Charles Olbon Elementary School

Charles Olbon Elementary School
50 Lincoln Lane, Woodland Park, NJ 07424
Mrs. Merisa Rosa, Principal
Phone: (973) 317 - 7730
September 9, 2013
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you so much for welcoming me into Woodland Park! These first few days have been a
wonderful experience as I transition into the Charles Olbon school community. The best part
of my first few days has certainly been meeting your amazing children and learning all about
them. I can’t wait to continue to learn and grow with your children each day!
As you are aware, the first few days of school are always joined by a sense of insecurity and
uncertainty, especially as we were working through the growing pains of our new parking lot
area. The safety and security of your children is my number one priority. I am confident that
together, we will ensure that our children continue to be safe as they enter and exit school
each day. To that end, I would like to take the opportunity to share a few updates on
procedures for our Charles Olbon School Community. Thank you in advance for your continued
patience during this transition time. Please also review the attached diagram as a reference
to the procedures explained below. In addition, more information about these procedures can
be found on our school website.
Morning Drop-Off Procedures
The official start of our school day is 8:55am. Please note that effective Tuesday,
September 10th, all students are encouraged to be dropped off in front of the school no
earlier than 8:45am. As you pull into the driveway, please pull up as far forward as possible
to the far end of the school building just past the lower level kindergarten doors. Once pulled
forward, please have your child exit the car safely at the curbside. Please do not get out of
your car or park in front of the school, as this is not a parking area. It is for curbside dropoff & pick-up only. If you choose to park, you may do so by pulling into our new “5-minute
parking zone” which is located past the school building along the sidewalk and fencing at the
opposite side of the school parking lot. Once parked in the “5-minute parking zone”, please be
sure to safely walk your child to the entry doors of the school. For the safety of all
students, all students should attempt to enter through our main entrance, but may enter
through the doors closest to where they were dropped off curbside. A staff member will
always be stationed near each entrance to greet the students as they enter the building.
Staff members will also be stationed inside the hallways to ensure that all students arrive
safely to their homerooms at 8:55am. Any student arriving to school after 9:00am should
report directly to the main office for a late pass.
Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures
Just like the first 3 days of school, all first grade students and Mrs. DeCorte’s class will be
dismissed out of the upper level doors. All second grade students as well as Ms. Perrotta’s
kindergarten students will be dismissed out of the main entrance door. Ms. Tonti’s and Mrs.
Munro’s kindergarten classes will be dismissed out of the gym doors. All other kindergarten
classes, Mrs. Parker’s class, Mrs. Paul-Badini’s class, as well as Mrs. Posthumus’s class will all
be dismissed out of the lower level Kindergarten doors. Please continue to follow the same
parking lot procedures as you will do in the morning. All parents picking up at curbside should
pull up as far forward as possible to the far end of the school building past the main entrance.
If you choose to park in order to pick-up your child, you may do so in the “5-minute parking
zone” and utilize the walkway to meet your child near their assigned exit doors. Staff
members will be stationed outside to help ensure a safe dismissal for all students.
Again, my utmost priority is the safety and security of our students. I hope that the protocol
listed above will support our desire to make every day a positive experience for our students.
Looking forward to a wonderful school year together!
Merisa Rosa