL .................................................................................................................................... 8
RESIGNATION ................................................................................................................................ 8
SCIP PROGRAM EVALUATION .......................................................................................................... 9
INTERNSHIP COMPLETION ............................................................................................................... 9
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1.1. Your Organization Vision
Insert vision
1.2. Your Organization Mission
Insert mission
1.3. Your Organization Core Values
Insert values
1.4. Definition of an Intern
A SCiP Intern is any student living in Alberta who is registered full or part time in any
certificate, diploma, bachelors, masters, or doctorate program at any of the 26 qualifying
post-secondary schools. SCiP interns will contribute to the mission and program delivery of
Your Organization through meaningful participation in the organization.
1.5 Programs and Services
Established in insert year, Your Organization does what. Today, our programs and services
List and brief description of each:
For further information, please visit our website at insert website address
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2.1 Your Organization interns commit to the following:
To understand and be committed to the mission and vision of Your Organization;
To strive to achieve the highest quality, effectiveness, and dignity in both the process
and products of work;
To appreciate that, when identifiable as a part of Your Organization, intern behavior and
actions reflect on the organization. Interns will refrain from public criticism of fellow
interns, paid employees, volunteers or the organization and demonstrate passion and
commitment to the organization;
To request assistance, training, and/or supervision when uncertain or unable to carry
out duties to a high level of efficiency and quality;
To provide feedback to assist in the continued quality improvement of the organization
and its programs;
To contribute to a welcoming, safe working environment by demonstrating respect and
fair treatment without regard to gender, place of origin, sexual orientation, age,
religion, political belief, color, physical or mental ability, or economic status and
refraining from the use of profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language
or behavior.
2.2 Privacy Policy Statement
Your Organization’s commitment to our stakeholders:
 Your Organization is committed to protecting the privacy of our employees, members,
customers, and public stakeholders. We value the trust of our stakeholders, and we
commit to being clear, transparent, and accountable when dealing with the information
you share with us.
 In delivering our programs and services, we often gather and use personal information.
We carefully protect this information, and will obtain consent to utilize the information
for any other purpose.
Please see Appendix 1 for more information on collecting and keeping personal information
The small print about our Policies and Processes
This Handbook is written to provide guidance and direction to paid employees, volunteers, and interns engaged in community
and leadership. These policies do not constitute, either implicitly or explicitly, a binding contractual or personnel agreement.
Your Organization reserves the exclusive right to change any of these policies at any time and to expect adherence to the
changed policy once communicated.
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2.3 What is Personal Information?
Personal information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or
contact a specific individual. This information can include an individual’s opinions or
beliefs, as well as facts about or related to that individual.
The law outlines some exceptions. These include: business contact information and
certain publicly available information, such as names, addresses and telephone numbers
that are published in directories.
Please see Appendix 1 for more information on collecting and keeping personal information
2.4 Our Privacy Practices
Personal information gathered by Your Organization is kept confidential. Our employees will
utilize personal information only for the reason that is was intended. Safeguards are in
place to ensure the information is not disclosed or shared beyond its original purpose. We
also take measures to ensure the integrity of this information is maintained and to prevent
it from being lost or destroyed.
Please see Appendix 1 for more information on collecting and keeping personal information
2.5 Intern Rights and Responsibilities
At Your Organization, interns are regarded as a valuable talent.
Interns shall have the right to be:
 assigned meaningful projects
 treated with the same level of respect and recognition given to salaried employees and
In return, interns shall agree to actively perform their duties to the best of their abilities,
and in compliance with SCiP requirements; and to remain in compliance with the values,
procedures, and policies of Your Organization.
2.6 Diversity
Your Organization actively encourages all members of the community to participate fully in
its activities. It strives to reflect the community in its employees, volunteers, and interns and to promote equal access to its services.
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2.7 Confidentiality
Interns are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all information they are
exposed to while serving as an intern, whether this information involves an employee,
volunteer, customer, donor, or other person; or involves the overall business of Your
Organization. Breach of confidentiality will be cause for termination of the intern’s
Please see Appendices 1 and 2 for more information.
2.8 Recognition
Your Organization understands the importance of people recognition. This organization will
determine appropriate and meaningful recognition on an individual basis for our interns.
2.9 Expenses
Your Organization will reimburse out-of-pocket expenses of interns with prior approval.
Anticipated expenses are to be discussed with your supervisor. If mileage is claimed, it will
be reimbursed at the employee mileage rate of your rate/kilometer.
Every intern will work with and be accountable to a supervising employee or volunteer.
