Minutes - Alabama Clean Water Partnership

July 22, 2015 10am - Noon
Camp Meadowbrook
2344 County Road 747, Cullman, AL
Johnnie Johnston
Robert Harbison, Alabama Resource Conservation & Development Councils
Len Simmons, Alabama Power
Jim Jeter, Alabama Forestry Commission
Abner Patton, Patton Geologics (Lower Sub-basin Chair)
Stuart Blackwell, Goodwyn Mills & Cawood
Direcus Cooper, City of Birmingham
Tom Miller, City of Birmingham
Kellie Johnston, BWCWP Facilitator
Johnnie Johnston, Sewage Equipment Sales & Service (Chairman-Steering Committee)
Mike Roden, Alabama Mountains, Rivers & Valleys RC&D
Jof Mehaffey, Goodwyn Mills & Cawood
Deb Widner, Cullman S&WCD
Edwin Carter, Cullman S&WCD
Travis Kress, Cullman S&WCD
Minutes from the May 19, 2015 meeting were approved (1st Simmons, 2nd Jeter)
ACWP Activity: Handout prepared by Allison Jenkins (Attachment A)
North River Activity: (Attachment C) Abner Patton reported that 55 sediment basins have
been installed to date, 2 forest re-planting projects, submitted by USDA/NRCS, were
approve and one pending. North River Booklet was provided to the Committee.
 ACWP EPA Grant: Waters to the Sea Kiosks
Allison J. presented excerpts of Waters to the Sea educational activities that will be included
in free-standing kiosks. The kiosks will support education and outreach initiatives. Allison J.
solicited recommendations for placement in the Black Warrior Basin.
Facilitator Report (Attachment B)
STEPL Workshop: The facilitator coordinated a STEPL workshop, July 14, 2015 at the offices
of the Cullman County Economic Development. The curriculum was developed and
The Black Warrior Clean Water Partnership is a part of the Alabama Clean Water Partnership. The Clean Water
Partnership is a neutral forum to share information among stakeholders and has adopted a non-advocacy policy.
This project was funded or partially funded by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management through a
Clean Water Act Section 319(h) nonpoint source grant provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency –
Region 4.
presented by Carmen Yelle and Missy Middlebrooks, both from ADEM Office of Education
and Outreach. The workshop provided training to six (6) individuals who are currently
managing 319 grants or expect to apply for a 319 grant in the future.
ACWP Educational Kiosk: The ACWP has an EPA to provide educational kiosks with the
Waters to the Sea Discovering Alabama curriculum. The kiosks will be placed in areas
accessible by the public and will be moved throughout the basin. The facilitator has
partnered with the Village Creek Society and the City of Birmingham to identify suitable
2015-2016 ACWP Facilitator Contract: The Facilitator provided a copy of the 2015-2016
contract. It is uncertain if ADEM/EPA will be able to continue funding the ACWP through
319 funds. Fundraising may be necessary. The Facilitator stated that the facilitator position
may be supplemented from the development of project-specific grants/contracts.
Alabama Forestry Commission: Jim Jeter reported that the AFC is working to interpret and
comply with new regulations (i.e. Waters of the US, and US F&WS Threatened and
Endangered Species listings.
AFC counterparts in other States, along with the Rural Water Association, are trying to
quantify connections between healthy, forested watersheds and clean water. Costs for
water treatment at the Berry Water Plant (North River Grant) has provided an excellent
example for consideration.
October 21, 2015 10am – noon:
Hosted by: Goodwyn Mills & Cawood
2701 1st Avenue South
Suite 100
Birmingham, AL 35203
The Black Warrior Clean Water Partnership is a part of the Alabama Clean Water Partnership. The Clean Water
Partnership is a neutral forum to share information among stakeholders and has adopted a non-advocacy policy.
This project was funded or partially funded by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management through a
Clean Water Act Section 319(h) nonpoint source grant provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency –
Region 4.
Statewide Update ~ July 2015
Black Warrior River Basin
Mark your calendar and plan to attend: ACWP Watershed Conference – December
9th, 2015 at the NaturePlex at the Alabama Wildlife Federation’s Lanark in
Millbrook. Focus to be on MS4s.
ACWP Funding Update – ADEM 319 funding for 2016 ACWP Basin Facilitation is at this
time unknown; The board is involved in strategic planning and seeking new partnering
opportunities, working to diversify its funding base and actively soliciting basin and
statewide sponsorships in support of facilitation and basin projects. Contact Allison or
Kellie for additional details regarding this great opportunity.
Educational Kiosk Project – The ACWP has begun the placement of the touch screen
kiosks highlighting Mobile Bay NEP’s Too Rich for Gulf Waters Redfish Tale and the
ACWP’s Waters to the Sea: Discovering Alabama interactive DVD. The two-year project
is placing touch screen kiosks at informal environmental centers in each of the major
river basins draining to Mobile Bay. Project partners include Hamline University, Mobile
Bay NEP, USEPA, ADEM, Alabama Power Company, and Montgomery Water Works. If
you have an idea of a neat location for kiosk placement please let Kellie know.
