Davi Bendavid Humanities - NadavBendavidElectronicPortfolioWiki

Davi Bendavid
Prehistory Captions
Gulf of Zula: The Gulf of Zula is located in South Africa.
According to The Real Eve video, ancient, prehistoric
humans lived in The Gulf of Zula. It is dated 125,000 years
ago. They found shell tools. They ate clams and fish. It was
a coral reef/clam bar.
Kota Tampan: Kota Tampan is located in the country
of Sumatra. According to The Real Eve video, ancient,
prehistoric humans lived there. Historians found wooden
and stone tools at this site. The site dates 72,000 years ago.
The ground was covered in ash due to a volcanic
eruption. The people who lived there hunted for fish with
spears, in streams and rivers.
Blombos Cave: Many years ago Blombos Cave was
found in South Africa near water, so it makes it easy to fish.
It dates back 70,000 years ago. Blombos cave’s animals
are fish and other animals that we are not sure of,
because there were only bones scattered on the ground.
The tools found in Blombos Cave were bone tools that
were found on the ground, like bone needles and bone
arrowheads. This information is all found in the Our World
Border Cave: 40,000 years ago the people of Border
Cave had to make tools and build their houses with
animal skin. Their tools were made of bone. People that
lived there ate buffalo, antelope, fish and many more
animals. The cave is on a cliff overlooking a grassy valley
with a river. This information is found in the Our World
Czech Republic Towns: The people of the Czech
Republic towns, near the villages of Dolni Vestonice and
Pavlov were Ice Age, or prehistoric people. They ate
mainly meat, from hares and other small furbearing
animals, that was made into stews and gruel. They used
many sophisticated tools. They used hot rocks, that they
put in pits, to cook their food. They also made ceramic or
clay tools, nets for catching animals, and bags, baskets,
blankets and cloth. I got all this information from the
People Like Us National Geographic article.
Mezhrich, Ukraine: In Mezhirch Urkraine, there is a
village made up of huts made with mammoth bones. It
dates back 15,000 years ago. The people who lived there
were prehistoric. They depend on the mammoths who
roamed the land for food, hides, and shelter.
Archeologists found mammoth bones, so we had proof
that there were hundreds of mammoth in the land. We
found this all in the people like us National Geographic