Your Organization provides all interns with appropriate information, training, guidance, and
equipment to successfully carry out their duties. Your Organization has insurance coverage
for interns engaged in Your Organization business, within boundaries set out in the intern’s
position description and/or letter of agreement.
A Your Organization employee or volunteer is responsible for providing the following
documents and information at the beginning of the intern’s involvement:
Position Description
Letter of Agreement
Orientation to Your Organization and program information
All interns are requested to complete the appropriate paperwork. Please notify your
supervisor/internal contact person of any change of address or contact information.
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Representation of Your Organization
Interns are authorized to act as representatives of the organization as specifically indicated
within their position descriptions, terms of reference, or Letter of Agreement and only to
the extent of such written specifications.
Professional Service
Interns shall not perform professional services for which certification or a license is required
unless currently certified or licensed and insured to do so, and such duties are part of the
intern’s role.
Interns must consult with the organization prior to any media action or statement with
reference to, or affecting, Your Organization.
When identifiable as a part of Your Organization, interns shall not join lobbying efforts of
other organizations, or enter into any agreements involving contractual or other financial
obligations, without specific written direction from Your Organization.
Compensation & Gifts
Your Organization interns will not receive honorariums apart from the bursary awarded by
Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education. Through their work with Your Organization,
interns may be offered gifts. Gifts of a nominal value given as a token of appreciation are
acceptable. Gifts given in expectation of any consideration, or of significant value, must be
respectfully turned down with an indication the acceptance of such gifts is contrary to Your
Organization policy.
Conflict of Interest
Your Organization prides itself on providing efficient, professional and confidential services
to its member organizations and the community. Interns of Your Organization must observe
the highest standard of ethics. All interns should avoid any activities that may affect the
integrity and reputation of Your Organization.
An intern must avoid personal conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest occurs when an
intern has an opportunity to benefit or gain personally from participation in an external
endeavor that is in competition with Your Organization. A conflict of interest also occurs
when an intern’s family or friends have an opportunity to benefit or gain personally from
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services provided to Your Organization where the employee has the capacity to authorize
such services. An intern is obligated to disclose conflicts or any perceived conflicts
immediately to their internal contact person.
Conflict Resolution
Your Organization ensures fair treatment of its interns. Your Organization will respond to
concerns in a timely manner. When an intern is in conflict with another intern, a volunteer
or paid employee, s/he is encouraged to first raise the concern with the person directly
whenever possible and appropriate. If this first step is not possible or effective, the intern
will raise the concern with their supervisor. The supervisor will mediate a solution, and
involve other members of their organization as appropriate (ie: Executive Director).
If the intern wishes to initiate a formal complaint, s/he must submit it in writing directly to
Volunteer Alberta the details of the conflict and the steps already undertaken to resolve the
Please see Appendix 2 for more information
Interns who do not adhere to the policies and processes of the organization, or who fail to
satisfactorily perform their role may be subject to dismissal. An intern will not be dismissed
until the organization has notified Volunteer Alberta with appropriate documentation of the
process undertake to resolve the conflict. Wherever possible, Your Organization will
endeavor to take progressive corrective action.
However, grounds for immediate dismissal may include, but are not limited to: abuse or
mistreatment of clients or colleagues, failure to abide by organization policies and
principles, theft of property or deliberate misuse of organization equipment or materials, or
being intoxicated while actively at work.
Dependent on the circumstances of the dismissal, an intern may be eligible to apply for
another SCiP internship. Otherwise, dismissed interns will not receive a bursary.
Please see Appendix 2 for more information
Interns have the right to resign from their role. Your Organization requests interns who
intend to resign provide advance notice of their departure and a reason for their decision.
Whenever possible, the supervisor will conduct an exit interview with the intern. Interns
forfeit their bursary upon resignation.
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Dependent on the circumstances of the resignation, an intern may be eligible to apply for
another SCiP internship.
Please see Appendix 2 for more information
SCiP Program Evaluation
Volunteer Alberta seeks to learn from your experiences as a SCiP intern to improve the
program in future years. You will be asked to complete an online survey upon completion of
your internship.
Internship Completion
Upon completion of the internship, the organization and student will both be required to
submit the appropriate documents to Volunteer Alberta. Students will also be required to
submit proof that they were registered at one of the 26 qualifying institutions during the
academic year in which their internship took place.
It is the responsibility of the student to request this proof of enrolment from their school,
and provide it to Volunteer Alberta. International students must also provide proof of a
valid Off-Campus Work Permit.
Bursary applications are processed by the Government of Alberta once a month.
Applications received at Volunteer Alberta after the 12th of each month (or last business day
before the 12th if it falls on a weekend) will be processed the next month. The processing
date is subject to change by Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education without notice.
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