Invasive Species App – The Southeast Early Detection Network (SEEDN) website helps
you identify and report invasive plants, animals, insects and plant pathogens in the
Southeastern United States. An app is available for both Apple and Android phones that
assists in identification and reporting of invasive species. To learn more about SEEDN
and get the App, go to http://www.eddmaps.org/southeast/
Stream Prioritization Project - The ACWP, in partnership with the USDA Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and basin stakeholders, continues to solicit
nominations of streams needing “attention.” New nominations are being reviewed and
added to the already developed prioritized basin and statewide watershed lists (at the
12 digit hydrologic code [HUC] level) covering three categories: Ag/Forestry Impacts,
Urban Impacts and Aquatic Resource Concerns. The lists are being used as a guide by
NRCS for implementation of their various programs and by stakeholders to assist with
Waters to the Sea: Discovering Alabama - The ACWP has completed the DVD program
and has begun distribution to educators across the state through water festivals,
teacher workshops and the educational kiosk project. Local partners and municipalities
with MS4 permits are encouraged to purchase and distribute as a way of meeting their
Public Education & Outreach requirements. Contact Allison or Kellie for additional details.
Alabama Rivers & Streams Network/Strategic Habitat Project – The ACWP is partnering
with the Alabama Stream & River Network (Mobile River Basin Coalition, US Fish & Wildlife
Service, Geological Survey of Alabama, AL Department of Conservation – AL Aquatic
Biodiversity Center, AL Forestry Commission and other partners) in outreach efforts
designed to educate the public in designated watersheds where habitat protection efforts
including species delisting and/or reintroduction of species are anticipated. Down-listing or
de-listing of threatened and/or endangered species is the desired end result of this project.
Rain Barrel Workshops, Pet Waste Stations in local parks, Prescription Drug Take Back
events, Dirt Road Workshops, Electronics Recycling Events, and Litter Clean Up Events
are just a few of the events/projects that the ACWP can implement to educate local citizens
and help partners meet their clean water goals. Check with Kellie or Allison to find out how
easy it can be with assistance from the ACWP!
ACWP 2015 Board of Directors Meetings
September 9 (AWRC, Orange Beach), December 9 in conjunction with Watershed Conference
(AWF, Millbrook)
Allison Jenkins' Contact Info: (205) 266-6285; coordinator@cleanwaterpartnership.org
July 22, 2015
PREPARED FOR: Black Warrior CWP Steering Committee
Assisting Cullman County Soil & Water Conservation District in preparing a 319 proposal for
the Brindley Creek Watershed. Assistance includes 1) completing the draft watershed
management plan to include updated information provided by the project and the recently
finalized TMDL and, 2) forecasting load and load reductions from proposed 319 BMPs.
Assisting North Alabama Regional Planning Commission in developing a watershed
management plan for Ryan Creek (Cullman). Assistance will include recommending and
final editing.
Continuing to provide support for the North River Watershed Management Plan
o North River Booklet
Turkey Creek SHU: Facilitating coordination of stakeholders in the Turkey Creek Watershed
to improve current and future conditions for strategic habitat.
Participating in the City of Birmingham’s effort to develop a watershed management plan
for Village Creek.
Initiated and hosted a STEPL workshop to develop capacity for other ADEM 319 recipients.
North River Watershed Management Plan
Coordinator Report – July 15, 2015
WaterFest 2016
 Planning meeting scheduled for July 27, 1pm Museum Conference Room. Attendees to
include Sanderford, Friel, Sorlie, Hester and MWP. Date and planning timeline will be
Website Update
West Honeycutt, the original website designer in 2012, has started the re-design of the website.
Photos taken during Interim 2015 by student participant Jonathan Norris have been uploaded
to Dropbox for inclusion. Other materials will be added as appropriate.
UA Watershed Class GY-385 Interim 2015 students Maggie Paul and Chris Cochrane were
interviewed on July 1, 2015 for the Discovering Alabama documentary.
Student presentation was forwarded to Bennett Bearden on June 29, 2015.
Patton Geologics/GSA - BMPs in Fayette County and Tuscaloosa County
 A total of 53 bmps have been installed
 An estimated 1009 tons of sediment have been retained
 Two new bmps are planned for installation in the period.
 Sediment collection and measurement continuing on existing bmps
 AFP/MWP met July 8 to discuss new bmps
 PON/AFL/MWP met July 9 at GSA to discuss new bmps
 GSA staff carried out stream gaging July 8, 2015.
Upcoming Events
 Clearwater Alabama September 2015 – Coordinator presentation forwarded to Earl Norton
on June 16, 2015. Emphasis on the North River project partnerships.
 Alabama Water Resource Conference September 2015
Ongoing Efforts
 Discovering Alabama documentary in production.
 Source Water Protection Award AWWA – due December 2015
 Alabama Treasured Lake Status for Lake Tuscaloosa – open ended
 Partners (MWP, AFP, Wynn) participating in the City of Tuscaloosa Floodplain Management
Plan - 2nd Meeting held July 8, 2015
 Forestry Workshop possibly Spring 2016 MWP serving on the Tuscaloosa County Natural
Resources Planning Committee. Last meeting held July 9, 2015.
 Semi-Annual Report submitted March 31, 2015
 Next Semi-Annual Report due September 30, 2015