Chapter 8: “Missing Persons”

Use complete sentences to answer each question.
Chapter 7: “The Bot”
1. What is the reason Talon doesn’t carry a flashlight?
2. Describe a throg.
3. Alligator meat had once been a staple of Downside existence, but
alligator hadn’t been seen on a dinner table for more than 10
years. What happened?
4. What was the present food staple for Downsiders (this staple lives
in the Bot)?
5. Talon and Lindsay were almost killed by a stampede of this fierce
and light sensitive herd, including a very large Angus. How and
why were they saved?
Chapter 8: “Missing Persons”
1. Where did Talon take Lindsay after they left the Downside?
2. Lindsay questioned The Champ about if he knew how the
Downside began. The Champ said he didn’t’ know anything for
sure and felt that some things were best left unknown, but did
provide Lindsay with one piece of information. What was it?
3. Lindsay asked her father if he’d ever heard the name of the man
The Champ had told her. Although surprised, what did he tell
Lindsay about this man?
4. Talon had some feelings of regret in regards to bringing Lindsay
into the Downside. It was more than bending the rules – it was a
cardinal offense. Why did this concern him?
5. What was Talon’s father’s profession?
6. Lindsay has a lot of questions about who the Downsiders are, and
Talon has a lot of questions about himself. Are these answered?
7. Is the way Talon and Lindsay move around NYC believable? Why?
8. What do you predict will happen?
Chapter 9: “Low Justice”
1. What does Railborn tell the Wise Advisor?
2. Why do you think Railborn wants a duo instead of a trio on their
3. What two things does Railborn think will be Talon’s punishment?
4. Railborn thinks Talon will thank him one day. For what reason
does Railborn think Talon will thank him?
5. What job does the Wise Advisor say Railborn is the perfect fit for?
6. Why do you think Railborn tells on his friend, Talon?
7. What is Talon’s actual sentence?
8. How does Railborn feel about this setence?
9. What do you think the line “just a few words spoken to the wrong
person could crush a person’s world” means to Railborn? To Talon?
To you or us?
Ch. 10:
Ch. 11:
Ch. 12:
Ch. 13:
Chapter 14: “20,000 Leagues Under the Earth” Date Due ______________
1. Lindsay searched through years of microfilm and finally found information on
the mysterious Alfred Ely Beach. List as much of the information as you can.
2. If Beach’s underground train was so successful and was considered one of
the most important inventions of the age – why didn’t anyone know about it?
What happened?
3. What happened to The Champ’s home?
4. What was Lindsay’s theory on the creation of the Downside?
Chapter 15: “Who Died and Left You Most Beloved?” Date Due ________________
1. How many Downsiders convened in the Hall of Action?
2. What did Railborn suggest the Downsiders do to retaliate against the Topside
3. “It was a moment of legend – but moments have a way of fizzling just as
quickly as they flare.” What did this quote from page 176 mean?
4. The Wise Advisors feared that Talon would turn the Downside population
against them. Therefore, they put Railborn in charge of Talon’s fate. What was
Railborn’s decision?
Chapter 16: “Festival of Outrages” Date Due ___________________
1. Who did the city of New York blame for the failure of all utilities and why?
2. How did the Topside/city react to the lack of utilities? Was this what the
Downside had thought would happen?
3. Why did the Downside woman and guard take Lindsay to Talon?
4. What happened to Gutta?
Chapter 17: “Vessels of the Soul” Date Due ______________
1. Gutta was badly hurt from the explosion the Topside utility workers had
caused. Railborn had to make a decision to save her. What decision did he
make and why?
2. If no one had entered the Chamber of First Runes for decades, why did the
sentries allow Talon to enter?
3. Talon learned the disappointing truth of the Downside history. When he left
the First Runes, why did he gather as many Downsiders as he could?
Chapter 18: “The Left Half of Memory” Date Due ________________
1. Explain the quote, “The way we die is the way we are remembered.” From
page 211.
2. Talon felt that “The Fates” had spoken to him. What was the only way to save
the Downside? Be specific!
3. Lindsay was excited and pleased that she had uncovered the truth of how
the Downside came to be. However, what had she also done to the Downside
by exposing the truth?
4. What happened to Lindsay’s father?
5. What did Lindsay share with her father to bridge the distance between them?
Chapter 19: “Fire in the Hole” Date Due ___________________
Write a summary of Chapter 19.