Horse Power Scotland ltd

Horse Power Scotland ltd
Blue Horse Stables, Radernie, Fife,
KY15 7SB
Kirsty 07818516274
Claire 07961 070069
Patron : Lucinda Russell, BSc Hons Psych,
Fife Racehorse Trainer
Company No. 439423
Horse Power Scotland operates from Blue Horse Stables in Radernie. Originally built
as a smiddy with cottages attached it was then derelict when in 1980 Stewart
Adamson bought the site and used it as a base for his work as blacksmith and
welder and converted the rest of the building to house three stables, a feed room, a
20x40 arena, muck heap area and straw shed, in which to keep his own horses.
In 2011 the yard was to play host to Kirsty and Stewarts wedding and the same year
the idea of opening the yard and the horses to helping vulnerable groups was born.
With many years (15) experience in working with horses, Kirsty started her training in
riding schools learning how to teach others before moving into the private sector to
gain more in depth knowledge and practical experience of performance horses.
After marrying Stewart she was in a position to concentrate on the mental make up
of horses, discovering how they really ‘tick’, what is the essence of a horse?
Kirsty undertook various courses, training and made many contacts throughout the
next 12 months in order to establish how to deliver a quality service within the
equine therapy field and whether there was a need for this in the Fife area.
One of these contacts was Claire Martin. Claire comes from a background in mental
health and education, and has worked as a person-centred psychotherapist for the
past twenty years. She is accredited with BACP (British Association for Counselling
and Psychotherapy), and also has a specialist qualification in working with children
and young people. She has worked in a wide range of settings, including the NHS,
Student Counselling, Women’s Aid and Young People’s Counselling Services, and is
particularly experienced in abuse and trauma therapy. As a horse owner for many
years, she has used horses as her own form of ‘therapy’ and grounding, and is
passionate about their ability to enhance our lives
Together Claire and Kirsty manage and operate Horse Power Scotland.
Vision & Mission
Our vision is by allowing access to horses in an innovative and creative way we will
increase our clients’ understanding of how they can change their thought processes
and actions, in order to improve their own impact on the world around them, and so
live more at ease with themselves and others.
We aim to make our service accessible to all, and to reach out to those who are
marginalised, isolated or vulnerable in our local communities.
Horse Power Scotland provides a safe and nurturing environment at Blue Horse
Stables in which individuals and groups can develop a deeper understanding of
themselves and their relationships through interaction with horses.
We offer a dynamic alternative to traditional talking therapy and believe in the power
of bringing people and horses together to release potential, improve mental health
and promote positive change.
Horse Power Scotland ltd
@ Blue Horse Stables
There are three methods we can use depending on the clients situation or
1. HORSEMANSHIP - We will choose an activity based on recognised methods
of caring for a horse.
2. TASKS – Using various props or equipment we ask the client to set up a
situation and complete the activity including the horses.
3. MINDFUL – Giving the opportunity to observe horses and project any feeling
that arise based on those observations.
The horsemanship session is well suited to younger clients, those who feel more
comfortable being given a lot of direction or if they are very unsure about horses, I
think of it as a sort of ice breaker. The bigger picture is always to take people out of
their comfort zone and have them adopt new or different attitudes, but for some
clients it is best to do so gradually as apposed to throwing them in at the deep end.
Also can be used if the client needs a ‘time out’ by way of taking the mental pressure
off, it can offer a period of processing time if required.
Horsemanship covers grooming, washing, lunging, feeding, catching, etc.
Giving clients tasks to do always raises some eyebrows initially! Using anything from
jump poles to waving flags we have many tasks that we can implement. The focus
for us is how the client interprets the task, how they use the equipment, how they
consider the horse’s reactions and what metaphors are projected onto both by the
Tasks include obstacle courses, races, safe places, extended appendages, most
powerful horse and more!
Of course we don’t have to be DOING anything to or with the horses to receive their
therapeutic benefit. Sometimes slowing ourselves down and bringing ourselves to
live in the moment entirely whilst in the company of the horse(s) is enough. Sounds
simple? It is. By allowing the client the time and the space to observe the horses
they will undoubtedly relate the situation they are witnessing to something relevant to
Although the methods are all different they are all as capable of offering
opportunities for metaphorical reflection, experiential learning and personal
development. Every decision is dictated by the client and whilst we are always
observant of the safety aspect, we find questioning the decision rather than telling
the answer, is a way of staying safe and encouraging self- awareness.
Horse Power Scotland ltd
Those who are familiar with horses recognize and understand the ability of horses to
influence people in incredibly powerful ways. Developing relationships, training,
horsemanship instruction, and caring for the horses naturally affects the people
involved in a positive manner.
The benefits of work ethic, responsibility, assertivness, communication, and healthy
relationships has long been recognized. Horses naturally provide these benefits. The
use of horses is growing and gaining popularity with the rise of new approaches in
working with the horses, including the field of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy.
We are often asked, "Why horses? Why not other animals?"
Horses are large and powerful, which creates a natural opportunity for some to
overcome fear and develop confidence. The size and power of the horse are
naturally intimidating to many people. Accomplishing a task involving the horse, in
spite of those fears, creates confidence and provides for wonderful metaphors when
dealing with other intimidating and challenging situations in life.
Horses are very much like humans in that they are social animals. They have
defined roles within their herds. They would rather be with their peers. They have
distinct personalities, attitudes, and moods. An approach that seems to work with
one horse, does not necessarily work with another. At times, they seem stubborn
and defiant. They like to have fun. In other words, horses provide vast opportunities
for metaphorical learning. Using metaphors, in discussion or activity, is an effective
technique when working with even the most challenging individuals or groups.
Horses require work, whether in caring for them or working with them. In an era
when immediate gratification and the "easy way" are the norm, horses require
people to be engaged in physical and mental work to be successful, a valuable
characteristic in all aspects of life.
Most importantly, horses have the ability to mirror exactly what human body
language is telling them. Many people will complain, "The horse is stubborn. The
horse doesnt like me," etc. But the lesson to be learned is that if they change
themselves, the horses will respond differently. Horses are honest, which makes
them especially powerful messengers.
Horse Power Scotland ltd
@ Blue Horse Stables
"It is the most amazing experience ever and is really worthwhile. It was fun, it made me happy and
everyone should try it" P age 14
“He is thoroughly enjoying his equine therapy & evidencing some benefits regarding the
understanding of what others might be thinking” C care worker
“I was nervous to start with but they let me take my time. They are lovely animals and now I trust
them” A client
“A huge thank you for allowing us the joy of spending time with the lovely Bailey” N care worker
“This is a very quick working method, which has endless possibilities. I look forward to working with
you in the future” C personal coach
“You can see the relationship building in front of your eyes and practically watch the clients selfconfidence growing. Very powerful” T social worker
“I found working with the horses really nice because I like how you get to know them and have a
connection with the horses that is very relaxing. I loved all the cool fun activities with getting the
horse to trust you and respond and realise what you’re wanting it to do.” A age 13
“I am going to come back forever!” S age 10