Name: Date: The Odyssey by Homer English Nine Literary Analysis

English Nine Literary Analysis
The Odyssey by Homer
Task: Using the chunking method, respond to ONE of the following prompts using specific,
supporting details from the text (concrete details) with proper citations and your ideas
(commentary). Your essay must be 5+ paragraphs in length, typed, double spaced, Times New
Roman size 12 font, with MLA heading and a creative title centered.
Homer’s The Odyssey is an epic poem telling the story of
Odysseus’ journey home. What traits does Odysseus
possess that make him an epic hero? Give specific details
from the text to support your ideas.
Step One: Choose a prompt
In Homer’s The Odyssey, analyze Odysseus as a leader.
What traits does he possess that make him a strong leader,
and what flaws cause him to be a weak leader? Explain
how these traits impacted his decisions/actions.
Step Two: Write Thesis (author, title, topic, and point) Remember it is ONE sentence at the end
of introduction paragraph
Step Three: Gather Facts from the text and include page numbers (2 facts per paragraph)- look
at your points in thesis for guidance. Look up examples that support those points. These are
Concrete Details! Remember concrete details are summaries, quotes, retelling details directly
from the text! Choose the best details from the text! Be selective!!!
Step Four: Drafting Outline: FOLLOW THE CHUNKING FORMAT
Introduction Paragraph #1
Attention Getter (be creative, express general idea about topic) :
Connecting Sentences (lead into the actual text in relation to the attention getter):
Thesis (include author, title, topic, and your point):
MLA Reminders
Don’t (s)
Left side heading
1st person pronouns (I, me, my, us, we, our)
Double Space
2nd person pronouns (you, your)
Creative title centered
“I think”
12 Point font
Times New Roman font
Complete Sentences
Body Paragraph One (First Point from thesis)
Topic Sentence
1 Concrete Detail ( supporting point with page citation at end in parenthesis)
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided)
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided)
1 Concrete Detail ( supporting point with page citation at end in parenthesis)
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided)
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided)
Closing Sentence (make significant inferences about the points made
Reminder: Use transitions as needed (use a variety)
Concrete Details: For example, Specifically, In particular, Particularly, Distinctively, For instance,
Commentary: This shows that, This means, In other words, The significance of this, This is important, In essence,
Looking further into this character, Furthermore, Therefore ,
USE SENTENCE VARIETY (SIMPLE, COMPLEX, COMPOUND) although, since, if, even though
Body Paragraph Two
Topic Sentence
1 Concrete Detail (supporting point with page citation at end in parenthesis) show the fact
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided) tell about fact
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided) tell about fact
1 Concrete Detail ( supporting point with page citation at end in parenthesis) show the fact
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided) tell about fact
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided) tell about fact
Closing Sentence (make significant inferences about the points made
Reminder: Use transitions as needed (use a variety)
Concrete Details: For example, Specifically, In particular, Particularly, Distinctively, For instance,
Commentary: This shows that, This means, In other words, The significance of this, This is important, In essence,
Looking further into this character, Furthermore, Therefore , USE SENTENCE VARIETY (SIMPLE, COMPLEX,
COMPOUND) although, since, if, even though
Body Paragraph Three
Topic Sentence
1 Concrete Detail (supporting point with page citation at end in parenthesis) show the fact
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided) tell about fact
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided) tell about fact
1 Concrete Detail (supporting point with page citation at end in parenthesis) show the fact
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided) tell about fact
Commentary (your ideas, explanations, reactions, response to the detail provided) tell about fact
Closing Sentence (make significant inferences about the points made
Reminder: Use transitions as needed (use a variety)
Concrete Details: For example, Specifically, In particular, Particularly, Distinctively, For instance,
Commentary: This shows that, This means, In other words, The significance of this, This is important, In essence,
Looking further into this character, Furthermore, Therefore ,
USE SENTENCE VARIETY (SIMPLE, COMPLEX, COMPOUND) although, since, if, even though
Closing Paragraph (Do not simply restate thesis statement), but THINK AND EXPRESS
Begin with a transitional word or phrase or a complex sentence beginning with a subordinating
Avoid: To sum up, all in all, in conclusion, in closing
Draw One Broad Conclusion (Inference) about your topic
Draw a conclusion about first point in thesis
Draw a conclusion about second point in thesis
Draw a conclusion about third + point(s) in thesis
Give one final, deep, meaningful inference (conclusion about your topic)
Do not introduce new facts (this is more of a final reflective paragraph)
Avoid: That is why, This is how, To sum up, To summarize, I believe, I think
Revise, edit, and then type
Edit one more time and print.!
Turn in on due date _________
1. Rubric on top
2. Final draft
3. This prewrite packet